Haven't seen a post on "THE BIG ONE" 50th Annual Portland Roadster Show portland is use to 280-300 cars and this year they are talking 500-600 and bringing out some old show cars ect. Every year I find 10-15 cars that I have worked on. this year I know of at least 35 (if I count the 16 that I need to finish in the next 17 days) I know the H.A.M.B. will be well represented, who has entered and who are spectators? I'll post some photo's of a few that are new this year another high point for me is shit starter D.C. has sold all 4 of his shows including the little one here in portland (2 weeks before the big one) and the seattle show the same weekend as portland.
Thats because it runs March 4th and 5th I think. I went there a few years back. It was pretty good I must say. Had a good time too.
I'll be there watching for sure! I'm gonna save old "Delia" (53 Plymouth) for the Hotrod-A-Rama in Tacoma this summer, She'll fir in better up there.
I just moved to Portland about a month ago, so I have never been to either of the two shows coming up in the next couple weeks. Since I haven't found a job yet, I was wondering if they are both worth attending, or should I save my money and just hit one of them?
The Portland Roadster Show is known to be a real hot rod show that's put on by real hot rodders. There are some terrific people involved in putting it on. This year's Portland Roadster Show is going to be superb. Anybody reading this who is able to be there really should go. Here's their site: http://www.mhrc.org/ Dave http://www.roadsters.com/
OH CRAP! They are going to have Drakko the fire breathing Dragon Car!!! AND car genious Goldberg! AND that mini-34 3-Window with the HUGE skull on the engine!!! That's definitely too much "REAL" rodding for a POSEUR like me! I wish I could go to see what shows up from the early days of that show- should be some killer stuff!
What about the "Portland rod and custom show"? It starts today and runs through sunday. Ah hell, I guess I'll just go see for myself.
I've never been to either show. A lot of my buddies have gone, and all have told me stories about both shows being overrun with ricers and monster trucks. Maybe if I take all the pop cans back for refund, I can afford the $15 admission!
Fidget you're only half wrong, the rod custom show(they can call it that because the have one of each) is at least 50% ricer cost 6 bucks to park and 15 bucks to get and you can walk the whole show in 30 minutes. at the expo save your money and go to the real show in 2 weeks you'll get your moneys worth at the convention center (the twin glass towers downtown) close to 600 cars with only a hand full of ricers
According to my wife, I'm ALL wrong! There's no half wrong about it! Thanks for the advice, there's usually $2 off discount tickets floating around town that'd ease the blow to my deflated wallet.
Well at least I did the smart thing. I went Friday after 5pm so admission was two for the price of one, and we parked outside the lot and walked a while to avoid the parking fees. Let's just say the show is not for the traditionally minded. I'm hoping the portland roadster show will be more to my taste.
Well i'm going to join the rat race and have my dry lakes modified there along with our Bonneville race bike. It will be in the Silverton Flywheels club display. Getting out of there when the show is over on sunday nite, with over 500 cars should be real interesting.
Lakes this is 48Hemi I'll see you there. I should have over 35 cars that I put glass in at this years show. they have the whole downstairs (including the new addition) at the conventio center. there was room for 500 cars but the made room for 550 and had 820 applicants (they had to turn away 270, the normal show has 280-300) this my last day before showtime and I have two complete cars to finish today and one is a chopped 67 chev pu. that I haven't finished the windshield yet the other is a VW Ghia the both have carson (style) tops I am really saddened by the death of a good friend and customer. John Davis (Stuart Stiles Trucking) I hope they put his Little red wagon on a T-Bucket chassis in the show for all the kids (young and old) to see. the funeral is Thursday and I doubt if anyone in the family cares about a car show after the loss of a such a wonderful man
You can drop by Les Schwab on the way and pick up $1 off Fri/Sat or $2 of Sun coupon. See you there..... H
got my new project finnished tonight,,, so it looks like i'll make it.....look for a BAD ASSSSSS '52 henry j with a blown injected 427 chev painted candy red oh yea, if you see it, look at my swiss cheese axle under the front.....chip
She's right. Now turn off the computer and do the dishes. (Insert annoying smiley face here) Dave http://www.roadsters.com/
Great, years of therapy just got thrown out the window! Thanks a lot! I'll be the guy there wearing the HAMB shirt and holding the purse.
I was just wondering if Portland Roadster Show would be worth of driving or should I just check the Seattle's one???? Any photos from past years?
Well i'm going to the seattle show because know the featured builder and i went to school with his son. Not bad cars either, a little too shiny for my tastes. http://diversstreetrods.com/
was at set up yesterday and there will be no disapointments at the Portland SHOW "IT HAS EVERYTHING COVERED." chip's Henry J was a 4 week wonder and is Bad Ass the show has 550 cars and it's about 60/40 on primer vs paint Bob Tindles Orange Crate un restored, Corno's AMBR, so many old race and street cars unrestored. the main floor still had alot of holes when I left and I didn't hit any of side halls. I took 320 photos and I can't get them to load on this post. I suggest you don't miss this one
I'll have to say Hi to everyone now. Wont' make this show. working on a lot of new products. I am already working on SEMA.
I'm going today (saturday) I'll be easy to spot a grey beard pushing my 88 year old mother in a wheelchair. she doesn't like missing the show but can't walk for 3-4 hours. never used a chair. told her we can take turns pushing each other.
I'll be there today as well. minus the mom, but if you happen to spot a Spade Eights jacket, thats me.
We were there. We had the Phantoms display. The 38 Bantam and the 53 F-100 were ours in that display. And Jonah also built the 41 Pontiac and te frame (the Model A body wasn't done in time). Hope everyone had a great time, I know we did!