On my trip home this past Saturday between Phoenix and Tucson I saw a black bike with ape hangers that was just awesome. They guy was on I 10 wearing a Sinners shirt...any idea who that might be or pix of the bike?
I was doing probably 85, but yea, it did look like a panhead. Gloss black, biggest ape hangers Ive seen. Not sure though, this guy had a Sinners shirt with the brass knuckles logo on it....
it wasnt me or lucky.....my panhead is satin black, and his is low gloss black,....but our club doesnt use the brass knuckles logo....that is the SoCal Sinners.... we are the SINNERS C.C. DIFFERENT BUT WE DO GOT BAD ASS BIKES!!! chances are it was me though cuz i dont think there is another bike in Arizona with taller apes than my bike!!...lol...seriously 23 1/2" cops love em!
Those are the tallest, gayest bars I have ever seen. Mary Lou Retton called, her team needs to practice for the summer Olympics.
I figure it must have been you or Lucky. He said HE was going 80. How can you expect someone to pick out little details in your AZ shirt when he's gettin passed like that.
Also could have been Straightedge Dave from the Phoenix Chapter, he's got a badass bike too. Yeah, the knucles logo on the back is a Sinners So-Cal member, Not an Az member.
I seen a 31 5 window at the world of wheels in Pheonix awhile back. I think it was a Sinners car and it was for sale. Do you guys know who's it is and if he still has it? The frame was bare metal and cleared. Cool ride.
you would think that by now that some people would have grown a sense of humor and some thicker skin....i dunno?...
I am laughing my ass off. Sorry guys, I have been riding bikes since I was 8 yrs old (35 yrs). I think Ape hangers are just plain stupid. Like wearing one of those visor hats backwards and upside down. Or the baggy pants with your ass hanging out the back, some of these fads will never be cool to me. By the way here is some info some people dont know, the hanging your ass out the rear with the baggy pants, it came from the prisons, it means your available.
I've only been riding harleys for 15 yrs, and dirt bikes for about 8 yrs before that, and i gotta be honest with ya,...last i checked i think i built my bike for ME, NOT YOU????? its ok if you dont like my bars,...cuz their MINE! im sorry that i dont ride with a windsheild and saddle bags but my bike is everything I WANT IT TO BE. whats sweeter than a stripped down 49 panhead? NOTHING!! and i have always rode with tall bars... its just whats comfortable to me. if i was trying to "fit in" i would have one of those "production line" choppers right off the dealer floor with a maltese cross mirror set and matching palm pilot!...fuck that! and frankly...fuck you! smile its the real world!
Boy arent we a little touchy about our little tricycles. Grow up boys. Tall bars are simply put illegal, reason being, they are unsafe. I dont care what you like or dont like, its my opinion, everyone has their likes and dont likes if you dont like it. Then go cry in a corner.
I've never ridden anything with bars higer than my shoulders. Buddy of mine had some that put his hands about as high as his forehead. He caught a bumblebee in the armpit one day. Thought I'd die laughing , he accused me of being insensitive in somewhat colorful language. Another buddy with caught a pheasant in the chest one day. That one scared the crap out of him, I thought he was a goner. It rocked him back, hands lost their grip, he went flat on the bike, and his legs caught the bars. He got right back up real quick, stopped almost as quick, and laid down on the ground gasping for air. It took about 15-20 minutes before he could get back in the saddle. Biggest bruise I've ever seen in my life, lots of pretty colors. Neither the bee or the pheasant survived. I suggested he pick up the pheasant, take it home, and eat it for revenge. He declined, even though I pointed it that it had been tenderized real good. Also sweeter than a stripped down Pan.....'39 Indian Sport Scout
long handle bars are insane, its actually easier to build your bike up to the length of bars desired, plus the gas tank acts as a windshield.