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OT-How do you stay focused in one car? (kinda long)

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by sinister13, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. sinister13
    Joined: Dec 17, 2005
    Posts: 146


    I think many of us can relate to this, that feeling you have when you first dive into a new project... and many times it happens to me, where a car comes along that I think that I just cant live without or I think that I could really make into something, you know...that feeling.
    The problem is that I've already got something (or two, or three) that I think are cool and usually not done yet, and then this other comes along and then boom, all of a sudden I'm focusing on that new project, and then I've got one more unfinished car sitting around. Question is how to deal out your time and effort so as not to ignore any one car completely, now I know one issue is that we all don't have endless amounts of money and time. We all can't just sit around ordering parts and building our cars up, so when you do have time and some money saved how do you delagate which one it should go to? I guess what I'm babbling about is this, I want to know how others stay focused on the same car for any length of time even if that one car is on hold, or how do you stay enthused about that particular car. What keeps you going back to that car even after you've been working on others?
    How do you keep that first feeling about that car going til you think it's done?
  2. plw
    Joined: Jul 20, 2005
    Posts: 165


    one word....WIFE
  3. Easy.
    The garage is 10x25, the city harrasses me for haveing too many cars on my driveway.

    Basically its a matter of not haveing to many irons in the fire, and divideing a project up into doable pieces for me.

    I get a general design/idea in my head. That's easy enough and once that's done I say wow look what i got done today.

    then I take that idea and divide it into goals that arte doable. Like gee I got a chassis to build, well lets build the perimeter first. That's done how cool. Now lets build a suspension.
    Etc etc.

    Every time a get a piece of it done I can tell myself I've made progress. its more like haveing a bunch of little projects instead of one big one. I never really get a chance to burn out on it that way.
  4. You have to make yourself do at least one meaningfull thing to it each day. You have to convince yourself that only losers and wannabees stop in the middle of a project. Maybe you had to have a dad like mine was, who's worst condemnation of a man was "he's no damn good----never finishes anything!!!"
  5. Bumpstick
    Joined: Sep 10, 2002
    Posts: 1,409


    You cant! It's impossible! Give up! Just buy them all!:D -stick
  6. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,764


    it's tough,

    there is no problem so simple that upon closer examination the more complex it does not become.. or something like that..

    do you work on project number one because it is number one and therefor deserves primary consideration?

    or do you stray to buy that special piece for project number two because it may not be as easy to find or afford later, even if it delays project one?

    project number three is right there, it's still fresh and interesting, sure would be cool to take it to the next stage, it might inspire you to get back on number one...

    but then you see dust building up on number one and the weather is starting to get nice, if you don't get going on it soon another season will slip by without a hot rod...

    what's that fable about a dog with two bones?
    instead of stopping to chew on one,
    it licked at both till it starved to DEATH
  7. MichaelDorman
    Joined: Apr 27, 2001
    Posts: 849


    I find that complete and total poverty works pretty well for me ;)
    Keeps the accumulation of things like new projects, car parts, food to a bare minumum.
  8. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    one thing for sure, when you do get one done all the others will take a back seat for a while....:p
  9. Get a tablet of paper.
    Write at the top of each page one item that needs done, example;

    next page

    next page

    REMOVE WHEELS & remove old tires from wheels.


    Next page

    Get all the loose parts and the car in the driveway. Clean up the garage, work bench and tool box. List every job that needs done, like you did with REMOVE HOOD, continue with REMOVE RADIATOR, yatta-yatta-yatta-yatts.

    When every job is written down on a seperate page of the notebook, rip out all the pages and shuffle through them, figuring out a general sequence that you figure you will do those jobs in.

    Take the first job and hang the sheet of paper above the tool box. Get everything off the driveway and put it up, out of the way, like in the rafters or hanging up, wherever you keep stuff. I live in a triailer house, so I put it all under the house.

    Put all of the sheets of paper except the one you hung up by the tool box in the bottom drawer of the tool box. Forget about them.

    Finish the job on page 1. When that's done, go to the next page on top of the stack in the bottom drawer.

    Oh, by the way, who ever told you that you needed motivation to do something? That's Hooey. Just do it.
  10. Scott B
    Joined: Dec 31, 2002
    Posts: 549

    Scott B
    from Colorado?

    I kind of work like Porknbeaner, it does keep you motivated rather than overwhelmed. That doesn't really speak to your thoughts, however.

    For myself, I have ended up selling off lots of stuff/projects to focus on the lone project. I sold one other project car, a classic driver and three bikes in the process.

    I was able to get through that by keeping the next car I want to drive as my focus. Not the project after that, or the one that was too cheap to pass up, or the one might be cool if I spend tons of time on it - I focus on the next one I want to drive.

    Tin doesn't grow on trees, yeah. The price might be great on the whatever. There is that empty space in the corner. Those are all great excuses, but I want to drive some cool car that I built from an idea. Those excuses will still be there when the current car is done.

    Ask yourself which project you would just love to drive around the block, right now. Then go work on it...
  11. Flatman
    Joined: Dec 20, 2005
    Posts: 1,975


    I'll usually work on one thing until there's nothing to do until I can afford more parts. I make a list of small jobs, as many as possible, and do at least one thing a day, even if it's sweeping the floor under the chassis (anything to keep the build moving forward). When I run out of things to do that don't cost anything, I'll pop for a part or do some work on someone else's project.

  12. Boy am i the wrong one to ask ,but this time around i am getting in so deep I can't afford NOT to finish it :eek: :rolleyes: :D
  13. you have to tell yourself if you want to get a project done you have to put all your time and money into one at a time....otherwise you end up with a bunch of projects and none of them will ever get done. i see that happening all the time , both in guys i know..and what i have observed here on the HAMB..then a 1/2 finished project ends up in the classifieds

    i build 2 to 3 cars a at a time. that's how you get it done on time and on budget. right now i'm guilty of too much going on....i have my own project , a `32 three window and a `40 ford sedan delivery all in the works at the same time...jumping from car to car has put a drag on all of them and i will probabilly have more time in them doing it this way then if i would listen to my own advice
  14. dr_amx
    Joined: May 5, 2005
    Posts: 146


    more words I don't :eek:
  15. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,262


    What mtivates me to keep going is $$$ and the fact that I ain't geting any younger.Plus, I hate to quit once I start something. For instance, right now I keep track of every penny I spend on the project. It scares me that right now I've got over $25K in my latest "investment" (not including $9K for engine) and I've done all the work myself so far. That really scares me, knowing that if I don't get it done, all I've got is a parts car.And if I die before I finish it, somebody is gonna get a very good deal. Just think about how many folks have "someday" cars in their garage.
  16. Tha Driver
    Joined: May 11, 2005
    Posts: 903

    Tha Driver
    from S.E. USA

    That's how it works for me. I get parts/cars in trade or when I can afford them.

    This is where it (poverty) dosen't work for me... I'm always running across cool things that I traded for that I can't resist building - once I get enough parts for a *good* start. Currently have about 7 projects, 4 of which run & drive. Then some other *future* projects that I may start soon if I can't come up with the parts/cash to continue on the current projects (such as the '70 Mercedes coupe that I have an LT1 350 & 700R4 to go into...). At least I *always* have something to do if the weather is decent (still don't have garage doors).
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"

    You talkin' dirty or hep?
  17. RodLand
    Joined: Dec 19, 2005
    Posts: 369


    You can't stay focused on one car. That is why it is called an addiction. You must say I am a carahallic, then you are making progress.
    Then the wife says,"Do not bring another piece of s*** in this yard"jBoy that will keep you focused.:D
  18. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,076


    Who said you HAVE to finish any project? Ok, I did finish one back in 1975 but what is the point? Having several or a lot of projects is good, who needs tunnel vision and one project? There are several projects that would be done if I had a grand for parts and the will to work on them. Funny how I can sell off enough crap to come up with two grand and buy another project and feel good about it. :)
  19. repoman
    Joined: Jan 2, 2005
    Posts: 1,276


    I have a three year attention span. I've recently realized it.

    This applies to cars and women. Funny and sad I guess.

    I always sell the cars after about three years with one. I would like to have a car I can settle down with, but I know I'll be distracted by something cooler after too long.

    It's only a real problem when the cars don't even get finished. My 64 GTO I sold 5 years ago was very close to being a very cool ride, but I just had no interest in her. The guy I sold it to doubled his money in a month.

    Sometimes I miss them, I wish I could take them for a ride once in awhile, like I do with my ex-girlfriends:)
  20. I am guilty of havin' too many projects,,and tryin' to make progress on 2 cars at one time,,,,,

    The 54 wagon has been an on going project for 2 years now and trying to save a car that was really too far gone has beat me up,,,,so when i'm burnt out on the wagon I scrounge parts for the 32 pickup project.

    I've been buildin' ol' cars for a long time and have been lucky enough to hang on to a couple of them to drive so as not to miss out on the reason to have a HOT ROD,,,,,drivin' the wheels off!

    Staying focused is a tough thing,,,because you are always bombarded with cool images of cars that you can't live without,,,,even though you know ya don't need it.

    I ended up buying my ol' 49 chevy pickup back that I sold years ago,,,a lot worse for wear but what the heck,,,,it was cheap,,,,but then again,,,,I could have spent that money on the wagon,,,and probably should have!:rolleyes:

    And I was gatherin' up parts to build a 32 coupe but after the body fell thru I decided to abandon that idea and sold the frame,,,now I feel like I made a smart move so I can put that money in the wagon,,,,,,,,,or maybe another project. :eek: :D :rolleyes: HRP
  21. Bigcheese327
    Joined: Sep 16, 2001
    Posts: 6,716


    Bwahahaha! Too true.

    Personally, I think it's a matter of immersing yourself in that particular car. When you start on a project, stop casually surfing the HAMB and start hitting up sites dedicated to that car specifically; and I don't care if it's an AMC Ambassador, there will be sites dedicated to it. That way you don't have all these other influences tugging you in different directions.

    Also, stop picking up the auto swapper. It doesn't matter if it's free. When you find a great deal on a neat old car without trying, sit back and think "what could that money do on project x..." That way, the $500 '57 Buick turns into $500 worth of parts for your Model A and not just another half-finished lawn ornament. If you find a deal that's too good to pass up, post it here in the classifieds. That way you know it'll be going to a good home.
  22. My wife is fixin' to take early retirement soon so I reckon this will be my "salvation"!:D
  23. sojerscraper
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
    Posts: 214


    i use a combo of a lot of the methods you guys use. right now i have 2 cars & i just picked up a bike. (sorry - been on the jockey more than the jalopy). i recently picked up the 'how to customize damn near anything' book & it has a pretty cool section about project planning & getting shit done.

    ive been super focused on the triumph over the past 5-6 weeks. of course, most bikes take a lot less time than a car but ive been trying a little different approach with this project. ive been keeping a diary of what i do to it each day with the money i spend & how many days left in my timeline. i also keep a tab of what parts i need to pickup, where i can get them and all the prices ive found them at. also, i keep a small section on what my short term goals are (ie - get wheels completed, tires mounted, rebuild fork....etc.) basically telling me each step in a small goal ("get the rolling chassis together soon you lazy bastard!") its really kept me pumped about it & im flying right along so far. everytime i can spare a half hour to get dirty, i go down & wrench on it, cut it up, grind it, break it apart, etc.

    anyhow, my vote for the trick of getting shit done is:

    keep a diary of the project - i use notepad on the computer (everyone has it)
  24. Doug F.
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
    Posts: 181

    Doug F.

    I don't. I never finish a car. A few months after I buy one, I start looking for the next. I have been driving "unfinished", primered, no interior, parts missing, "patina'd" cars since LONG before it was considered cool.

    When I was in my teens and 20's I went thru about 2 per year. That has slowed, but no matter how long I keep them I still never finish them. It is a sickness.
  25. Royalshifter
    Joined: May 29, 2005
    Posts: 15,696

    from California

    Do not ever focus on one project, too boring.
  26. A Boner
    Joined: Dec 25, 2004
    Posts: 7,862

    A Boner

    This has been a problem for as long as there have been hot rods.

    If you are building something you really like, and have liked that kind of car for a long time, it really helps. If you are building a car just because it came along at a bargain price, and you couldn't pass it up, because it was "sort of neat", you might not have the drive to finish it.

    You need a passion for the car, and patience to stick to it!

    Make a "to do" list. Cross them off one by one.
    Make another list.............untill you are done. :)
  27. edwardlloyd
    Joined: Aug 2, 2003
    Posts: 2,072

    from Germany

    I'd like to quote Dave Mann here from This one short article cured me for life, made me sell my '29 RPU project, '42 Continental and concentrate all my money and time on the only car that matters to me; my trad. '32 roadster.

    Words of wisdom from Dave Mann;
    Time after time we see examples of people spending a great deal of time, energy, and money on a car that is not what they really wanted, but what they were able to afford. When someone does that a few times, they may realize that if they hadn't, they could have had built their dream car.

    At any big rod run, you're bound to see a few "oddball" cars. These are cars that wouldn't make the top ten of anyone's list of dream cars, but their owners probably bought them because they found them at the right price, and decided that they would do until they were able to afford something closer to their ideal. Whether it's a '33 Plymouth four-door, or a four-door '38 Buick doesn't matter. Many of us simply consider cars like this to be diversions from people's dreams.

    In 2002, someone had put a 1924 Buick roadster body up for auction on eBayMotors. He mentioned that only a few of them were known to exist, and that he had searched for several years and traveled cross-country to find this one. It may well have been the nicest one in the country, and needed very little work to get it ready for paint. When the auction ended, it didn't meet the reserve, and only went up to around four-hundred bucks. The lesson here is that while there are thousands of us that are searching for nice, steel roadster bodies, hardly anyone cared about this one, because it was a 1924 Buick. People build early Ford hot rods because that's what most of us have always liked, understood, built, rodded, and raced.

    I once worked with a sixteen-year-old that had just started his first job, and the prospective paychecks had his head spinning. He told me about a Ford Falcon that he was looking forward to buying and fixing up. The plan was to buy the car right away and tear it apart, and then use as much money as he possibly could afford to buy parts for it. It was slated to get a new engine and transmission, a rear end swap, suspension upgrades, bodywork, paint, a new interior, and a set of wheels and tires. I asked him what kind of car he would like to have if he could afford anything. Without hesitating, he said that it would be an early Mustang. I pointed out that instead of getting distracted with the Falcon, he could save up and before too long he'd be able to buy the car that he really wanted. He said that he didn't want to wait. I told him that even if he put a Ford Cammer engine, a Lenco transmission, and full tube chassis in that Falcon, when it was all done, nobody would care, because no matter how much money he threw at it, it would still be a Ford Falcon. Ultimately, I reasoned, the Falcon would just be a distraction that kept him from reaching his goal of having the early Mustang that he really wanted. And while it seemed unattainable to him at the time, the goal was actally quite reasonable.

    In April of 2004, someone on the HAMB message board mentioned that he had the chance to buy a chassis from a 1978 Chevy Malibu, and was asking people what other bodies would fit it. This wasn't going to be his first project. He already had a 1959 Mercury, a 1964 Ford Fairlane that was done up along the lines of a Thunderbolt drag car, an all-original '64 1/2 Mustang, and a 1970 Ford F-100 pickup that he was converting to four-wheel-drive. It seemed like he had no real need for the Malibu chassis, and was considering buying it because it was easily-available and reasonably-priced. In his second post on the subject, he mentioned that his Fairlane Thunderbolt clone ran in the 15s, and he'd like it to be quicker.

    There are two possible scenarios here. In the first, he gets started on another project, based around the '78 Malibu chassis. Considerable time, energy, and money are spent installing another body on it, with the likely result being something that had more compromises than any of his existing projects. The second option would be for him to forget about taking on yet another project, and instead take the same amount of time, energy, and money and putting it into improving the performance of the Thunderbolt project. Starting with a 460 out of a '69 Lincoln, it wouldn't be too much work to get that car to run in the low 13s. Given some good engineering and workmanship, the result could be a really neat car.

    Over the years, while discussing possible project cars, a number of people have advised me to pick the one car that I'd like to have more than anything, and work toward that goal, without compromising or getting distracted by something less that happened to come along. Cars like that are always showing up, and you can learn a lot from working on them, but they would ultimately prevent us from building our dream. It's good advice.
  28. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,764


    Words of wisdom?
    or just a long winded bunch or crap?

    don't let anyone tell you what not to build
  29. Armstrong
    Joined: Apr 17, 2004
    Posts: 371


    Starting is easy,finishing is hard. It's that simple.
  30. I don't think it's actually our fault. Has to do with thousands of years of hunting/gathering. It's programmed into our brains...... the hunt is what's important:cool:

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