I'm looking for pictures of front end set ups that have a 4" dropped axle running coil overs. I picked up an axle that is made for this set up so I'm interested to see how it looks with the axle under the car, not out front.
They were popular in the 80's but have not been used a lot on traditional Hot Rods lately. Li'l John built this set up for Sharon's sedan and it worked fine.
I found this on an internet search. Basically when you do the axle under the frame the shocks usually angle in from the sides unless the axle it too short then they stand them upright.
Thanks for the pictures guys, it sure helps to be able to see what others have done. This will be an open wheel car so I want to make it look right. I'm building this car with what part I have left over in the shop from previous builds. This is the first time using an axle with coil overs