This is a re-post and i have confused myself on where to post this in the beginning, so sorry everybody. so i guess let me begin. HI i'm new to Jalopy Journal and i been rummaging through a ton of other conversations and threads but i cant seem to find(probably didn't look hard enough) the exact information i'm looking but i have found a lot of other awesome stuff. I'm trying to find images and or detailed information on how to improve the oiling system of my Model A engine(route oil lines, oil drain holes, so on) believe it was on here i read the stock oiling system fails at 3500 RPM (or some where in that area). I found some images that just don't have enough info for me. i cant upload them all. Thanks!
Buy the book, 4-bangers and me by Jim Brierley. Has all the info you need. His email is
There was a guy from, I think, Waukegan Il selling Model A engines reworked for full pressure lube systems. Don't know if he's still there, but I talked to him probably ~6 or 8 years ago at a swap meet.
I have never been to a swamp meet except for at like the Blue Seude Cruise event in Norwalk, Oh i really need to get out there and just pick peoples brains.
Your question got my interest up so I did a quick search. Couldn't find the guy in Waukegan (he used to advertise in Hemmings), so he may have retired, but I did find a thread on Ryan's other site, The Ford Barn, and links to Burlington Crank out of Texas. They are marketing a full pressure Chinese sourced Model A crankshaft, and should have the information you are looking for.