I'll go on Saturday. I'm still looking for a pair of 15 X 10 five on 4 1/2 steel wheels for a project AMC sleeper.
I have 2 i'm about to pull off the rear of my sedan.... straight and true with no blemishes at all... 100 bucks for both. Will be available in a week or 2 if you can wait.
I'll be going Friday, looking for a trunk lid for a 64 caddy. Also may be going again Sunday with my jet lagged Australian friends. (they arrive Saturday)
Hey Bill i see you have a '46-'48 in your avatar, you wouldn't happen to have any rear fenders for that model would you?? Could come out tomorrow and check em out if you do. Would like to meet you either way, where are you going to be set up at?? Thanks, Luckey
I went yesterday and I think it was the biggest turnout I have ever seen for the event. Lots of good buys. I was looking for an old school tach for my AMC project and found an old VDO Top Eliminator for $20. The seller swears it was working OK when he wrecked the race car it was in. We'll see but could be "of course I'll love you in the morning".
Best one I have been to @ Conroe in 4 years, prices good . Found a set of doors for a 40 Chevy sedan ready for paint $175.00!
Didn't take pictures but I got another 300 inline with C6 attached for $125. Crappy feedback carb and distributor but I usually put an Offenhauser 4 bbl intake on them anyway. I really enjoyed the day and there waslots of good stuff out there.
I was set up across the Isle from Wino Mike..He said he talked with you...sorry to have missed you...no I don't have any 48 fenders
Wino Mike!?!? Not sure who that is! LOL!! Anyway, no big deal, we'll meet up some day. Hey are you going to the LSRU or Pate this year by chance?? Maybe then!
@gregg...... I always miss the free stuff!!! Maybe next time. @Bill.......Afte thinking about it ALL day long i remembered who Wino Mike was, that's Sheldon!!! Ive know him just about my whole life and when i got on here i found him but still haven't figured out why he calls himself Wino Mike.
Interesting question about his nickname.....I met him several years back at Conroe swap meet. We have become friends...His family are some of the best of the best...looking forward to meeting some day