Can someone measure the height from the cab floor (inside) to the bottom of the big window glass? I am in the market for bucket seats and my (new to me) truck is still at the PO's place. Thanks!
Just measured for you- Floor to bottom of window gasket-26 1/4" Floor to top of window gasket- 27 1/2" good luck
Awesome thanks! I was able to test fit my stock bench and some mustang seats (1968). The mustang seats would stick about an inch above the glass once brackets were made. That would make for really low seating in the truck. I am going to stick with my stock seat and stock tank and see how it goes once the truck is driven. BTW I am 6'2 for anyone reading and contemplating something similar.
Gribbs. I have a 59 Big Window too. I'll share what I know and ask for more. Don't hesitate to contact me. Chip