That does EXACTLY nail my initial idea. Thanks!!! I will be tweaking it, but this makes a better representation of what I was after. Thanks again, Jim
The shape is fine, it is afterall supposed to be cartoonish, right. HIDDEN's version looks great, but I agree with a dash after the Q. Great idea. Now about this club, are there any embarassing initiation festivities, and do they involve sheep...
I gotta go make this happen, but hidden's version does look like what I was after- a cartoon torpedo blended with a shark- to me that's it! Thanks Jim
Need another 2 cents? Lose the two BIG rear fins, but keep the two smaller ones. It'll look more like a torpedo and less like a fish or rocket. Try reversing it too, on a real plaque what's black would be aluminum colored, and what's white would be black -- and change the So Cal to Nor Cal. And yeah, I'll join your club.
Of course you KNOW that Dennis at O'Brien Truckers (59 Buick Wagon on the HAMB) is THE go-to guy for plaques. I'd suggest that you put "At Large" instead of So Cal on it. PM me if you want me to have the guy who carved the Vipers 3-D plaque do your mold. Phil
OK, you forced me into it! Was just going to make 5 plaques- but if you want them I discussed with David who is making them and we can do a limited run for all of you. To get one you will have to show proof of a $5.00 donation (it could be more if you want) to the Hamb and then for $40- I will send you a plaque postage paid in the U.S. lower 48. The detail is SUPER cool! It will be approx. 3 weeks til' they ship, but the original is getting dropped off to the foundry tomorrow morning. David Lopez is a HAMBer that goes by the name "bedslead" for his company Bedslead Kustoms. He does some really bitchin' work with plaques so check him out if you are in the market. OK, now line up because I'm just gonna do 40 pieces at this time. Thanks Jim
So why not put 'H.A.M.B' instead of so-cal (with the boss's blessing). You'd have the biggest f#ckin' car club in the WORLD! If not, sign me up for 'Texas'; you should have a ton of those
That's biting off WAYYY too much! We decided to leave it blank and cast a few for myself later on with my city- leaving it open to your own inscription of location. Sound good?
Just my 2 cents but when I saw the sketch I tought Beatles not hot rods. Make it more aggressive looking or evil. Other than that good idea.
Just now! BobK. was the first in line!!! Thanks Bob. Trust me, the revised version does NOT look like a Beatles cartoon or an angry "marital aid". David knows how to make cool plaques and the really cool part is that it was all done by his hand or mine. These do not have the "robotic" feel some of the modern techniques give off. I like plaques that look like a hot rodder melted the metal himself rather than looking like a high tech lazer etched grave marker- just no warmth in that.
Yeah, the bottom fin will be blank like the top. I know that "immitation is the highest form of- blah, blah, blah..." but I hope that these go into peoples hands that want them and not knocked off into cheap copies stacked up at the swap meet. I expect when I see one a car the person doesn't say "Huh, what's a HAM"- these are a HAMB excluse made by HAMBers for HAMBers.
Oh shit...JAWS 5!!! (In this installment, the shark meets Dr Rudy Wells after Ellen Brody impaled it with a sailboat and comes back as a bionic ichyosaur to terrorize a small Californian hot rodding resort town...) Ha the drawing, Jim!!
I would add one more thing, it needs a pair of spinning slicks in the rear, just behind the bottom fin, so it gives it more of a Hot Rod Feel rather than a fish look. Just my .02 cents. Maybe a little burn out smoke behind the slicks also. Just try it and see. This is very rough, too tired to mess with it, but you get the idea. Bend the nose down also.