The Model A is all better. An ass load of metal work, some Bondo and a bit of paint and she is goodedamnnuff. -Abone.
I knew you could straighten that panel. Nice work. I love that car. ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver" You talkin' dirty or hep?
So how fast was she going when you backed into her? (ok,bad joke) But who and what hit you? Did you just go into shock or what? Gary 4T950 Chevy Guy
nice recovery!! make sure to add a baseball bat rack to your dash for safe measure for any future incidents...
FUckin crazy, Jeff, Josh and I were just talking about how we haven't seen you around the HAMB. I must have missed the post about the wreck, but I looked damn good.
Great job man, looks like it never happened. I'm sure glad that they didn't hit you any harder, woulda made a bad situation worse. I'm debating what to do for tail-lights on my sedan to prevent getting ass-ended by the over-80 crowd. I live in retirement-land sw florida, and I have had two late model drivers totaled by old over 80 drivers that couldn't see highly visible stock taillights. So I'm real nervous with the sedan to say the least. I'm glad you got it back together so nicely. Btw, are those early 60's vette t/l's? They look real good
You put the target back on. Well I guess that's so they'll hit it dead center, right? Glad to see it straightened out. A man's just gotta keep his driver right.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I hated to see my little car all banged up like that...But, It coulda been a hell of alot worse. LOTS of hammer and dolly work. I used every shrinker, stretcher, smacker, hammer, hitter, clamper, stamper and block of freakin' wood I had... Probally not gonna make it to the Georgia drags this year, but I think Boones adn I are gonna make it next year. Sounds like a good time. See ya, -Abone.
good job boss - that looks great. nobody gives you any shit when you park your car in the middle of the road for pictures? are you going to Charlotte? we gotta a spot to camp in the infield - it a good time.