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Projects Has anyone got tired of their project?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by exterminator, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. xrosczech
    Joined: Oct 28, 2012
    Posts: 97


    Yes!! I too seem to lose focus when working long term on a project like my 49 box, but then I "try" to work on other projects in between to keep me sane! Now I need to decide what to do next:

    Swap the engine in the shop truck (will be a driver after that)
    Reseal the trans in the Cadillac (will be a driver after that)
    Finish the wiring in the 49 (prob 70% done after that)
    Start the build of my track Datsun 510 (this one I have over 10k invested and have not even touched it yet, 0% done but most eager to get started on, go figure)
    Finish some stuff in the shop remodel. (80% done as done can be)

    Point is your not alone!
    exterminator likes this.
  2. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    Being bored. Tired of people asking questions every time I get gas. Family issues. Those 3 things helped me sell my T Bucket in August. A week later, I was planning the new one. Today, I'm sipping a beer and trying to decide my next step on her.

    Yea, tired happens, but we always come back.

  3. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,999


    I've never finished a project, had high hopes for a few, sold the Lyndwood rail that was a 23 year long project. Had to assemble the SBC, and get it running, that was a task that I saw no pleasure in, so I sold it. Very happy. Will I ever finish the Roadster or Steelback? I don't think so, at 65 there are other things to do with my spare time and any extra funds that may turn up. Finished cars belong to other people. Bob
  4. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    Bruce what is ivpropane?
    I think you meant to type Ibuprofen.
    I was taking it so much, the doc pulled me off of it and changed to Tylenol Arthritis.
    What's worse, losing kidney function or losing liver function.
    Get'n old is a bitch!

  5. mike bowling
    Joined: Jan 1, 2013
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    mike bowling

    If you question whether it's OK to loose interest in a 4 year project, how do you feel about getting mad at a car, YELLING at a car, or totally loosing control if it breaks down?
    Most of us are not playing with a full deck, and when emotions run high, all hell breaks loose.
    If you get overwhelmed, close the door and walk away. The car will still be there when you get back.( remember to LOCK the door!)
    falcongeorge likes this.
  6. c-10 simplex
    Joined: Aug 24, 2009
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    c-10 simplex

    Yes, and i think getting away from the project for a day or two helps.

    Also, check this video out particularly at 11:30 mins and after.

    Whenever i get down about a project i just watch the part where they're in the shop and that gives me all the energy i need to keep going.
    exterminator likes this.
  7. jazz1
    Joined: Apr 30, 2011
    Posts: 1,550


    I'm taking 4 months off of working on my project. I'm in garage everyday and do who knows what all day however I'm relieved I got all the dirty work done on my sedan delivery ahead of having my spine fused in November and am not allowed to lift over 10 lbs. Hopefully ambition comes back full throttle when back brace comes off in a few weeks!
    Today I repacked my ratchets,,this one twice

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    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  8. I think we all have had a project like this that really got the juices flowing
    but after a year or two you see your ideas have changed and you dream seems to be fading.

    When you add retirement to the equation it generally means that the
    discretionary income may be a thing of the past. HRP
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
    exterminator likes this.
  9. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    Yes this is true!
  10. typo41
    Joined: Jul 8, 2011
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    I should be retired but the best laid plans of mice and men....
    The wife and I have tooo many projects and times it is rough when they sit and you cant drive them. One of the biggest let down is the 50 Chev Ute, and some of what I did to 'improve" it.. The 350/350 10 bolt went ok and she drove it for years. But the front suspension was rat shit. So smart me improved it with a jag front cause we couldn't afford the mustang. With guidance from Ausie friends I got it installed. Then the part 2 fun. With stock springs the suspension was at full height and overly stiff. So a spring shop said 'this guy can make you springs" It took three months to get them then racing season and finally installed them six months and when I lowered the front the suspension dropped to the ground full bottom. Finally one more set of springs and it looks like it might work, but the Jag is wide and the tires rub the fenders,,,, time for new wheels. Did I mention the drop blocks in the rear and snapping the spring pin and having to buy new bottom plates because the new u bolts are bigger diameter than the old ones.
    So yes it is heart breaking to not have the wife's favorite ride available to her (its been going on for almost 2 years)
    And for my stuff,,, 1959 Ford panel truck. Finally got the trans rebuilt after sitting for a year and now the starter is giving me the shits.. broke off the snout which means something is not right with the shimming.
    My 40 truck has been really not a driver for almost 4 years,,, which hurts.
    But you know what? I get to go into my backyard and see some great vehicles and I have the vision to see what they could and can be. They might outlive me but who else can say look at this junk pile.
    I am looking to drive 200 miles per hour,,, did I mention the Land Speed Roadster???
    It keeps me alive
    exterminator likes this.
  11. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    Do you have a picture of your cars sitting in the back yard not running?
  12. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    Well, I wanted to report today something good happened with this project I started this thread on. I went for a short ride with my wife down to the mailbox to drop off a letter and then to the gas station to top off the tank.On the way to the gas station,the car started making the sound it always makes-which sounds like the fan is hitting the radiator type sound.Now I don't have a mechanical fan so that's not it. My son-in-law and i have no clue what is making the sound.Someone suggested maybe the trans or something in those lines but when I would step on the gas pedal in a couple quick jerks it would stop until the next time I started from a stop.Well while driving to the gas station,it started the noise again and I stepped on the gas again-the noise got louder and louder then bam, then it was quiet. I looked in the mirror to see if anything fell out from under the car (metal or liquid) and nothing.After getting gas,i headed home and no noise.Yay!I have no idea what happened but I will watch it carefully.Just thought I would pass it on.I think the car knew I was unhappy with it.Now I am very happy with it and would not get rid of it!Happy ending:)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  13. Most of the best and easiest cars I have ever built were because someone got tired of a project. ;)

    I have not been around as long as you but I have been living on Social Security for over 10 years now and do understand that money is tight, but I also understand staying the course. I have had to sell a few in the last 10 years or so because bills needed to be paid but if I hadn't I would have finished what I started.

    The reason for my very first statement is that usually someone quits when they are about 10 feet from the finish line. ;)
    exterminator likes this.
  14. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    Thanks for the encouragement.
  15. seb fontana
    Joined: Sep 1, 2005
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    seb fontana
    from ct

    I have the most trouble when a product doesn't live up to the advertised BS..Holley and Eaton Spring are in that category..Do myself or work around is usually the only fix...
  16. The journey of building a hot rod is really the fun part. It is what it is and just what you make of it. I am 76 years old and have been screwing with hot rods for many years. Hope to be screwing with them for many more years. Been retired for around ten years now and love every second of it. I work in my shop everyday on my builds. Just about to wrap up my 3 window build (if they are ever done) and start driving the crap out of it this summer. I have my 54 Chev truck project setting in the wings and will jump back on it.
    Beats the hell out of setting in front of the TV or hanging out in the bar......and the wife knows were I am at everyday.
    So get out in the garage and make some headway. No matter how small it is, just get something done everyday on it..........
  17. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,999


    I had two of my projects that I sold come back with the guys that did finish them. I got to drive both of them, what a let down, just glad I wasn't the one that sunk all the time and money into finishing them. Maybe just getting a project in finish primer is my goal. Bob
    exterminator likes this.
  18. Nailhead Brooklyn
    Joined: Jul 31, 2012
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    Nailhead Brooklyn

    Yes, I wish I had a magic wand, I'm tired looking at a car that's 85% complete, I'm tired of freezing my nuts off trying to work on it, I'm tired of not having my own space or garage and having to wait to even work on the stupid thing. I've dumped more money then I should into a mordoor that nobody has parts for because if it ain't a Ford or Chevy you're SOL...I'm about over it...but like always, the thought of it being done and the feeling of looking at something that you poured your heart and soul into is the only thing that keeps me going...I'm entirely guilty of having squirrel syndrome and not finishing what I start, as I look at a half finished painting, ugh. I will finish this car...mostly because I refuse to let it beat me...stupid old car, I hate you because I love you.
  19. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    Yes,been there-done that.I like having an old car that not everyone has but I found that you need to get it as close as 100% complete or you are hunting for parts-which is also fun! Exterminator
  20. Taking on a project as large and as time-consuming as building an automobile from scratch is a huge commitment. It always takes more time and costs more money than we expected it to, so of course there will be some disappointment along that journey. But the discouragements are balanced by triumphs when we are able to figure out how to make part A fit with part B and it all works out. The trick is to remember that those highs are a part of the process too, and not to let the lows get you down.

    It is "normal" to get discouraged at times when working on a project this big. But keep the end in sight, and it will all be worth it in the end. The satisfaction gained from finishing what you started is priceless, and that closure goes a long way toward making you feel better about yourself and your place in the scheme of things. It's OK to throw your hands up and walk away, as long as it's only temporary. Just don't give up! You'll be proud of your accomplishment, and so will those close to you.
    exterminator likes this.
  21. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,647


    by the time I get a car restord or rodded, I almost hate it!! But not my little 1939 Ford deluxe coupe hot rod, i love it so I am keeping it till I can't drive anymore. (maybe already there) 001.JPG
    Hamtown Al and exterminator like this.
  22. mkebaird
    Joined: Jan 21, 2014
    Posts: 340


    I've been retired for 3 years and can now spend 'almost' as much time as I want in the shop. Love it! I like to have 2 or three projects going on so I have lots of options depending on how ambitious I feel. The key for me is to do at least a little something every day. Today I'll start by making a battery cable for my '52 Jag mordor - but will probably end up doing 10 other things as well.

    I've had a few setbacks and a few 'time-outs' like when I glued the front clip onto my '60 Vette slightly crooked - took me at least 2 years to get over that, and another couple of years to 'finish' the Vette.

    Another 2 year time out when my father/son '40 Ford PU project stalled due to lack of time (I was commuting 650 miles every other week). Then I retired, got to work on it as much as I wanted, and drove it last year, after a '7 year' build.

    … don't get discouraged! One of these days you'll wake up and won't be able to wait to get out and start working on it (them)!
    flux capacitor and exterminator like this.
  23. Suthunman
    Joined: Jun 28, 2015
    Posts: 115


    I love my old coupe but since my medical problems I have hardly touched it, other than to drive it. I was working on it almost daily until then. I am fortunate that I got all the body pieces put together and a grill in it and it looks pretty good, even if it's just primer. I have a box of parts and all the glass I've ordered to work on it with but when I think about it I always say, I'll do it later. At least I can drive it when I want too.

    I also have a Corvette that I use to love to drive. Like new 2003 yellow with a black ragtop with a six speed. It's in a storage unit and hasn't been out since last November. Haven't seen it in months. I've entertained selling it but in the back of my mind I know I will regret it later.
  24. Man, I know exactly what your talking about.

    It took me 9 years and one month to the day to finish the Ranch Wagon,I can't begin to tell you how much I hated that car at times,it went through periods of time being pushed over in the corner and neglected at times.

    I'm glad I stuck with it but I could never do another projevt that takes that long. HRP
    Not yet rated likes this.
  25. vtx1800
    Joined: Oct 4, 2009
    Posts: 1,824


    My wife saw a shoe box Ford on the way home from work (it had shoebox on the side) one night, had no idea what it was, she just liked the appearance of the car. Her dad was a Ford guy, maybe that was part of it, I found some pictures and yep that was similar and she liked the single bullet grille, I started looking at projects (and maybe I should have bought one of those) but I found the 49 in the avatar, drove to Kansas and bought it, and I wasn't even drinking. It seemed really cool at first, chopped with an air ride system but the car needed so much, no side glass, wrong seats (that were ugly), I spent lots of money on parts, pulled almost everything apart for seals, new brakes/lines, new wiring harness, shortly after I bought the car she got into metal sculpture and lost interest, I lost track of the years I worked on it. I finally got it where it was presentable for sale. I was so damn sick of that car and I was really happy when it went to someone else, even though I lost over $3K and a gazillion hours, I was happy to see it gone. I've had a 38 Chevy coupe since the mid 70's, started working on it when I retired in 2009 after it hadn't moved under it's own power since the 80's and have had a myriad of problems with it, yeah a little bit of burn out, I hope I catch the flame again fairly soon.
  26. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
    1. Central Nebraska H.A.M.B.

    Got halfway thru an all steel 32 B400 project then sold it, saw it finished this year at the LARS. Halfway again thru a steel 32 Vicky project once again gone. 348 powered steel deuce roadster ready for paint, just lost interest, gone. 32 pickup ready for paint same deal, and finally the Lakes style 32 roadster pu I sold to The Wild Turkey and he made it bitchin. But on the bright side I've finshed over 30 with 2 more, a 32 5 window and 32 pu happening now that I will finish. I'm sure there were others unfinished I sold but have forgotten. I have had my 3 window since the early 80's. 50 years of hot rods, you can't keep them all!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016

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