Nice work. I hope you make it to the Boogaloo. I hope I see you there. Nice call on the paint, too. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the Bill Likes roadster in person but in the pictures it does look like an over restoration. Same goes for the paintwork in the American take on the Bert Monroe Indian. Too slick and sheeny and not really in keeping with the paint technology of the era.
So far the plan is on track to make it to the Boogaloo as long as the road trip goes smooth! I have spare pair I would let go and could bring to the show all going well. PM me your number and I`ll send you a couple of pics tonight.
One job I wanted to get done before the show was a fan shroud. I only have a short fan at the moment, it's couple of inches from the core so I thought it would work better ducted until I extend this fan or score a '32 one. Secondly because I remember reading Ben Thomas' thread and him having one come apart, so thought I best be safe. I've already had a fan take a swipe at my radiator but that was my own fault! Plan on finishing it off and ending up gloss black but for now rough enough is good enough. Load up afternoon for the Boogaloo today
Thorough man. Best boxing and lots more excellence. Flatty sounds nice. I like the rattle paint- what brand paint, if you please?
Thanks. All the paint I used was Wattyl kill rust enamel I`d recommend it. I got it for $10 a can buying 12 of from local paint shop. It`s not as easy to work with once it`s laid down as far as polishing and wet sanding to respray is concerned as 2pac I`ve used in the past but for this style of car/paintjob I`d use it again.
Absolutely stunning car! I'll need to go back and read more on the engine build. Absolutely love the sound!
You do very nice work! That dash! That steering wheel! Curious question, on your shroud, did you have to vent the bottom at all to let the trapped air out? Lookin killer!
Very nice car. Haven't seen this thread before (maybe because I'm not in here very often). Great to see these cars passing the torch!
Hey P_Moore, I forgot to say, thanks for this 'pictured thread'- really a privilege for the HAMB, I'd say.
Thanks. I haven't yet, I figured the fan opening is over half the area of the radiator so hopefully that lets enough air out at speed from the bottom.
Wardy it was good to meet you! Checked out your coupe too it's real neat. You guys done a dam good job on the show, was a great weekend! And thanks for sticking up for my trailer queen ways ha
Just had a great week back in Victoria, taking friends and family for a ride was a blast. The Boogaloo was the best show I've been to in Aus, excellent cars and bikes and a real relaxed vibe. Congrats to all involved, and a huge thanks to The Kardinals. Was a blast meeting people and seeing the best hot rods in Aus all in one spot. I like this first photo the old house down the farm is my late Grandpas house the place my Dad grew up, the same property my brother and sisters grew up on and beside me is my little mate and godson riding shotgun.
Bloody trailer queens, come in and win all the trophies. Lol. Congrats again mate car looks killer. The show was great too they don't need to change a thing for next year ( aside from the weather which couldn't be helped )
Hi Pat, saw your car at the show, stunning bit of gear with a timeless stance, and beautiful balance of detail, a real credit to you, with bonus points given the commitment to bring it down, massive effort, and much appreciated. Cheers, Drewfus
Beautiful little machine. It sure was a good show. I'm sorry I didn't get to say hello. I had a good old blatt down in my banger and got sufficiently wet on Friday night but the first beer at the pub made it instantly worth it. Congrats on the kardinals pick. There was some mighty gear there.
Pat great meeting you mate, the roadster is spot on! The Boogaloo was a fantastic show but I can't take credit for it. It is purely Des and Tesh's show, I just helped a bit and got in the way. If you couldn't tell I have a habit of telling it how I see it, Congrats on the Kardinals Pick.
Good to meet you Pat & like every one has already said your roadster is so much nicer in the flesh. Cheers Charlie.