Took a trip up to the land of tumbleweeds and jackpumps yesterday to get a pos old cab that I should not have bought. on the way I swung into Shamrock, and had to come back for pics, I had heard from the guy in Pampa that Flattop Bob at Owens salvage had sold out to someone else??? one of those few places left with the old stuff. But the old guy in Shamrock is still around -nice guy too-Mr Woodruff, and he will talk to you about buying his stuff, and on the east side of old 66 in town, another stash of old heaps, a nice 37 chevy winch truck parked next to the landmark Conoco station~~ and right behind the truck, I had to blink to make sure I was seeing ............... Looks like Elon Musk figured Shamrock-and old 66- needed a little more 21st century twist , there's a row of Tesla charging "pumps" on the NE side of the vintage Conoco station
Shamrock, Texas......does that bring back memories. In 1967 had just finished up our AIT course at Fort Eustis, Va. Had 30 days leave. A friend of mine told us he had room for 4 of us as he was going to drive to Cal (where I was living at the time) so me and three other GI's took him up on it. He, his wife and the other four of us took off heading west in his '54 Ford Y block powered 4 door. We did real well until a couple of miles past Shamrock when the left rear tire let go. We all jumped out and had the tire off in a few minutes but......yeah, no spare. Our driver and another fellow crossed the medium and flagged down a transport and we watched them drive away. About an hour and a half later in another transport they arrived with the spare. Had it on in a few minutes and away we went......well, for about a few hundred yards when that tire also blew. Seems it was a very poorly done recap. Another transport back to Shamrock. This time I went with him. We pooled some money and bought a cheap new tire. Back to the car and on our way. Made it to Albuquerque, NM when that old Y block gave up the ghost. The four of us bought bus tickets for the rest of the way home but our driver putted off and returned with a '50 Buick HT with no side windows. This is NM in July! We cashed in our tickets and jumped in. With all of that we made it home in a total of 2 1/2 days of pretty much non stop driving! I have been back to Shamrock several times on my way to visit back in that Conoco station!
My grand father raised his family in Perryton Tx- sort of by accident. Just before the 29 crash the orchard in _flat rock Mo failed, and my grandmother decided the family would try to make it to Ca.... they broke down in Perryton-at the top of Texas on hwy 83, the N/S hwy going thru Shamrock, just in time for the dust bowl........ We went thru there every yr at least once visiting. One evening Dad stopped at a garage on the east side of 66 to get something done to the car, and the guy who owned the shop was telling us of his UFO sighting on the east side of town
I like Shamrock, TX and have to pull in for a photo op whenever passing thru, which is several times a year it seems. I spent time discussing the museum there with its director. He said that the towns leadership didn't want an exit from I-40 when they constructed it. Hard to believe that attitude with the gem of a place that they have there. I can resist everything but temptation so I had to charge the car when I saw the Tesla charging stations. Way cool tow truck