So, I called my alignment guy. He says "I'll set it exactly where you tell me to, because I have no clue and none of my info goes back that far. You do the guessing and ill do the work. You can reguess if you want." Smart move on his part. Ok now what ? I have zero time on a alignment rack. The car is really front heavy too, so if there's some tricks to counter act those effects it would be great. Thanks guys.
I have the factory manual for that car but it is buried so deep in old boxes of books I shudder at the thought of looking for it. See what you can find online, or maybe ask a Mercedes BBS. I do recall that Mercedes had little or no caster. This made the steering sharp and responsive but didn't have much self centering, and they had a steering damper to prevent shimmy. If you can't come up with the answer in a couple of days I will see what I can find. Later.................. Try emailing the Mercedes factory or importer. They will have the info.