Just thought these are way too cool to not show. Double the work, but I think its worth it. Love those combo's.
Boats in the Belfry is my best buddy Kevin up in Rockton Illinois. Unfortunately I introduced him to my cousin. Now Kevin is not working on anything but my cousin. He has some of the coolest projects started, but unless he clones himself I doubt he will ever get anything done.
Every time I see one of those, I think I should have one. Then I think "What am I going to do with a boat? I don't live on a lake." Yet still, I find myself drawn to them. I think alot of them would be cooler with inboard motors though, it maintains the space ship look with cleaner lines.
Hey if anyone out there wants or is looking for something to match up. I have a 16 ft 1955 Bell Boy cuddy cabin for sale cheap. Its very rare and may be the only one left. I havent seen another one anywhere. $500 with a 65 hp Evinrude motor. Pm me or email me.
Many years ago, I saw several fiberglass trailer/boat combos that were shaped like the roofline of a '52-'54 Ford wagon. They used Ford tail lights, and had wheel wells that matched the Ford. The roof lifted off to become a boat, and the few I saw were painted to match the tow car ... if anyone has one or pictures, I'd sure love to see one again ... Thanks, 302
Guy had a nice one at the Roundup last year, $2500 with the trailer, with the engine stringers already reinforced.
there was a guy round here who had a 57 Chevy and then a mini go kart version on a trailer fo a while- too cool. That boat is rockin'
kinda what i was thinkin... five hunny for a boat WITH motor??? its either missin a zero to the left of the decimal, or its rotten to the gunwales
Yeah thats it in the picture, it needs to be restored. It needs a new transome, and just to be sure I was going to cut out the floors and check if the stringers need to be replaced. If I dont sell it before it warms up more, I will just fix it myself. It would only take about 3 days to do. The Mercury engine was sold, I do have a 65 Hp Evinrude that I bought for it. I dont know what all this engine needs, its not froze up and the person I bought it from said it ran good before sitting after her husband died. I have bought a few things to add to it. Power motor lift, and a Teak little ships wheel. It has a real heavy duty trailer with a cool tilt on the rear for having to reach out into shallow water. The rollers need to be adjusted on the trailer. I wanted to have it painted to match my rod, you dont see 1955 boats still around. Lots of 1957 and newer only.
"Gilligan......!!!!!!" Don't get me started.... But I always wanted to pull a 1936 ChrisCraft behind a 1936 Ford Woody...!!!!!!! I love to have this Sea Maid pulled by a 56 Chevy that has the same colors as the interior of this boat...! Just beautiful...!
I want to pull this first one behind me, its a Cadillac Sea Lark, only one in existance. I am trying to get my buddy to pop off a mold from it. Drag racing old boats, thats got to be fun. Check out the double cock-pit batmobile boat, totally awesome. Last boat is fiberglass, check out the rear end, looks just like a car with a trunk.