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Projects Traditional '29 Model A Coupe Build up

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by höllenteufel, May 27, 2015.

  1. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,562


    Nice little Coupe, enjoy it!!
  2. Binger
    Joined: Apr 28, 2008
    Posts: 1,734

    from wyoming

    I already attached them to my coupe! I made them bolt through the frame. Check out my build thread. Our builds are surprisingly similar.

    A shocks.jpg
  3. höllenteufel
    Joined: Jul 16, 2014
    Posts: 65


    Ah really nice. Through the frame works better on yours. I kept the mechanical brakes so I didn't have the space to mount them like you. That was my original plan before I noticed I don't have the space
    Dannerr likes this.
  4. Wardog
    Joined: Jan 12, 2010
    Posts: 2,438



    These things are pretty popular. They were on my coupe when I bought it, with mechanicals. I like you're coupe.
  5. höllenteufel
    Joined: Jul 16, 2014
    Posts: 65


    Yes. They fit there with the original perches. But I had to modify my perches and weld a piece on top so I can still run the mechanical brakes with the dropped axle. Cause of that piece I couldn't attach the shocks to the perchball. That's why I had to attach the them to the wishbone some inches back. So the shocks didn't fit between the frame and the brake rod.

    Dannerr and bct like this.
  6. Binger
    Joined: Apr 28, 2008
    Posts: 1,734

    from wyoming

    I like the way you modified the mechanical brakes for the drop!
  7. höllenteufel
    Joined: Jul 16, 2014
    Posts: 65


    Thanks. That worked out pretty good. First thought it could be too weak, but there's no bending event if I apply full power on the brakes.

    To make a shitty day at work better I had a little after work cruising. It's always interesting to go on the "autobahn" with a 86 year old jalopy with 60 mph...

    ImageUploadedByH.A.M.B.1461186886.571613.jpg ImageUploadedByH.A.M.B.1461186896.703988.jpg
    Dannerr and waxhead like this.
  8. Wardog
    Joined: Jan 12, 2010
    Posts: 2,438


    Ah ha, I forgot about you're perch mods.
  9. Brilliant! Just brilliant.
  10. höllenteufel
    Joined: Jul 16, 2014
    Posts: 65


  11. Thanx for the updates, höllenteufel, I hope to see it live some day! :D
    Have you thought of going to, maybe even entering the race at Rømø Motorfestival (EDIT: link added)? :)

    Keep 'em kruzin!
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  12. höllenteufel
    Joined: Jul 16, 2014
    Posts: 65


    Hey guys,

    @Dannerr: yes. hope to meet you some day. Didn't think about the romo motorfestival yet. But maybe sometimes. Next year I'll hope I can make it to Pendine Sands in UK.

    time for a little update. The Model A is on the streets since march and has driven about 2.500 miles without any bigger problems since then.

    In May we had a nice backyard BBQ at fellow hamb member Baumi with a 155 miles trip. The A did it without problems.


    After the BBQ I took the A to Italy to visit my cousin. It's about 300 miles over a 6.500 feet pass in switzerland. Everything worked out good. Engine didn't get hot and the original brakes did a good job when driving down the pass in 10 serpentines. And it made it up the pass with about 35 mph.


    About 1 mile before reaching my cousins house I said to my girlfriend: "The Model A really made it to Italy!!!" - Big mistake... 30 seconds later I heard a "CLUNK" and the engine stopped. So we towed the car to my cousin. Opened the cluch and the transmission, but didn't find anything. The engine ran, but there was a irregular clunking sound in the bellhousing. Didn't hat the opportunity to completely open the clutch there, so I got me a rental car and the Model A came home on a trailer.

    At home I checked the clutch again. And not wanting to pull the engine you check alot, not to do that. So I pulled the starter and searched for "something" in the bellhousing. After 45 minutes of stirring around, I finally got out a bolt...

    Last year the bold of my starter spring broke. I thought I got everything out, but i didn't. So that little f*cker was the problem. Put everything together again and since then, the car is working perfectly again.


    So it's still driving alot, all with the original banger. And now I'll start, to hop up the other Model B banger I have at home, that will go in the car this winter.

    catdad49, Dannerr and Jeff34 like this.
  13. Binger
    Joined: Apr 28, 2008
    Posts: 1,734

    from wyoming

    Glad you got that starter bolt. Great to see you driving it so many miles.
    Joined: Nov 26, 2010
    Posts: 520

    from USA

    That's good you found the problem. You lucked out. How was it going down them Hills. Scary! The cars looking good Luke. Keep driving it, rite. Bob................
  15. höllenteufel
    Joined: Jul 16, 2014
    Posts: 65


    Hey. I thought it'll be pretty scary, but it wasn't that bad. In 3dr the Model A held itself at about 37 mph and the serpentines are steep but the 180° radius is pretty wide. So I only had to brake hard right before the turn for a short time and then rolled through it. The scariest thing was, that it was foggy as hell and I only could see about 100 to 130 feet... Also stopped sometimes to measure how hot the breaks got, but everything was good für a steep hill. It was about 170 Fahrenheit.

    But after this season I definetly want to put the floater kit in the brakes and will look for the cast iron rocky mountain brake drums. The brakes are really good right now, but they can't be good enough. But the mechanicals will stay for sure.
    catdad49, Jeff34 and waxhead like this.
  16. @höllenteufel, we should - have added a link for Rømø Motorfesteval i previous comment. I'm going to try to build a car worthy of entering (eg. not a sedan) for next years race... bangerpowered, of course! ;)
    Been there too - ended up learning to pull engine pretty fast, as I couldn't get anything in there to pull it out. o_O
    catdad49 likes this.
  17. Great little coupe! Keep it up!
  18. A Boner
    Joined: Dec 25, 2004
    Posts: 7,658

    A Boner

    Did the “B”engine ever get installed?
    Beanscoot likes this.

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