Yep. I was planning to go there tomorrow if I wasn't so damn sick anymore and then to Portland for whole weekend... Sounds good, huh?
wish I could go but I've been sick all week and have a ton of work to do so i will have to rely on some damn good pics
I bet you are happy that thing is done. How did those glass keys turn out that Trevor made? Take lots of pics as I will probably stay home and actually work on the M-1.
Anyone with a truck willing to pick up a torn apart 348 from Attitudor (Seattle) and bring it back up to Vancouver............. and then store it a while till I can arange shipping? Figure it's worth a try?
I'm home. I'm tired. That was a much better show than I expected. A few pretty amazing cars! Platu, I really got some photos for you... Portland here we come!
I was actually pretty dissapointed in the show this year. Lots of empty space. The coolest cars there was Lauries(spelling) Shoebox,36 pickup and a 54 Lincoln Pan American race car. Oh well. Off to Portland to the real show.
We all went last night, two for one. Marshall's latest was truelly impressive, amazing workmanship. For the most part though it made me realize the fact that the indoor show scene is a totally different hobby than the one I'm involved in, way too much bling for me. IMHO there were only a handful of cars that caught my eye. While I appreciate the workmanship I don't understand the need for chrome u-joints and the like. Give me a day of driving instead. I did have my roadster in the show a few years ago but it's not easy prepping a driver for an indoor show, dirt and all. A lot of those cars have never even been started, completely different hobby......