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Autorama opinions (not all nice)

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by theHIGHLANDER, Mar 7, 2006.

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    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Like my original intro says I was born to this shit. Been around it all my life. I guess I can just say "I get it" but that never seems enuff as I'm sure many of you think. Seeing the Roth feature stoked me up good. He's always been one of my heros.The Lunar Lander was kick ass. Good vision there. Numerous in-progress hot rods that were well presented and really capture what we all here call the "spirit" of what we like.

    But here's where I get not nice. Does this mean we don't even wash the bird shit and mud off the cars? What the fuck is that? Was the basement a "who can display the most worn out and rusted dirty shit we can find" area? I think some may have taken "patina" a bit too far. I don't want to get specific about any one car, but I possibly the ONLY one on this board that sees it this way? I understand tradition. Dad drove his cars and trucks un-finished. I drove my cars un-finished. There is a certain level of pride that follows that thinking. Even undone I at least kept it clean. I saw shit that hadn't had the glass cleaned in what looked like years. Why? Maybe help me understand. I see a lot of talk about "gold chainers" and "the billet crowd", yet I see Foose in some of the memory shots posted here. Rhetoric? I guess my extensive show experience has led me to look at presentation as well as the work almost automatic.

    I think pride in your project or primered hot rod is a key element no matter what the venue. I don't wish to expell thoughts of being too elite to participate or to condemn tradition. Billet? I'd venture to say that anyone on this board would gladly have a car like "Impression" given the means. Or one of many displays of master-craftsmanship at last weekend's show. The 63 Impala with the Plymouth The gold Riviera out in front. The Willys pick up. The Webb Roadster in the Ford display. The lil red Ford pickup dowstairs. Examples of vision, craftsmanship, and tradition. Some with all of it, some with none. Deaths doorstep was outstanding. I can't wait to see it done. I didn't have the pleasure of talking to Littleman about it, but I like what I was seeing.

    I guess I just expected to see how tradition was honored, but instead I felt that some were nearly slapping it in the face. As I said when I started, I do "get it" and always have. And unless I'm mistaken there was always soap and water for cleaning. I hadn't been there in 3 years. I had feedback from many who also get it that felt EXACTLY as I do. That last year was just not that bad. From pics I've seen, well, OK. Do we have or want a standard? Am I the only one? Does this make me a "gold chainer"? I'd like to know what some of you think. My sincere thanks for reading this, and again I don't wish to offend anyone.
  2. mitchell stewart
    Joined: Oct 11, 2005
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    mitchell stewart
    from toronto On

    Well said! I can remember cars being brought to the club house on Fri. night to get a fresh coat of primer because the old one had started to look tacky. There wasn't much shine but they sure were clean.
  3. The guys that I run with out here came to a head with these issues a few years back. We had a pretty good size group going, but some would get their rides to the running and driving stage and would never progress any further than that, on top of not maintaining them very well. I drive my cars VERY regularly and they don't have to be filthy for anyone to see that they are driven, but these guys would use the insides of their rides as trash cans, and the outsides as park benches, both at home and at shows. I didn't get it then and I still don't, fortunately alot of them don't drive their cars anymore b/c their lack of maintenance has caught up with them.
  4. 8ItCool
    Joined: Feb 10, 2006
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    from Cincinnati

    If a guy drives his car 200 miles in 30 degree weather, and doesn't feel like getting out the dust buster at the show, I won't give him shit about it.
  5. Levis Classic
    Joined: Oct 7, 2003
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    Levis Classic

    Alot of good words there Highlanders. After awhile its just a sea of rust and poorly fab'd rods. I think sometimes this so called "traditional" phase gets carried WAY too far.
  6. chopped
    Joined: Dec 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,147


    How bout a dog turd on a tire, or is that just keeping it real?
  7. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
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    Unkl Ian

    It's the "Pendulum Effect".

    When things go too far one way,
    a force increases on the other side in reaction.
    The same way Disco and the big Dinosaur Bands led to Punk Music.

    Cars have gotten too smooth,too shiney,and too expensive,
    many driven by egos to match the budget.Too exclusive for many.

    So what iis the obvious reaction ?
    Look down stairs.

    Of course,it swings both ways.
    Did you ever read Dr. Seus ? The story of the Star Belly Sneaches ?

    Brilliant social commentary.
  8. Littleman
    Joined: Aug 25, 2004
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    from OHIO, USA

    Hope you do not think I plan on leaving my body that way.....Because that would be a big hell no..........Littleman
    Joined: Oct 22, 2003
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    from Warren,MI

    i agree. its a indoor car show and to me it was a very big deal to have my car there. i know its lame to some of the guys on here but i take pride in my car and wanted it nice and clean for the show. The autorama is like the superbowl of car shows who cares that we are in the basement. the fucking beer cans dont show up with dirty uniforms for the bud bowl do they? (never seen it so if they do i suck:D )

    My car aint perfect it never will be but fucking A if i aint going to have a little pride in the thing after i busted my ass on it for 6 weeks to be there.
    Ratrods and rust suck:cool:
  10. vendettaautofab
    Joined: Jan 9, 2006
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    I agree the HIGHLANDER...I couldnt have said it better:) :) :)
  11. Green49Ford
    Joined: Jun 30, 2004
    Posts: 792


    So if we are going to be traditional. Lets get rid of all the station wagons and 4 doors. No one would have been caught dead driving one of those and thinking it was cool. I agree that washing a car that you bring to a show is a good idea but putting mirrors under it and placing it on a turntable is not very pratical either. Great that you saw some cool cars and some you didn't like. We all have our opinions but you should be glad that some young guys are into old cars and not into some tunner POS. Dude get off your high horse and be glad that they didn't have 80's cameros and mustangs downstairs.
  12. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
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    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Opinions are contraband...tread carefully!!!
  13. 8ItCool
    Joined: Feb 10, 2006
    Posts: 11

    from Cincinnati

    Look, chopped, don't start with me. Who said anything about a turd on a tire?
  14. bigdude
    Joined: Feb 20, 2006
    Posts: 187

    from mich

    Even in the old days,when a bird shit on your car you had your girlfriend clean it with some comet or sos pad. You always kept your chrome reverse wheels clean!:cool:
  15. hillbillyhell
    Joined: Feb 9, 2005
    Posts: 934


    Um, I would. It is after all, a SHOW, and an indoor one at that. In fact, it's more than that, it's the Detroit fucking Autorama.

    I totally agree with the original poster. There is a point, I think, where it stops being about "in progress", "unfinished" or "traditional" and starts being about "lazy". Folks call it what they will, but to me, that's what it boils down to.

    By the way, post an intro, new guy.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Hey man, I could tell that in no uncertain terms.
  17. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
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    to each his own....don't like it..keep on truck'in.:)
  18. 8ItCool
    Joined: Feb 10, 2006
    Posts: 11

    from Cincinnati

    Then why don't you guys all go and get in these people's faces and let them know your opinions, instead of just complaining here? Let me know how that goes.

    Car guys seem to always be bitching about other guys cars, why is that?
  19. retro54
    Joined: Apr 1, 2004
    Posts: 735

    from PA

    I must agree with the original poster as well... while I really admire those who build cars in their own yards and garages on their own budget and time, I do not admire those cars which are poorly engineered and or cosmetically presented... i feel there is no excuse (time, money or knowlege) to do something half way.

    and BTW... isn't this tech week?
  20. hillbillyhell
    Joined: Feb 9, 2005
    Posts: 934


    Not to be too abrasive or anything, but before you jump in with both feet, back the fuck up, read the rules and post an intro.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    8itcool...there were some dead-on kick ass rides there. No doubt about it. My "rant" for lack of a better word is about respect and presentation. hillbillyhell, exactly. You work your balls off to not only build the stuff, but then to get it there. Maybe some just wanted it as a "hang-out"?

    I was at that show for the debut of the Munster Coach. I saw the "Ala Kart" there. Yeah man, it IS the superbowl of shows. Al Bergler's dragster, that's tradition. Two-fold tradition. It won the Ridler in it's day didn't it. Nice to see that I'm not alone here. Nice to see the respect of how we got here. I don't want this to become a flame post either. Fat Hack...thanx for the insight.
  22. 8ItCool
    Joined: Feb 10, 2006
    Posts: 11

    from Cincinnati

    I would, but it seems I'm busy being asked about turds on tires right now. Is that in the rules?
    D.W. likes this.
  23. Littleman
    Joined: Aug 25, 2004
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    from OHIO, USA

    But thats just what I want to do with mine, finish it........As far as others , they may just like the look or making a statement.and thats kool.............but the old shows where about makin them look good................I think alot of stuff that is being built today to look the way they did back when a far cry from what they actually where..and are on the extreme side........Thats why I do not follow any rules when I build, and build what I want and is my thoughts of what kool is and at the same time push my abilities to the limit to get better..........We all just need to go in the garage and find the biggest engine you can find and put wheels on it..and build what a hot rod is to can use new parts and old parts or better yet make as much as you can...........Littleman.........I do think presentation is important....but thats for me others may think different.
  24. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
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    from Garner, NC

    Ha ha.. look at the tough guy... He doesn't get it probably never will... Can't even do an intro... so nobody even knows who he is or if we should even care... what a waste during tech week... do yourself a favor kid redeem yourself, post some kick ass tech or quietly resign yourself to the back of the room...
  25. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
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    from house

    Hasn't anybody noticed the way America is getting lazier????.....Same thing with the junk, so called, traditional cars......It's easy to be work needed.....just spend a coupla hundred....INSTANT COOL!!!!.....I'm not impressed.
  26. plw
    Joined: Jul 20, 2005
    Posts: 165


    I gotta agree with Highlander. There is so much raw talent out there it's kind of a shame that they get lumped in with shit that looks like it should of been crushed years ago. Rusty, greasy, and muddy just ain't as cool as some people think it is. Course neither are million dollar "hot rods". Craftsmanship is one thing but Geez, won't somebody set a limit for these things?
  27. I drove 500 miles to the greatest show in the country and enjoyed every minute of it. If somebody doesn't even wipe down his car and has no pride in his car, it isn't worth the time to worry about it, just walk to the next car. Supposedly this is in the name of tradition, but it didn't happen that way in the day. Many of these cars wouldn't have made it through the door. The basement is one of my favorites parts of the show, but neglect doesn't impress me and I know my opinion, or anyone elses, is of no importance to the reverse elite of the cool ones.
    Upstairs, downstairs, I like it all and it is a great experience.
  28. Boones
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
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    from Kent, Wa
    1. Northwest HAMBers

    I agree, it was a show, not a gathering.... (wasn't a similar commit made about some of the rides at the GNRS a few weeks back) The last few years have produce many POS rides. The owners seem to think that the bigger POS it is, the cooler they are.. Look around at the jalopy's we admire, more times then not, they are the ones that have time put into them (not to mean nice paint.).

    Clark's rides are a good example of what I talk about (the good side)
  29. Good take Highlander;I couldn't agree more.

    I think what we're seeing now is sort of an offshoot of what was happening on the show circuit in the early 60's.Cars being built with no regard for practicality but rather to see how much chrome,tuck and roll,and number of carburetors could be fitted in a bed of angel hair.Can you say,"Swivel arm chairs,cut-off steering wheels,and chrome tape"?

    Then the progression to muscle cars,gassers for the street,vans,rainbow paint jobs,and the like.

    There were a few really innovative builders back then but they were adrift in a sea of mildly to no talented wannabe's who seemed to leave no stone unturned when it came to ridiculousness.And this phenomenon wasn't restricted to any particular region of the country;it was everywhere.

    I'm not exactly sure when this newest movement began,but I see it as both a blessing and a curse.

    As for the suggestion of barring station wagons and four doors,I couldn't agree more.I've been using them since 1968 and my supply is drying up so if everyone stopped using them,it would give me a much better selection.
  30. The term that we so much hate 'rat rod' is applicable to some of the cars there this weekend. So therefore I do agree with your comments. The problem occurs when rat and traditional are grouped together. I am not of the opinion to tell someone what to do with his or her car. I am of the opinion to go to the superbowl, go with your 'A' game. In other words, the 'car' you have on display should be more than just a display. It should run. Move under its own power. I am guessing that back in the day most cars drove to the show. I am not advocating you drive in the winter, but your car should at least drive off the trailer and to its spot. Otherwise it is just a pile of parts.
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