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Art & Inspiration 2016 LA Roadster Show Express Smithfield, VA to Pomona, CA... we hope!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hamtown Al, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
    Posts: 37


    Probably by the second or third day the group will sort of " self divide " into smaller 3-4 car traveling sub groups based on comfortable speed , rest stops, gas and food needs. By having the Motels reserved in each of the 5 towns you still meet up each day and are still one big happy bunch.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  2. Hamtown Al
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    Tom, you may well be right as to developing travelling groups. I'm sure we will sort it out in a manner that works and is still fun for all.

    No pictures yet from Larry and Rick but I'm sure they're working on it.

    Also, I had to take both socks off to check but I realized that Tom's countdown number and mine differed!
    I think Tom was counting until the show and I am counting until we leave! Anyway, by my calculations, we have 84 days before we leave twelve weeks from tomorrow. Time is rushing bye and twelve weeks from today we will all be scrambling to get everything together and coordinated in order to leave early the next morning.

    I heard back from one of my 1936 Ford convertible sedan contacts and he graciously invited us to visit their museum in Duarte, CA while we are there. Turns out his company is one of the SPONSORS of the roadster show!:) I look forward to meeting him. I think I originally spoke with his Dad when I first was chasing the convertible sedan production breakdown between slantbacks and trunk models. I have to say that researching the 36 convertible sedan production breakdown was one of the most rewarding ventures I've gotten involved with. Fifteen or so years ago I started tracking them down and calling the various folks that supposedly owned one or more. I spoke to many owners that had owned their cars for many years and they often shared great stories about the old Fords. The experience and many of the phone calls were priceless!:) So far, we still haven't determined just how many of each model were built but we have narrowed the range wherein they changed over to somewhere within 177. I don't think I have the body id tag of the car in the museum in CA. Of course, it may have been lost over the years as have many others; including both of the convertible sedans I've owned. Then again, it might be THE number that settles the whole mystery.;) Of the 199 convertible sedans we've found, 29 are in CA. I have seen pictures of another convertible sedan at the roadster show in the past so maybe I'll get to see several 36 convertible sedans while I'm out there.:cool:

    No word yet from anybody about having checked out our dinner spot in Harriman, TN yet but I'm hoping to hear from somebody out that way.:) The food sure looks good in that picture.:rolleyes:

    84 days until takeoff,
    Ready Al
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  3. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    Here's a convertible sedan that was at the LARS in 2010. My notes said it belongs to Jesse James.
    36CSgreenLARS2010owned by Jesse James per SR magazine.jpg
    Here's another picture of the same car from another time... not sure when but can see the body id tag below the battery. Sure wish I knew what number is on that body id tag as I don't think this car is in our survey.

    Anybody on the HAMB know the car? I'd like to contact the owner.

    Still no feedback on our dinner spot in Harriman, TN... surely somebody out that way is hungry and will test it for us.

    77 days until take off,
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  4. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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    Are you sure about the 12th and not the 13th? I think you are just telling us that so we leave early so as not to slow you down. Been busy with work, IMG_20160322_142015871.jpg work but got to do some fun work today. Going over the cars and moved the '29 in the garage.
    This could have been bad, real bad.
    That is the steering box bracket to the frame. Cleaned all that up, fabricated and installed gussets. Used grade 5 bolts to re-attach. This is going to keep me from having to re-upholster the front seat after having sucked the cover off with pucker factor from loss of steering.
    This is just going over a build that has been on the road since 1988.
    Al you have saved me twice now.
    We are going to work on tying the folding chairs to the car tops tomorrow and I'll get you some photos.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  5. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
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    Larry, Al I don't think any of us need to worry about folding chairs. There will be 900 Roadsters , an equal number of " speciality cars" and the best hot rod flea mkt in the world. We'll probably be walking the show for 3 days.
    Hopefully we will be tying flea mkt deals to the car tops to get them home.
    lothiandon1940 and jackandeuces like this.
  6. Last time we went we went to Wally World when we got there and bought some $7.00 chairs in a bag, used them for the weekend and then just gave them to a local when we left.....
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  7. Great idea ....
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  8. winduptoy
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    No folding chairs, tell me it isn't so. That is my plan if I have a flat tire on the trip so I can sit in my lounge chair, sipping a cool beverage watching to flag down the road service that is bringing a replacement tire. No way I'm setting behind the car while I'm at the show that is a goodfellow thing I think. Too much to drink in I am sure. IMG_20160325_103818558.jpg
    Well, here we are without chairs then.
    If I can't have a chair, I'm bringing my hat. Rick is on the left.

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  9. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    With that hat; you can leave your TOP at home!!!
    Cars look sweet.
    Ask Rick to check steering box mount on the 31.
    Don't want any unplanned upholstery needs!!
    I think I'm finally pretty much clear of this cold that has had me stuck in neutral for couple weeks. Hope to get started on double check of car. I went over it pretty well when got it 2 yrs ago but it can't hurt. Also might save on upholstery, too!! I think we are all the same in that regard.
    George and Randy are starting on adding AC to the 39 shortly.
    I don't know if Randy realized he would be a WORKING co-pilot!!!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  10. jackandeuces
    Joined: Feb 20, 2006
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    Way too much planning...........LOL
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  11. Hamtown Al
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    I got this from George yesterday with the text of, "And so it begins."
    20160325 George begins AC.jpg
    I'm guessing he already has his co-pilot hard at work! I see his hat laying on the floor... probably where it fell when he left to take a nap!
    Rumor has it that Jack just travels with a shaving kit from his days in the NAVY! That and a stack of those collectible "Fuller Frame and Axle" shirts!!

    Jerry Nickols showed up with copy number 1 (and so far, only!) of Tom Prichard's story about the trip to the roadster show last year with Dickie Burke... the story that STARTED this whole effort of making the 2016 Roadster Show Express run with this merry bunch of fellows.
    This is yet to be published and the price may vary, if he gets anything at all!, but Jerry gets a big gold star for making sure that one of the best road trip stories ever told gets properly recorded for posterity. This story reads dang near EXACTLY like the saga told at the beginning of this thread.
    Way to go, Jerry!
    20160326 Jerrys book 2.JPG
    Jerry believes we should all work to document some of the more unusual hot rod tales for others to read and also to enable the stories to be shared with reasonable consistency over the years. NONE of us would ever embellish or mix up the facts.:rolleyes:
    Jack, "Scout" in this year's tale, has quite a story of the time a wheel passed him going down the road and his wife asked didn't that wheel look a lot like the ones on this car? I'll let Jack tell the story.

    After reviewing the new booklet, that is "little pages" size, one of the fellows at breakfast asked if I was going to call ahead and have a table set up for Tom and Dickie so they could autograph copies of the little book?
    More planning... the work is never done! Scout will probably want me to get a few "cuties" lined up to add some "color" to the autograph tent!!! I'm not sure what size tent to order... might only need an umbrella!! Especially if we only have the one copy!!
    I wonder if they have yellow tents?!?!

    74 days,
    lothiandon1940 and winduptoy like this.
  12. LBH
    Joined: Dec 22, 2010
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    Jerry ........... That is very cool ........... thank you !! ............ tp
  13. joesgarages
    Joined: Feb 21, 2014
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    You are welcome, it is a great story. I am waiting to see if I can get it made into a book and have a copy everyone who wants one. Later.....,,,
  14. Hamtown Al
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    It seems that team member Rick has already scouted out part of our trip in his partial quest to follow the old Route 66 with a pal in his Model A coupe. Hopefully, he will add a pic of the coupe for all to see.
    He scouted out Seligman. AZ and it seems to have a few attractions but I'm not so sure about his thoughts on a restaurant... it is one thing to call some place a roadkill café; but, to me it is entirely another to NAME the place The Roadkill Café!!
    seligman-az road kill cafe 2.jpg
    The menu:
    seligman az roadkill-66-cafe menu.jpg
    seligman az roadkill-66-cafe menu 2.jpg
    He also checked on potential rescue help:
    seligman-az road service.jpg
    And there was this place, The Snowcap:
    seligman az The-Snowcap.jpg

    I'm thinking it will not be time to eat when we blow through Seligman!!;)

    Yep, this trip is going to be special!!:rolleyes:

    70 days,
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  15. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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    Isn't it always time to eat?
    Rick is challenged when it comes to electronic devices, that is why he drives a banger. I will add a photo on his behalf that includes his car when we were taking other photos. I keep telling him that he should bring it but he thinks that his car would be out of place. He thinks it needs a hair cut but he is unable to give it one as it was his dads car. Rick has had it since the '70's. We are hill climbing tomorrow with the bangers so tell us not to break or wreck anything.
    Larry IMG_20160325_103537673_HDR.jpg
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  16. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    Well, no updates from Larry on the hill climbing in the bangers... hope are still safe and sound did not require any outside help to complete the hill climbing or recover from any "miscalculations!"
    I'm sure it went well and they had a great time. DRIVING 'EM is what it is all about.

    On another note, I got the following picture update from George on the installation of AC in his 39 cabriolet. I couldn't help but note the pillow on the floor. George told me this morning that it was to keep it comfy while he was working under the dash as it cushioned the seat risers. I told George that in spite of his well know affection for "naps" that I would not question his explanation about the pillow.:rolleyes:
    20160402 George continues AC with Randy.jpg

    Shadow came by yesterday to help lookover my cabriolet... and study the available trunk area!! We think we'll have plenty of room for our stuff as well as spare parts, tools(only to help other guys I hope!), a cooler, and my chairs, too. I designed the trunk area such that the chairs tuck up over the battery and spare parts storage area. I'm hoping to get the trunk upholstered before the trip as well as have a bikini top made that will cover the car's interior when the top is still down. I don't know if I should refer to it as a bikini top or more of a housecoat top?!:D Another "opportunity!"
    I want to get the car over to the upholsterer to go over it all but the dang weather has suddenly gone nuts around here by getting pretty cold and the wind blowing almost at gale velocity.:eek:

    I'm hoping to have another "Pomona Planning Lunch" week after next here in Smithfield but I don't expect Larry and Rick to make that meeting either... from New Mexico!!:D

    Several fellows have bought and tried some of the high tech clothing we discussed at the last planning lunch and most seem to think it has some merit. Research on the many options continues. Who knew they had high tech socks?!!;) I've got to look into them out of curiosity if nothing else.

    I haven't been able to round up a volunteer to check out the Roane Street Grill in Harriman, TN... surely a HAMBer out that way can manage a "test run" of the menu for us and report back. I'll offer a beer to the first "helper" when we get there for dinner if the helper finds the food to be good and can manage to meet us back at the restaurant when we go through there in June. How about it? Don't start asking about a free dinner for you and your family!;) A beer and sincere handshake is my offer at present.:)

    "Joe" gave me a copy of the "True Hot Rods" story last Saturday during a garage crawl out to his place after breakfast. I've filed it away for safe keeping until I can get Tom Prichard and Dickie to sign it.:cool:
    I think I'm going to volunteer to help Joe "publish" some more copies if he trusts me to follow his directions in making them and putting them together. We good supervision from him, I'm hoping I can be a good helper.;)

    64 days,
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
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  17. Hamtown Al
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    Got these pics from Rick of his trip along the old Route 66. Doug is his co-pilot in the picture of them motoring along in Rick's Dad's old coupe... that is just too cool to be driving a car that was your Dad's car!:)
    I'll begin with Rick's cool front plate... before the bugs!;)
    Route 66 Road Trip 2014 001.JPG
    Notice how clean the radiator is in this picture.
    Route 66 Road Trip 2014 102.JPG
    A daytime stop.
    Route 66 Road Trip 2014 115.JPG
    Our boys motoring along the highway... they look mighty serious for some old fellows out having fun!:rolleyes:
    Here's a nighttime stop:
    Route 66 Road Trip 2014 164.JPG
    And, lastly, the front plate when they brought their travels to a halt:
    Route 66 Road Trip 2014 183 (2).JPG
    Note the splatters on the plate and added debris on the radiator.
    A driven car is a beautiful car!:)

    I'm surprised that "Scout" hasn't complained about too much planning again after I said something about another Pomona Planning Lunch week after next but then I realized we were going to be eating and that would be fine with Scout; and all the rest of the boys, too!!:rolleyes:

    62 days,
    OL 55 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  18. Hamtown Al
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    I'm pleased to report that I have been able to round up a volunteer to check out the Roane Street Grill in Harriman, TN. A quick call; some crying about nobody helping, poof!, he volunteered to help!! It is all in the approach... and how much beer you offer!! He's also going to ride by the motel to check the likely security aspects of the location.

    Visited the upholsterer the other day and they're going to upholster my trunk a week from Monday and then help figure out the special top I want for the car when the top is down. I mentioned it at breakfast this morning and Jerry wants something similar for his 36 Ford.. great minds thinking alike?!?!

    As luck would have it, I found this picture that I'd saved long ago and lo and behold; it is the same roadster posted earlier in this thread by the guys from MD. Butch Martin's car. The cover looks great to me.
    I hope Butch didn't copyright the design!!
    Note cover to use when top is down jpg (2).jpg

    "Joe" got the little Hot Rod Stories books printed. They are going to be VERY exclusive and a surely valuable piece of memorabilia one day... just kidding! I do think they are cool and Dickie and I persuaded him to print many more copies than he'd originally planned so we'd have plenty to share. I told him I thought most folks would be happy to donate enough to cover the cost of the printing which is two or three bucks. Dang! We spend most of that on a Coke these days!

    Now, to get a copy SIGNED by Tom and Dickie... they will be very expensive... not! Of course, you'll have to find Dickie and Tom! We all owe Jerry a big "Thank you!" for seeing that the book got made! Many of us say coulda, woulda, shoulda about this and that but most us don't take the initiative to make it happen. Thanks "Joe!"

    I still don't think we'll need a tent for signing the books!! I'm still thinking an umbrella! Shoot! Dickie and Tom ain't going to be still long enough to sign many! And I ain't gonna stand there long to hold the umbrella either!!

    I've had my cabriolet for a bit over two years now and really enjoy the car and have not had any real issues pop up. BUT... you knew it was coming, right? I think I'm hearing a roar in one of the front wheels now that I'm trying to do everything I can to make sure that I am NOT the cause of any mechanical "opportunities" that might arise on the trip. Isn't that how it goes? Anyway, I'm going to pull one and see what I find. I've got an extra set of bearings that I was going to take anyway... now I think I'll change them and keep the old ones for spares even if I don't see anything wrong with them. After I get it back together I should be able to tell if it makes a difference.
    Yes, I plan to do BOTH wheels but I want to do one first to see if my guess as to which one is causing the noise is correct. I'm thinking RF as the noise goes away when I turn to the left. No change when I turn to the right. I'm thinking it is the inner bearing as I already checked and repacked the outer front bearings last fall before I drove it to the Moonshine Festival in Dawsonville GA. Noise stayed the same... I hoped that was it. Now for the inner bearings! The good news, so far, is that the noise hasn't gotten any louder... and nothing has started making crunching noises yet!!

    53 days,

    OL 55 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  19. I probably don't need to mention this to a bunch of seasoned hot-rodders like yourselves but, please, please make sure every car going to L.A. has a working fire extinguisher or two. I see your reference to Butch's roadster above. I'm sure by now you've seen the pictures of his Chevy truck after the unfortunate fire on I-64 this past week when a group was returning from the LSRU. Multiple fire extinguishers may not have helped once the tire was involved but, it may be the only chance to save a car or perhaps a life.
    Hamtown Al likes this.
  20. Hamtown Al
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    Thanks, Don, for the reminder about fire extinguishers... or TWO! They are like many things we know are important but sometimes just don't think about.
    I hadn't heard or seen of Butch's troubles but will see if I can find it. I hate to hear of anybody having troubles... on the road, in the garage, or anywhere else. I want to go to LSRU next year... if I survive the trip to LA!!
    We all hope for the best but we need to be ready for the sudden "opportunities" that might arise.

    I forgot to mention earlier that I'm caulking around the drain pain I made when I converted the rumble seat to be a trunk instead. The pan fits pretty well but some caulking should improve the odds of keeping the trunk area dry.

    Here's a picture from when it was first installed.
    20150509 Trunk drain pan.JPG

    Thanks again for the reminder... we'll likely need all the help we can get!!

    Still 53 days,

    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  21. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
    Posts: 37


    Planning meeting at the Cockeyed Rooster restaurant in Smithfield Wed April 20.
    Tom T picked up his new brake drums Wed and that should Pomona ready.
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  22. Hamtown Al
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    Thanks greatly for helping get old Tom T's new brake drums in order... we don't need to give him an excuse to display his great mechanical skills while we are on the road!! I'm hoping none of us get that "opportunity!"

    Thanks, Tom, too, for highlighting the show info and possible strategies regarding a swap meet spot versus just registering for specialty cars that don't meet the roadster area parking parameters.

    It's hard to believe that by this time 8 weeks from now we'll have already picked up our "western contingent" driving the Model A roadsters and will be rushing to meet Terry and his pals in Kingman for dinner and a big rest before we break out very early the next morning to get a cooler start across the desert. The good news that day is that it should only take 4.5 hours to get us to our motel... and some room AC!! Dickie and Jack might be into their third rounds by the time we get there given their inclination to "step it up a bit!":rolleyes:

    I've been refining the AC flow in my cabriolet... the folks that built it did a nice job of installing the under hood components as well as the under dash unit. However, they did not mount or hook up ANY AC vents!! I lowered the unit slightly within the car and built a homemade plenum chamber that blows directly into the cab from a slightly recessed location under the dash. I installed vents and everything in the plenum. Looked good and I used it that way last year. However, when I got to looking at it a bit closer and wanted to ensure that we got all the cold air that was possible out of the unit on our way to Pomona; I realized that the bottom portion of my vents were actually blocking a fair amount of the air flow! DUH! I removed both vents and now am getting more air and at higher velocity!:D It is not the most aesthetically appealing but it is just far enough back under the dash that it isn't that noticeable... at least that is what I tell myself.:rolleyes: I'm still tweaking the final configuration but am very happy(and cooler!) with the increased output.

    I'm also planning to engineer;) some insulation for the underside of the convertible top in an effort to keep out more heat and keep in more cool.:cool::) Anybody else done it that is willing to share your experience?

    Thanks to all that have helped and continue to help us with our trip west. All tips and thoughtful suggestions are greatly appreciated.:)

    52 days

  23. Hamtown Al
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    Here's a combination update and tech tip about insulating the roof of a convertible:


    I shared this with some other fellows going on our trip and the first feedback was: "Nice installation. Is it stiff enough to stay without epoxy or some other fastener? At 100 miles an hour you wouldn't want your ceiling to collapse and whip around into your vision area. No matter how good the story is later......"

    I think it will stay at any speed the way I have it in my car. Also remember that I'm trying to keep AC inside as well as deflecting heat so my windows will often be up.

    The key to keeping the panels secure is to make it tight.

    My front panel is wider than the opening so it should stay there. I cut it such that I could just get panel into overhead slots by pushing panel all the way into the slot on opposite side. Then centered panel above opening within the slots. Front is pushed up over header slightly and back is on top of roof support rib. Did same thing with back panel by pushing back of panel back slightly over back rib that is over rear window. The ends of both panels meet and lay flat over central roof rib.

    I think it will help considerably whether you have AC or not. Just want to be extra cautious that is fully secure if no windows and side curtains not in place for reasons you stated.

    BTW the panel was less than $15. Cheap is good if it works. I was planning something much more elaborate but fortunately Shadow told me about seeing this stuff in Lowes. Shadow's idea seems much better than the path I was on.

    Panel is foam insulation with foil on one side. I installed it with foil side up to further help deflect the heat.

    I plan to install the panels before we leave and leave them in until we get to Pomona. I'll remove them and store them in our room while we're there so can put the top down. I'll reinstall them before we leave to return to VA.

    Eight weeks from today we should be getting close to rolling into Pomona! Hopefully, Tom Pritchard (and all the rest of us!) will arrive in much better condition and spirits this year!;)

    Now to sort out that noise in the front wheels!

    Working Al
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  24. .................Not sure if 10 extinguishers could have stopped this once the tire was involved. Those who were there were using extinguishers, water bottles and coolers of water/ice to no avail. Please be careful guys. Be safe. IMG_4130.JPG IMG_4150.JPG
  25. Hamtown Al
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    Dang! What a pity! I'm certainly sorry to see Butch, or anybody else for that matter, have that happen.

    I presume the good news is that nobody got hurt. Most of us feel that we can ultimately fix or replace the vehicle and will still be thankful that nobody gets hurt.

    Thanks for sharing the background.

    Now, where are those fire extinguishers! Also, how OLD are they?!!
    lothiandon1940 and jackandeuces like this.
  26. .........Yes, thankfully Butch walked away unhurt.
    Hamtown Al likes this.
  27. Wow - that is tough to look at but glad all are OK.

    Yes, WD got me squared away on my brake drum. Made a nice road trip to Roanoke with John Mullen, spent time walking through WDs "Museum" as we kidded about and met up with Tom Richardson's and viewed his collection. Two great guys to be sure - thank you for a great day, gents!

    As for my brakes, all is back together and adjusted. I just need to bleed the brakes and I will be all set with that prep for the trip ...
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  28. i.rant
    Joined: Nov 23, 2009
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    1. 1940 Ford

    I'm definitely learning some tricks on putting a long road trip together, awesome thread that I've enjoyed every word.
    I will following along on your "adventure "
    Smooth cruising to all of you. :)
    lothiandon1940 and Hamtown Al like this.
  29. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
    Posts: 37


    i.rant, even better please join us!
    lothiandon1940 and Hamtown Al like this.

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