What are the basic differences of Flathead Ford v8 flywheels 49-53 versus 32-48 and are they interchangeable? How do you tell them apart?
Early wheel on late block would solve big problem, but it will lock up against cam cover in back... starter gear depth off, friction surface off a bit too. Quick way to distinguish is slightly narrower gear on late, you can also measure face difference if you block them up at center on same height blocks and measure up to friction face.
There is an easier way to find out what you have. 59a wheel has blind pressure plate bolt holes. 8ba wheel pressure plate bolt holes go completely through.Easy as that no measuring and easy to tell especially at a swap meet. T
Having messed with FLATMOTORS for over 55 years,I want to thank the tig master from up north for his easy way to distinguish early vs late flywheels(at a glance, no less; no measuring required) early has blind clutch holes,late goes thru flywheel. Thanks again to all who answered my question.
I'm new to building cars so please be patient. Bought my truck almost two years ago and what I trailered home isn't what I bought if you know what I mean. I have purchased a French Flathead block and am in the process of putting it together. George McNicholl says to use a 46-48 flywheel for this block. What is the difference between a 32-48 flywheel and a 46-48 flywheel, seeing I'm having a hell of a time finding a 46-48 flywheel.
Up to around 1940 (maybe all the way up into the war?) the flywheels had a large ring/shoulder around the outer edge. It shrouded the outer of the clutch. Pretty sure this was discontinued during the war time production. If you find a good '40 flywheel the ring can be turned off in a lathe and rebalanced, and it will be the same result as a '48 flywheel.