The Winter months are behind us, and its time to gather at Sparky's Burgers in the Oakland Hills again... This Friday, April 16th I like to take up all their parking spots with good cars, so GET YOUR OLD RIDES OUT, WILL YA?-- And pass the word to other old car guys. Sparky's Giant Burgers @ 6:30 pm, 4/16 4120 Redwood Rd. Oakland, CA 94619 (510) 531-5617 Who's In?
Nothing like a bitch-n greasy burger...... I would go but I need to get the front end realigned on the longroof.
I'd love to be there, but I have been up since 1.30am, and I start again tomorrow at 3am...Sorry Jay, hope its a good turnout for ya!
We'll do another Sparky's in May or June... I'll let everybody know when we have a date locked in. For those who missed, here's some pics by Pontiac Pat taken last night:
Very cool Guys! Thanks for the updates Look forword to coming . WILD 55 and a Alfa guy incase you are wondering who this is.... Take Care So glad to get in on a post so i Know.