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Art & Inspiration 2016 LA Roadster Show Express Smithfield, VA to Pomona, CA... we hope!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hamtown Al, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    Yeah, i.rant, you can learn a lot more if you are WITH US!

    "Come on down!" to I-40. Go due south on I-55 and join us at exit 277 of I-40 or you can head west-southwest on 67 and cut across 64 to exit 127 of I-40. Either way, you will be with us when we stop for the night in Russellville, AK. Give me a starting point more specific than "from Illinois" and we can offer some suggestions and start time for a potential meeting point; else, get to Russellville early and pick us out a good restaurant... you do want to play a part don't you?:)

    What else are you doing that will outweigh bragging rights for driving to the roadster show this year with a bunch of fools... er, fellows from VA?:rolleyes:

    I told 3wLarry that he should join us as well so he can get a look at his old coupe but his plate is somewhat full at the moment and we know he'll be with us in spirit anyway.:) I wish things were such that he could go with us but we understand that many things are more important than being a part of our particular adventure this year.

    As for you, i.rant, "Come on Down!" We'd love to have you. We probably ought to take somebody with a later model car anyway... the newest going so far is a 1939!:rolleyes: Your car is a 1940 isn't it?!;)

    Eight weeks from tonight we'll be sleeping in Pomona... we hope!!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  2. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
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    from Ok

    I was at an event several years ago and saw a nice 38 conv pull into our motel. After he got his wife and luggage unloaded he got inside and pulled a velcro'd/insulated headliner down and folded it into a bag and put it in the trunk. Then he put the conv top down. I was impressed. You guys have fun on your trip.
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  3. Hamtown Al
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    Good news and bad news... dang it!
    Starting working on replacing the RF wheel bearings.
    Good news is I noticed that the builder had cut the inner fender panels to clear some hoses and put a small hose over it for protection BUT he failed to flatten and bend outward the bottom edges of the cut panel so they wouldn't be like a potential knife sawing on the protective hose!! I removed the two short protective hose pieces and replaced with a much longer solid piece of hose to protect from potential chaffing. I also flattened the edges of the bottom of the cut panel and bent them outward so they would not really pose a danger of sawing through the protective covering of the power steering hose.
    Bad news is that the replacement of the wheel bearings were going smooth, but a bit messy with me getting grease on about everything:eek:, until near the end when I inadvertently cross threaded a caliper bolt!:eek::mad: Had to quit to take the Madam to the doctor, then dinner, etc.:)
    Don't think any permanent damage was done but hope to get it fixed in the morning in time to drive the car to the 1 PM Pomona Planning Lunch at the Cockeyed Rooster Restaurant here in Smithfield. We're giving a pass to our pals in NM and to Tom T who is off to Carlisle. I hope everybody else REMEMBERS IT and can attend.

    Working (but not very well:rolleyes:) Al

    PS i.rant said he couldn't get off long enough to go with us but might meet us for dinner in Russellville, AK on his way home from a big swap meet that day. So much for adding a late model to our group!!:D
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  4. Kiwi Tinbender
    Joined: Feb 23, 2006
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    Kiwi Tinbender

    Still following, Al, at least in spirit. I have an idea for a shipment to you, but I have to work on it. How much room do you think you will have for a small travelling companion?

    No, I do not intend to send a pet mouse or budgie......:eek::D
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  5. Hamtown Al
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    As long as I don't have to feed it or stop to let it go potty, I'm good with some added company. We already have what I believe is an original Ford greyhound with a free standing tail out front!

    Thanks for continuing to be a part of this fun adventure. The more the merrier!
    Car will likely be pretty full but if you send it, I'll do my best to bring it to you in LA... heck, if the other drivers are nice, and buy me a beer or a glass of water; I could let our new companion ride with them part of the way!!!
    Hope our companion doesn't want to ride with it's nose in the wind as we plan to keep windows up out west to stay cool!!:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
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  6. Hamtown Al
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    I'm pleased to report that I managed to get the RF back together in good order but did have to find a backup Grade 8 bolt for the one I screwed up... I knew that COMPLETE CE frontend kit that I've got about $2,500 in but sold the truck before I got to use it would come in handy one day!:rolleyes: That is where I got the replacement bearings, too.:)

    A test drive proved that it was not the RF wheel bearings! Dang, I was so sure.:rolleyes:

    Anyway, while on test drive realized that noise stopped as soon as applied any pressure at all to the brakes. Not sure what tells me but I'll ask the fellows at our Pomona Planning Lunch today.:)

    After the scare of potentially messing up my genuine Heidts dropped spindle I'm REALLY searching for added insight!:)

    49 days,

    Feeling better Al;)
  7. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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    Sounds like you have all been busy and planning over lunch. Mentioned to you the other day that exit 369 on I 40 in New Mexico is Russell's Travel Center. It is East of Tucumcari, your evening stop, just a little bit but is worth the stop. There is a free museum that is full of 40' and 50's era cars plus a whole bunch of US Rt 66 stuff. Might want to add that to your travel plans.
    Been working on the '29 and got turnsignalthingeelights on it now so I can go down the highway signaling for a lane change that will never happen for miles and miles

    Happy planning

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  8. Hamtown Al
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    I think we're all doing something! Here's a progress report on George (and Randy's!) effort to add AC to George's 39 cabriolet before we leave.
    20160419 Georges AC progress.jpg

    Today we had our second Pomona Planning Lunch.

    "Joe" had the little books ready and numbered up to 40 and Dickie and Tom signed all 40. I did note that somehow there were TWO numbered "32"! Can't imagine how that happened except that Dickie and Jack were both sure to want that number... that "Joe" and his wife think of everything!

    Here's my copy in final form:
    20160420 book cover.JPG
    Yep, I got number 36.

    Cars at the planning lunch today:


    Randy had to press his sedan into service to bring George as the 39 was down:

    Several of us had our new high tech clothing to show and I showed them the insulated panels as I'd installed them in my cabriolet which was pictured earlier. George said he might make some panels for his car. Jack's roadster ALREADY had a solid and insulated top... as usual, he was way ahead of me!:) Jack also had a hard plastic rear window that was attached with Velcro and could easily be removed for added ventilation. Jack said he wasn't taking a co-pilot so he was thinking of installing a full 17 inch radiator electric fan with shroud in the cabin for some extra air!!:eek:

    Tom Pritchard came up with some elaborate story that some successful pal of his that had invited him to spend a couple weeks on a tour on the guy's 100 and some foot yacht overseas exactly during our express run!:eek:
    Tom actually said the guy invited "Mrs. Pritchard" and he was getting to go... it is a tough job but somebody has to do it. I thought his eyes were going to well up because he wouldn't be going with us.;)
    I suggested to Dickie to round up a new co-pilot so we'll see what happens. The signing session in LA should be twice as fast as Tom won't be there to autograph other copies.:rolleyes: Dickie will be there and you can actually read his signature... Pritchard... not so much but it looks cool!:D

    Spirits were high and I think we're all looking forward to it. I had a list of potential stuff to take and Dickie said he'd have to build a trailer to take all the stuff mentioned!:D

    49 days before we leave... we'll be scrambling 7 weeks from tonight!

    PS Shadow agreed to pick me up at the upholstery shop Monday morning when I leave my car to get the trunk done... IF I would buy his breakfast on the way home at the same place we had lunch today!!:)
    Food was great again! So, we're having another planning lunch next month.;)
    Before anybody gets concerned about excessive planning, please remember that we enjoy the fellowship and seeing the cars and the food is great... we all know we're likely going to be mostly just winging it anyway!!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    lothiandon1940, OL 55 and 63fdsnr like this.
  9. Damn, you guys are having WAAAAY to much fun.
  10. Hamtown Al
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    We got room for one more, seadog. Come on... I don't have any candy but I'll give you a copy of the little book!

    Just sayin'
  11. Hmm, tempting...but I don't have anything to drive at the moment. 'Roadster won't be done in time and I have family obligations. Might be interested if y'all go to Lonestar Round Up next year though.
  12. Hamtown Al
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    I've got a 36 Ford convertible sedan with AIR and a FORD engine and it is for sale but I can't help much with those family things... and they should come first.

    I'm pondering a run to Lonestar next year... heck, it HAS to be shorter!!:rolleyes: Of course, AFTER this year's express run to the roadster show; nobody may want to leave VA again!!:eek: Then again, they may be raring to go on another adventure!:)

    You can go with us in a late model... heck, you can even take a trailer.:D YOU could be the most popular man in the crowd!:) You don't have to drive something old to go but you will have to ride in the back... if the older stuff ain't smoking too bad!:D

    Can you fix up those family things early? Just sayin':rolleyes:
  13. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
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    from east , tn.

  14. Hamtown Al
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    A year ago when I installed the dropped front spindles, I dropped the rear a good deal, too. The car was level after driving it a bit so I did a quick change with what I had on hand about 6 months ago to raise the rear a bit. It looked and rode well but I had used longer u bolts than were needed and I felt I needed just a little more clearance.
    So I ordered new lowering blocks and realized; AFTER the blocks arrived, that I needed shorter u bolts to make sure I cleared the scrub line. I start hitting the parts houses and I found complete lowering kits for a variety of ranges on the shelf at Advance. Dang! Next time I will look locally before I do that "assume" thing that "nobody has them around here... will have to go mail order.":eek:
    I bought a kit just to get u bolts that were more length appropriate than what I had used earlier and it probably saved me a lot of time and maybe some money.:)
    Anyway, it is all done now and below is the evidence (apparently required on the HAMB!:D) that it happened.:rolleyes:
    20160423 lowering blocks 2 point 5 inches.JPG
    I don't really see any difference in the stance but there should be another half inch there somewhere. Also, I like to keep my scrub line clean and it hasn't been since I got the car. Now it is clear... not by much but clear which is what we all want for improved safety.:)
    A little more clearance insurance when we're going so far from home is a good thing!
    Here's the revised stance, if you can see any.
    20160423 lowering blocks 2 point 5 inches stance.JPG
    It looks about right to me and, yes, I bounced it several times before I took the picture.;)

    Going Monday to get the trunk upholstered.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    OL 55 likes this.
  15. Saw Jerry and Jeff @ Carlisle and he gave me a copy of "da book" or "da story". Nicely done!
  16. Hamtown Al
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    Shadow was right on time Monday and we had a great breakfast at the Cock-eyed Rooster Café.
    They upholstered the trunk.. I forgot a picture but will get one, 3WLarry! Please wait patiently.;)
    They also made my "housecoat" top that is waterproof and will allow me to leave the top down overnight without fear of rain... or snow! I've also have a short pole that will raise the center of the top just a little to make sure all the water will run off if it rains.
    I've still got to redo the tie downs... the bungie cords are just for starters.
    Thanks to Butch for not getting a warrant about copyright infringement!!

    Here's a better shot that shows the stance that is supposedly a half inch higher in the rear but I can't really see it and I haven't found a good "before" picture... just imagine it a half inch lower!:D

    Five weeks from today we leave for York.
    Six weeks from tomorrow we head west.

    42 days,

    LOU WELLS and 63fdsnr like this.
  17. Hamtown Al
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    An update on the housecoat(bikini?) top tie downs:
    A trip to the local hardware store yielded these neat plastic coated flat stretch cords. After several experiments with how and where to tie it down, I arrived at this solution. I also bought 4.5' of plastic pvc pipe to support the inside support to that ensures all water runs off and doesn't pool. I cut the pipe to 40" and it seems about right.

    I really like the little top and was discussing it with Jerry (the other 36 that is going) and he had already looked in to a top from a national vendor but they couldn't help him. He liked the top and is going to pursue getting one.
    Like a lot of rodders, their roadsters/cabriolets/other convertibles have fixed tops that come off as one unit. That is fine for cruising in the open air until the weather suddenly changes!:eek: A little coverup like the one I had made would give me considerable piece of mind about removing a fixed top and going cruising and it gives an easy way to cover your car at night without putting the fixed top back on the car.;)

    Six weeks from today we will be on our way to Pomona and looking to spend the night in Harriman, TN after dinner with Jim Harrison and Ann and Henry Bennett!! Anybody else want to join us?

    I've got to check with Dickie about progress on the 34 roadster he's planning to take.
  18. I'm thinking that six weeks from today (Thursday, June 9) I will be having dinner with rodder friends in Asheville, NC. We will be on our way to the All Deuce Run.

    You have a safe, and not too fast trip. Phil

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using H.A.M.B. mobile app
  19. Hamtown Al
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    My deuce will be home... three window wouldn't qualify at LA Roadster Show even though steel!
    Maybe next year I'll be eating with y'all!! Always thought those All Deuce runs were cool but didn't have one that would make the trip.
    I think the one I have now would.

    First, LA. Next year LSRU if I can get a hall pass!:rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  20. Hey, Al - looks good!
  21. Deucedreamer
    Joined: Jan 11, 2010
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    from BC Canada

    Is the top that hard to put up? I am just curious why you would want to have that cover as opposed to just putting the top up at the end of the day? If it gets windy at all, you may run into issues with that top scuffing the paint on the trunk lid or a tie down causing issue.
  22. Hamtown Al
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    Thanks for your concern. I have that concern as well but think it will work satisfactory. If I think the weather might overwhelm the little top, I'll do as you suggest and put the regular top up for the night.
    I think the top will be very easy to install and quickly done now that I've got appropriate tie downs and planned points for attachment. This top is more of a coverup and protection from dew or other overnight moisture and not intended to provide ultimate protection in a real storm. Putting the stock top up and down and then securing the tonneau for the top is time consuming when the weather is good.
    I guess it is just a matter of preference as to your approach. I am very pleased to still have a working top so I am always prepared should the weather change unexpectedly when I've got the top down. Many folks have Carson like tops that have to be removed and left behind if they go cruising in the open air. This little top folds and can be kept in the car at all times just in case it is needed.:)
    Of course, I'll be looking at every other car that employs one of these tops to see how their top works and how it is tied down. I'm sure I'll learn a lot in the process and will find some ways to improve my initial solution. Cars are never completed... are they?;) I bet I'll see several in Pomona even though I know it never rains in California but the dew might get heavy!:D

  23. I put AC in my 40 before our trip a couple years ago and I highly recommend it!



    Our return trip was via Rt. 10 through the southwest desert. AC came in handy!






    When we came across this sign, I thought "screw that, I didn't go to all this work to turn my AC off! "

    FullSizeRender (3)crop.jpg

    It was indeed hot outside.


    But I thought "what better way to test my installation"? Windows up and hammer down! :) Temperature never went above 195 and that was pulling a grade!



    Attached Files:

  24. ^^^^Hard core Hot-Rodder!^^^:D
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  25. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
    Posts: 37


    103 degrees F
    feels like 97 degrees
    How does that work? Maybe if it was 120 it would feel like it was 75.
    It just looks hot to a VA guy.
    OL 55, lothiandon1940 and Hamtown Al like this.
  26. Hamtown Al
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    OL 55, thanks for sharing your experience through some beautiful pictures.:)

    Tom in Vinton, I noticed the same thing! Guess VA guys all think alike.;)

    Got this picture of Tom T's recently updated car with the new hubs, wheels, and tires. Looks even more old school to me.
    Tom T 32 at Wmbg 2016.JPG

    Also followed up with an earlier potential member of the pack going west and asked me to upgrade his status from no to maybe.
    Here is Maybe.
    Joe Didio cpe at Wmbg2016.JPG

    When he tells me he had made reservations in Pomona, we'll change his name from "Maybe.";)

    By this time six weeks from now I should be back at the motel and drinking beer from my LA Roadster Mug!!:)
    OL 55 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  27. Hamtown Al
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    Trunk pictures for 3WLarry, and everybody else!
    Side panels are mounted with Velcro. Bottom carpet is made to lift right out for cleaning and or to dry if it gets wet.
    Front carpet to left of battery comes out as well. They also made and installed a small panel at the back of the trunk to finish it off... and I didn't even mention it. Definitely good guys to work with. BTW, the trunk prop also doubles to protect the new abbreviated top because it has holes drilled on one side so it will fit over the two steel pieces that stick up to hold the regular top down.:) They also wrapped the prop in the same material as the trunk.
    I'm working to get a working trunk lid prop that is more "traditional".. ie STOCK!:D

    I greased the car yesterday and checked the rearend and also gave the underside a close review and added a few protective hose sleeves for power steering hoses, gas line, brake lines and slightly rerouted a battery cable such that it would be much less likely to get snagged on anything. It was probably OK as it was but now it is MORE OK!;)

    Forgot to mention that the two straps secure the folding chairs above the battery, along with the bag that stores the abbreviated top and a few spare parts and other items.
    I'd like to take the car cover, too, for security purposes... don't want my dog to run off in the night!:eek:
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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  28. Hamtown Al
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    Hope to be eating breakfast with Tom and his pals about this time five weeks from today.
    Tom's 32:
    Wonder what they will be driving?
    Sure hope the weather is good.
    Still have to pack the other front bearing and change the oil and filter.
    34 days should be enough time!
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
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  29. Hamtown Al
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    I offered to buy all-you-can-eat pancake breakfasts to any of my club members and pals that would bring their car or truck to 7AM start of the volunteer fire department's semi-annual fundraiser sponsored by the Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. The fellows love coming out to show their support of the ladies and the volunteers and it kicks the event off in grand style and helps draw more attention from the public which in turn gains more support for the event. A win, win, win!
    The weather was a bit threatening for my cabriolet with the top down but I drove it anyway.
    While we were eating breakfast I asked one of my fellow club members if he got many calls for "road service?"
    I asked would he mind coming out to help a fellow hot rodder if needed and he said, "Not at all."; which I knew he was going to say as he is a great guy. I replied, "Great! We'll call you if we need you in a few weeks."
    After a bit of a questioning look, a light came on and he said, "Big Al, I might have a limited response range."
    I replied, "Pomona ain't that far."
    The patina is quite real.

    I hope we don't have need of "Rusty." You can read that on the door, can't you?
    Anyway, it was a good time with good food and things were going real well until it started to sprinkle!!
    I beat a speedy retreat to my garage at home! Sorry I didn't get that picture... didn't have time!
    32 days,
    gtrhotrod and lothiandon1940 like this.
  30. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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    Well you all will be on the road and Rick and I get to start working on our cars on a month. Can't wait

    Sent from my XT1254 using H.A.M.B. mobile app
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