no biggie or anything, ,...,but since today is nice ,I rolled the five-six out in the sunshine for a few snap shots of her with the new spider caps and mini rings .im so happy to finally have them i thought i'd share.. later
yup mike,,i will see you there next weekend. a buddy of mine here on the Hamb(1966wagonman) picked them up at that old speed shop in birmingham(roccos & cheaters) for me and NO,,they dont have anymore!
What you store that car at a local storage place or what??? OH I know!! You were rumaging thru WAL-MART's trash in the back and thought you'd take some pictures. Nah, looks real good Sambo....I wanted to run the same combo, glad I had a change of heart. Brandy
Nice , I have got so sick of seeing these cars Mom and Pop style all over the place that I forgot how good they can look when put together with some good taste . I never wanted one , but it would be cool to chop one and build it up into a full custom .
Tim,,they pop on just like dog dish hubcaps(over the lil nubs),,only they are a bitch to get on,haha Zman,,yup,,sometimes i miss those wheels, one day ill buy another set Brandy,yes,i WAS rumaging through wal-marts trash cans,,i was looking for a gift for you!
I have to say...that car would look good with just about any wheel/tire combo.......nice job ....Butt!!!!
Butt, Love the mini rings. Looks killer (though the supremes did too). Question on them: What did the box say they fit (assuming they came in the original box), and what type of wheels did you put them on (OE chev, aftermarket, ???). Reason I ask is I've come across a couple sets over the years, but the box lists a bunch of oddball cars. Corvairs and such. I didn't know if they would fit more common wheels so never pursued them. Thanks, TR
well,,they were still in the wrappers when i recieved them,but the box was gone,, the wheels they are mounted on now are 1979 caprice 15X7's,,(that is the reason i think i may have had a lil trouble mounting them(maybe the lil nubs sit further back towards the rim???) as ive had 1960's dog dish hubcaps on these same rims and they were a tough fit. i dunno though,cuz my dad said that back in the day,,if you wanted to remove them from the rim,it was real tricky and they were easy to fuck up,,so maybe they are all a bitch to get on?? i would assume anywheel that would take a dog dish hubcap(except maybe some lil nova rims or oddballs) would take these lil rings??? ,,not sure though?? if anyone has anymore ,id sure like to have another set!
I was wondering where you found them ...They are cool ...I cant decide wether i like those or the supremes better..i think im leaning toward the caprice wheels...Werent you trying to sell this car a while back?
this by far is THE koolest 56 on earth..i remember seein it on ebay a few back and was wishin i could hit the powerball and buy it... my opinion dont me squat, but i think the painted steels and those awesome rings make your car ...well perfection////she's a beauty man..... breeder
hey butt,where the hell have you been? glad to see you are back.did you finally sell The Roach? car is lookin good glad you kept it.
Ohhhh Sambo, you shouldn't had......REALLY. I was thinking of you today when I was digging thru the shelves at Wal-Mart......saw a Lowrider with it's HOMIE and thought "ahhh BUTT".
That is such a nice car that the wheel choice isn't the most important thing BUT I like the Supremes and piners better and I think that has to do with the flames. If the car had no flames and maybe wore solid non-metallic colors the new wheels would would make more sense. The Supremes dazzle reflected light similar to the metallic paint whereas the solid black wheels draw my attention in directly to them. It's as though I don't see the flames as much. At the same time the silver flanks seem to "pop" more with these wheels, oddly enough. Also the piner whitewall is similar to the outline of the flames which to my vision is harmonious. The WWW doesn't give you that and I think that creates more percieved separation between the car body and the wheels. Please excuse this most unworthy opinion.
Hey Sammy. The new look is cool but I still like the supremes on it. Get your dad up off the couch and bring him along to Louisville. Me and a friend of mine will be there at o dark thirty. See you guys there. I'm going to p.m. you my cell phone # so call me when you guys get there and we will meet up somewhere.
timbob, the trim rings come in 3 different sizes. for 13,14,and 15 " wheels. the ones you saw that listed the oddball cars like corvair are for 13" wheels and are the most common ones to find. the set that butt has there are WAY harder to find. WAY harder.... sammy, you know i've been a hardcore fan of that car since the very beginning. i've got to be honest. i liked the supremes way better. and i'm burnt on supremes. hell mine are going soon. i'm trying to get the info from scarebird on if their disc swap will let me use 14s. if so it opens a new window for finding a set of 14" trus to swap out. still love your car way more than any man should. just gotta say the supremes did it more for me. funny i haven't been around here much for a while(busy building a vw, yeah i said it haha) pop back in and your peeping back in to. good to see one of the ol' crew around...ken....
The stance on that chevy is perfect. You could put any wheel and tire combo on there and it'd look good. I was looking at the pics wondering what it would look like with a slim outer trim ring added. Two trim rings and the spider caps... bitchin! But you'd have to paint the wheels a different color, Met. silver..... or that color so many of the new cars are painted these days... champange metallic.... There is just something that is less than "right" about the black... don't get me wrong, it looks nice... but it's just not... "right"... Sweet car though, I dig it.
Is anybody reprodcinging those inner trim rings yet? Those are how Spiders are suppossed to look!!! Both pieces!