Master cylinder needs replacing. I know the high end '60 models came with pb so I would assume I can buy a bolt in set up, right? Never worked on or looked for Buick parts. Any suggestions or links would be appreciated. This is my girlfriends car she just got last will be posted tonight.
I don't have my Hollander handy but, if it's close to a 64, the 67 and later M/C and booster is pretty much a bolt in.
I would be the unofficial 59-60 Buick guy. I have both a 59 and 60 LeSabre, and soon to have another 60. Mine are a 4dr sedan, 4dr HT, and another 4dr sedan. Bet you found a 2dr HT for super cheap. Bastards, I want a 2dr HT!!!! Anyway, yes, they did come with power brakes. No, you don't want to use the original setup. It bolts up, sure, but you're limited to a single chamber master cylinder, which means if you lose brakes at one wheel, you lose em ALL. And not to mention the rarity of a working booster, plus the fact that they're EXPENSIVE as hell. What I did: Booster and MC off a 69 Chevy caprice with drums all 4 corners. Booster and MC cost about $110 or so from parts store. Do a little grinding, a little drilling, and bolt them up to your existing non-power brake mounting spot. Bend you a couple new lines to take advantage of the new dual MC, hook up a vacuum source, and you're done.
Hey Fraz can you post a pic of that ? Still need to upgrade mine and would like to see how that 69 caprice fit ?
You gotta love the floor mounted MAster cylinders for these bad boys. I have 2 59 Buicks and it's a treat to werk on the brakes.
Hello Gentlemen. I have just ordered the Caprice MC (O'Reileys PN 50-1101) to do this conversion on a 1960 LeSabre. Does this set up not require a proportioning valve?
Just about got everything together for the swap. I suppose I will trial and error and hope the distribution of power is correct with the Caprice MC, and add a proportioning valve afterwards if need be. Any tips on relocating the brake warning sensor?