I am looking for old monster/weirdo paintings by pinstriping artists such as Von Dutch, Dean Jeffries, Larry Watson and more! These were often painted on the dashboard of custom cars in the 1950s.... I think it's about time to bring these creations back, so post your images below so we can all soak em in! I'll start with some that I have saved on my mac: The Outcast by Von Dutch, painted on the Outcast dragster: A spider painting by Von Dutch: Another Von Dutch painting..looks like a self portrait: The Yeakel Roadster with an upside down painting by Von Dutch: ...something Von Dutch did on the side of the Barris Woodie: Von Dutch paintings on the dashboard of the Buster Litton shoebox...would love to see better photos of this dash: A dragon and roses on the dashboard of Larry Watson's 1950 Chevrolet:
Check out Dean Jeffries' book lot's of this type of art in there. Especially on his high school ride!
You are right page 26 - 29 has the specific pictures but check out page 22-23 he did some rad art work on his '47 Merc. I especially like the hands above the headlights!
Here's a few of my favorites from the book Kustom Kulture printed by the Laguna Art Museum. Big Daddy doing it in style. The two pics of the shirt is by Von Dutch circa 1958. Dutch, also doing it in style!
Every time I see this picture, and think of the story behind it, where Barris left Von Dutch in the shop over night and found this the next morning, I can't help but think Barris was probably really pissed! I would be. After all he was just Von Dutch back then, not VON DUTCH.
Although I'm sure most know this famous and influential 1960 Ed Roth drawing ('85 rework), it's one of my favorites. Drag Nut. "Race?" http://www.denslow.com/edroth/roth_dragnut.html
This was painted by Larry Watson or Von Dutch in 1956 for Bob Schremp's 54 Chevy custom I got of eBay in my collection now
Can someone watch High School Confidential and get a screen shot of the dash board and glove box lid with Von Dutch treatment? I recall it is a 49 Ford and it's the scene of selling marijuana. The hay mow is behind the glove box.
WOW Never noticed the art on that dashboard, id also love to see better pics. Wonder if there are any out there
There's also a thread on here where there was a pickup with a painted tailgate collaboration between Jeffries and Von Dutch I'll try too find a picture