Lately I've been doing afew smaller jobs whilst waiting patiently for a friend to machine my pinion to suit qc read and makeup the driveshaft. Got it to a point where it starts on the key and should be right to drive once the rear end is done. The later top hoses fit much better Couldn't find a cast tach drive bracket so had to make one, the bolts will get changed out for original ones down the track.
Beautiful clean drivetrain and chassis. It seems well thought out; even the parts you might have done on the fly (like the tach mount). And style wise, I'm really digging the "memorial" dash and the Zephr wheel. That steering wheel is a good fit - reflecting a car punching above it's weight.
What an outstanding Car! Superb craftsmanship ! So many things on this car are so well thought out and executed that most will not notice them or have any idea how much thought and effort went into the finished product. Saying good job is just not enough!
wow!! very nice craftsmanship through the entire build. its great to know exactly what you want, and just build it!
Can this be shipped to Maryland USA when you are finished? Seriously, this is gonna be killer my friend. Way to go.
Again thanks for the comments guys! Been busy rebuilding the quick change rear, brakes, half assed wiring and finishing all the small jobs so it didn't fall apart on the first drive. Got it driving afew days ago right on sundown and went for a quick lap around the block, was a real blast. One of the better times during the build! Still a couple of panels to paint and repaint and afew small jobs left but hoping to get it decent enough to bring to the boogaloo show.
Excellent work. This car really looks nice. I love seeing A-roadsters in this guise. Roots. Killer machine. I know Mark and knew Terry, I live in Seattle WA USA, so this post has more of a connection for me than others that I read on here. I really like how your paint looks and am about to apply paint on a roadster project of my own. I looked through the thread and failed to see a description of what you did. Did I miss something? If not, would you mind telling me what you did for paint on this car? Really like the details, you are killing this project. Thanks for your time. -Carl
Man you're surrounded by great people up there, thanks for complements also. I didn't want a really shinny colour sanded gloss black paint job, seeing the Bill Likes roadster in person made my mind up. It's a really nice rebuild but to me the paint looks too perfect for what is/was an old ford hotrod. At the time of painting my big compressor was 1500 miles away, so I used enamel spray cans. Getting the panel and the paint warm/hot is the trick, I used those portable work lights on a stand to heat up the panel before and after it was painted. It was nice not having to clean spray guns and no colour sanding and buffing. Not sure how good it will hold up to the elements however but not too worried
What a tease. Love it. Sounds amazing! Can you tell me more about your cam and exhaust from the port to the tailpipe? It really sounds great!
Thanks for sharing that information. It looks like you are running a cast iron exhaust manifold off the block rather than headers. Am I right about this? That cam seems to idle nicely.