Just the type of Kustom that holds the factory styling, but cleans it up, enhancing and improving the original designers classic coupe lines. Nice detail on the front vents next to the grill. Great car to bring back an view again.
This is my friend Brian Nieri's 1940 "LowSalle"... Very much along the lines of the one in the article, a beautifully done, tasteful piece of art for sure... May I add its for sale...
@Jive-Bomber Jay - Cool post! Reminded me of another Bay Area based '40 LaSalle Coupe ... Brian (@PhatCaddy) Nieri's "LOW SALL": at 2012 GG's West Coast Nats (by Russ Beckwith) at 2014 GNRS (by @HEMI32) at 2015 WCK Cruisin' Nats - Santa Maria (by @Tom davison) EDIT: D'oh! ... I see @El Capo beat me to it (i.e., he posted while I was posting).
What great looking automobile. I am not usually a fan of fender skirts but they work incredibly well in this case.
@El Capo , the Black '57 Chrysler you posted on FB a few days ago has history with the HAMBer above, @HEMI32 .
No way!!! That's a badass looking ride man! I gotta look into that history as well. Thanks brother! @PhatCaddy
I keep dreaming of working that LaSalle grill into the front of my '39. I just think it's not vertical enough to pull it off and make it look good.