I'm sure there are a lot of guys who don't like ANY fog lamps. I'm thinking of installing one lamp, but, I thought maybe cutting the grille and recessing the lamp (just above the top of the bumper) might look okay. How to do it IS NOT my problem, however, I've seen this done before, and I really like the appearance. Has anyone here on the HAMB cut their grille and recessed a fog lamp into it? Road Trip Road Trip by Stu D Baker posted Sep 7, 2015 at 9:54 AM Since I can't draw, I stole this photo.....
When I saw the post title, the Steve Moal built roadster for Wayne Carini is what popped into my mind. Love that green car.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Don't even think of cutting up that fantastic 37 grille! Please! Looks aside... here's a pix of my 37 the way it came to me, the way it ran in the day. Notice there are two fog lights? Not the hipster / faddish single you see these days. That's because when your fogs are on, your head lights are supposed to be turned off (that's why you need 2 fogs) and they should be wired that way to prevent all 4 lights being on at the same time. Each lamp style has completely different pattern / spread / uses / and often colors, and keeping the head lights on (even with low beams) with your fog lights TOTALLY negates the purpose of having fog lights at all. Gary
Wow, you must be really bored. There's got to be something else you can cut a hole in besides that grill. Really.
I like one on some cars and two on others, chances are we are not driving these cars in the fog too often anyway. I did a mock up of one and two on my 34 P/U and I like the one better??
I found this lamp a few yrs. ago at a swap in Delaware and fell in love with the dark amber color and fluted lens that kind of mimics the Standard grille. The mounting bracket actually came from a different swap meet.
So why and when for the single lamp? I have countless reference pics, any time you see accessories like lamps there's two, except in the case of early Packard senior cars with a Pilot Ray (steers with the wheels). If anyone has some historic significance I'm in, let's hear it.
.......................I can't really say how it started. I even consider my self a symmetrical kind of guy, I like balance in things, but, I prefer the single fog lamp. In my mind, the car sorta starts looking like an emergency vehicle and a bit over-done with two. I suppose if you were really driving the car a lot in dark, foggy conditions both a fog lamp and driving lamp might make good sense. My single, though functional, is largely for aesthetic reasons.
If you look at some of the older photos, a lot of British cars ran only one fog light...never thought about if they were actually designed that way?
I only put one on. I don't really know why. There are times symmetry is vital to me and other times the lack of symmetry adds interest. That probably makes no sense. I mean, if Monet had painted all of his daffodils white rather than adding one blue one, it may have been just another still life. As for the grille insertion, nix the idea or find a crappy grille to play with. I don't have bumpers so I welded a tab to my frame to support the light where I wanted it.
Yeah, quite a thread. Which calibration do you guys use for your radiator caps? ...So you read them from the front...or the engine side?
Using one fog lite it would be mounted on the drivers side and angled a little towards the passenger side, this was known as the ditch light.