Really needs to be wet sanded and polished, but even so... it looks great out in the sun. Can't wait to see it with interior.
One more reason I have a "not so smart phone" ( all it does is make telephone calls) and leave it turned off. The only reason I carry the damn thing is for emergencies. I'm a grumpy old man who doesn't care to be "connected" every second of the day and I hate talking on the phone anyway.
Flatty sounds wicked........ Ringtone sucks............. Keith trying to spray you with gravel............priceless.
Keith is just a figure head and a name... Sort of like Queen Elizabeth. I do all the work around here.
How's about a sneak peak of the interior? Cato killin' it... Hoping to get the car back this week so we can do a full on photo shoot this weekend or next week...
This car is Perfect! Love the cover... Any mounting / detail pics on it? Can't wait to see it on the road!
WOW this got away quick! I missed a lot of this build but one thing i,d like to add is something about flatheads i love,is and you see it in the engine fire up! CHASSIS SHAKE! and i,ll explain it like this,everyone knows the stock flathead guy who,s motor runs like a watch,quiet,tick,tick, and they say the v12 lincolns can run that smooth you can stand a coin on end atop the aircleaner and run it without falling sideways.but you make a cranky flathead that gently shakes the car side to side at idle then barks and bites like a homeless hungry street dog,thats what i,ve been addicted too since i was a kid,I absolutely love that change in a flatheads persona when a good cam kicks in,this engine has it,i love it.jeckel and hyde.Nothing irritates me more then a built cammed flathead under driven. Great job Johnny
So the car came back from Cato today. I had planned to do a full photo shoot of the car this week for a feature, but I'm going out of town on Thursday and my schedule got a little too compressed. As such, the photo shoot will have to wait until I get back. Until then, here's some sneak peaks of the interior.