Hey guys I need some help on a chop on my 1927 coupe. Seems easy enuf just strait down right, well the A and B posts narrow at the top, that's not what bothers me much the part that I'm having trouble understanding is the window line, it also narrows at the top. Is there any chance that someone would have some pictures of a chop they have done to correct the window lines or any advice. Thanks in advance
Thanks xtrom that's along the lines of what I was thinking but got confused by another way I saw it done.
Okay, That's not a Model T cowl. The rest of the body is, but the cowls not. Show us some pictures of the front looking towards the back of the car. Particularly the A pillars & the windshield opening. Some of the problem maybe that you are cutting two different cars that have been spliced together. Thanks
I aligned the beads going down the rear then planished the sail panel until it fit. Had to narrow the middle of the roof section on the front and rear slightly. Worked out nicely!
You have got the right idea in that the window channels are what is important to keep straight. I like to chop them high and then taper the outer door skin around the window. It looks like you have a T body with an A truck windshield and cowl.
I wanted to do something a bit different I know it's been done before and talked about a lot but the car didn't have a tendency cowl on it when I got it so I put a 28-29 pickup cowl and some of the post I to the t. Kind of a weesner cherry pie coupe t&a. I think it worked out great and a lot easier than I expected but the a posts are the original t posts
okay, I see now. It should be a straight forward chop then. Looks good, carry on! Please post some more pictures as you go along. thanks
I like it....but you need something on top of that motor to raise it up....tunnel ram or blower. I prefer the shorty box, but that is a good look.
I was thinking of channeling the body to the bottom of the frame to close the gap a bit, but I would really be into putting a blower on it I've got a friend with a small 371? I think it's what it is I want to try and get it from him after I get this thing on the road
I had this kit over 50? years ago...early 60s I think....anyways, the channel looks better with a big chop like yours, on a T coupe. looking at your rear view pic in post 18, I'd bet an angle channel would look super. Leave the back alone, then bring the front of cowl level with the bottom of the frame rail. Not many people do that these days, but it was done back in the old days. or level channel like the model kit above, if you don't want the angled look
That's pretty cool I've never seen that kit before, I am planning on breaking it all down this winter for a sandblast body work and paint I have been thinking of a channel but my floors are in and I would have change them up as well as new body mounts up front and much more important sure. I wouldn't mint having the front to raked but I sure do enjoy the room inside and the way it rides now! I'm going to have to look for that kit thanks for the post
I hear the room part. I can't bend as good as I could, so I'd have a hard time getting in or out. Speaking of the old days, maybe you read the post a couple days ago about Blackie passing away. Anyways there was a very cool pic of him and another guy posing in the roadster back then, and even though the camera was low, you still saw their knees sticking up in the car. I guess comfort was not the issue with a fancy rod built for the shows like his.
I did see a few posts about it and have seen the picture, we always had a saying a few years back, cool ain't comfortable hahaha riding hard tail bikes and driving old hotrods I sure don't miss that saying
It's hard to tell from the pics, but it looks like you might want to chop the wheelbase a little too!
It is a bit long up front but rides pretty nice I think I'm going to leave this one alone for now its not to ridiculous like some of the suicide set ups however the next build I do I would like to make it factory wheel base and run fenders