Hello, this is my first post. I bought this Brookville Model A chassis and want to put a Ford 200 straight six in it (see photos). The Vega steering box is right in the way of the driver side motor mount, so I'm thinking of making a plate to move it forward. I'll drill and tap the ear from the block (red arrow) and use the original mount holes (black arrows) for the plate so I'll have 3 bolts for strength. Then I'll put my mount in that area of the plate forward of the Vega box. Think that will work? Anybody else done this another way? Disregard the ears for Chevy motor mounts, they will be gone .
Why don't you just build a mount to work with the two existing receivers? Like maybe a flange to the two tapped bolt holes in the block, a piece of tubing and a Polly Bushing end to the tabs on the frame? The Wizzard
Both ides will work wither run the mount over the top of the box or move it the way described. Building the mount over the box like @Pist-n-Broke describes would be clean and you wouldn't have to cut around on the Brookville frame.
Hadn't thought of going over the top, thought that wouldn't look as good. Sure might be easier though. You can't tell from the picture but those tabs would have to be moved back some. Still, that's just as easy as removing them which I would have to do the other way and I already have the polly bushings from the Chevy mounts that were there when I bought the chassis. Thanks for the idea! When I get to the shop tomorrow I'm going to see what that will look like.
Don't have a body yet. Going to be a roadster. The good folks at Brookville gave me all the measurements I need, though.
Thanks for the responses, guys. It's good to hear what some folks with experience think. I ordered some 5" frame tabs so I'll have a lot to work with and I can mock up both options to see what looks best. Thanks again.