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Hot Rods Let's have our own 87th anniversary event for the 36 ford...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hamtown Al, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    1. Virginia HAMB(ers)

    I have been following and enjoying the original 75th anniversary thread for the 40 Ford for some time... I even suggested changing the title to 76th anniversary to encourage the thread to continue and it continues to thrive and I hope it will for a long time to come.

    Tonight, finally, it dawned on me that a similar thread for 36 Fords, which I love, might find life on the HAMB.

    So, let's post some 36 Fords and enjoy. I'll begin with some of mine.

    PS I did search the HAMB for any "36 Ford anniversary" threads and it said none so I hope this is not a duplication but I claim no clear skills at finding old stuff on the HAMB. If someone knows of a similar thread please feel free to add it to this one.

    The above has a Summit crate Ford 302 with GT 40 heads, C4, and 8 inch rearend.
    Heidts frontend with dropped spindles. Vintage heat and air. Power steering and brakes.
    Hopefully it will be taking me to the LA Roadster Show this year!


    302 Ford with C4, 8 inch, Heidts coilover frontend and CE rear kit. Vintage heat and air.
    One of twelve known 36 convertible sedans that have been "updated." About 200 of the original 5,601 manufactured still survive.
    Everybody might be sick of seeing this one as it is my avatar.
    Technically it is a 1940 Ford pickup(from the firewall back!) but I didn't post it on the 40 Ford anniversary thread as I feel it looks more at home on this thread.
    BTW, I tell folks it is a 1936 Ford "Super Deluxe" pickup. In addition to the stock front clip from a car it also has a 36 car dash, 36 bumpers front and rear, and stock 36 coupe taillights that uses the stock gas filler location. It is on a complete Fatman chassis.

    Anybody else?
  2. nor6304
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
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    from Indiana

    I followed the 40 thread & I will put my 1936 Cabriolet in also My 1st time in California was the 50th LA Roadster show It was awesome

    Attached Files:

  3. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    You fellas have got us off to a great start!
    Here's the chopped 3w I had before it moved to CA.
  4. I have a friend here in Louisville that has a Street Rodded '36 4dr vert. His name is Larry Sneed. I don't have any pics of it in my computer but I will load up a roadster or two. Tim 003.JPG 004.JPG 035.JPG
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  5. hdman6465
    Joined: Jul 5, 2009
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    I'll play, aint much, but I have a lot of fun with it! 2015-10-22 21.46.47 (1).jpg
  6. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    I know Larry Snead and he built a heck of a nice car. I've talked to him on the phone but don't think I met him when I was in Louisville in 2007. I thought I had a picture but can't find it.:rolleyes: Those roadster pictures look great as does the three windows and the red cabriolet... heck, they ALL look good to me! Nearly EVERY 36 Ford looks good to me... but I'm unbiased.;)

    My first convertible sedan was restored down in Texas and had some work done in Spring, TX so somebody on here might remember the car. I've forgotten the owner's name at the moment(like a lot of other things!).;)

    A fellow from northern Virginia just happened to be related to some friends of mine in our little town and he brought his convertible sedan down to share at a family reunion and we took this picture of TWO convertible sedans in our little town... probably a first occurrence!:)
    His car had a Columbia rear end and I was envious.:)
  7. Great thread, Al. Makes me want to go out and search for a '36 Ford.:D
    i.rant and Hamtown Al like this.
  8. grifcarnut
    Joined: Jan 10, 2007
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    from Tucson Az

    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg My 36 sedan delivery, mild custom, filled front fender seams, lowered headlites, filled roof hidden rear door hinges, modifed 51 ford dash, filled cowl vent . Have owned 45 years, been cruising for 10 yrs
  9. WELL HELLZYA !! Here's my 36 Touring Sedan. She's got a drop axle, 8" rear, SBC and Muncie 4-speed. She got no heat, air or power anything--just pure fun !! Mitch. 36 ford.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
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  10. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    ^^^ You might not have "power anything" in your mind but to me you surely have "power BLACK!";)

    Also, that 36 sedan delivery is a rare bird, too, and done very well.
    But best of all; it is driven!:)
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  11. gtrhotrod
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  12. gtrhotrod
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    That's my version of Washington Blue. LeBaron Bonney T14 top material.
  13. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    This was my first cabriolet that I bought on a Sunday morning when I saw it drive into the York fairgrounds. Stock all over except for the windwing setup which a prior owner told me came from a 40 Chevrolet... I'd sure like some input from Chevy guys about that. Car ran great and handled great and even stopped great with the mechanical brakes.:) Kept it for a year and then it moved to GA. Body was far from pristine but still was pretty good.
    My whole family enjoyed this car but the hassle with getting them in and out of the rumble seat got me to looking at 4 door convertible sedans which were MUCH more accommodating for passengers.:)

    I thought the car was there to be sold but I misread a conversation the owner was having with some fellows and kept my distance and only approached him after they left. I asked what he wanted for the car and he said not a penny less than so many thousand. I bought the car at his price and it was everything he said it was... one of the most honest and best sellers I've met. Turns out he had a 36 convertible sedan that he and his son were hot rodding and it turned out to be a beautiful car... I'll look for a picture.

    At the risk of getting some flack from 3WLarry, among others, because I haven't found the pictures:eek:; at one time I had 5 36 Fords that were painted, licensed, and being driven. I know that one picture was printed in Street Rod Builder magazine but have no idea of the issue... it was a teaser about 36 Fords in our neck of the woods and included a buddy's 36 project to build a cabriolet out of a very ragged 3 window. He did a heck of a job and I guess I'll have to look for that picture, too!;)

    Let's see some more... past, present, future?, or spotted anywhere and/or owned by anyone.

    Thanks for the participation thus far. I'm loving it!:)
  14. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
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    Al, if we're doing tan cabriolets... this is all stock, older restoration IMG_0213.JPG IMG_0213.JPG IMG_0215.JPG
  15. cheap-n-dirty
    Joined: Jan 28, 2002
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    here's one I had in the early '80s.

    36 3-window and trailer (800x550).jpg
  16. Hamtown Al
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    Here's a green cabriolet I bought in NY that was already hopped up a bit and would scoot even with a 36 engine as the starting base. Engine picture is after I converted it to 12 volts and added an alternator and turn signals. It was a lot of fun running around our little town but likely would have gotten winded on a long run with the 4.11 rearend.

    Car moved to OH after I got the present tan cabriolet. It was cool for awhile to have both! I had the best of both worlds!

    Let's see some more!
  17. Quite the fleet of 36 models you've had, Al. Was the green cab. above Vineyard Green?
  18. Hamtown Al
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    Robb, thanks for the complement on my trail of 36 Fords... I've always liked them but I couldn't seem to step up to the right car for a long time. But once I got the first one, my preference for them was confirmed.

    I'm not sure of the color. The guy before me really did the mechanical rebuild and in the process he decided to repaint a part of the car since it was apart and easy to get to. AND, he believed the standard story that, "They can match any paint now exactly." Overall patina on the car was great but the selective repaint ended in mixed hues but not too offensive. He said he wished he'd stopped the painting at parts that showed when hood was down.
    Still a great car for having fun.

    I've stayed in touch with the new owner and he has taken the frontend off again and done further work to the engine.
    Here's the updated engine and you can clearly see the different greens that ended up being used.
    00 Engine 20160208 after Mike had heads polished etc.jpg
    He and his family are having a ball with the car... kids are right sized for the rumble seat!
    chriseakin and lothiandon1940 like this.
  19. Hamtown Al
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    After spending 2.5 hrs searching old diskettes, I found the picture I spoke about earlier. I hope 3WLarry will be happy with the evidence!:)
    MVC-002S (2).JPG
    MVC-001S (2).JPG
    These are the three coupes I had at the same time.
    The chopped 3w was chevy powered and the stock height 3w was Ford powered. Both had glass fenders.
    The 5w was chevy powered but had steel fenders.
    Here's the story about all three cars... I hope you like stories.:rolleyes:
    The stock height 3w was built and owned by a fellow I had known for years and I had always admired the car as being done well and ahead of its time. However, he favored the classic look involving spare tires, luggage racks, fog lights, etc whereas I was more of the hot rod coupe type guy. He had the car for over 30 years and always kept it in good shape. Because I admired his car and started seeing it regularly at Saturday breakfasts, I decided I needed one, too. I bought a maroon 3W in MD and started tweaking it to make it my own. It wasn't as nice as the red car but I could afford it. Things went along for awhile and then the guy with the red 3W announced he was going to sell his car as he had found a custom he wanted and would sell the red car to buy the custom. I immediately agreed to buy the red 3W. He said I'd get the car and all the 36 Ford parts he had; which was a bunch.
    I picked up the car, was thrilled, and drove it home; leaving him with a big check.
    Next day he calls and asked how much it would cost him to get the Ford back? I said, "Nothing. But I would like that check back." So I took it back to him. I was disappointed but he had had the car for a long time and I felt he should keep it instead of pursuing the custom anyway... and I still had the maroon 3W.
    Few weeks pass and he calls me to come get the car again if I still want it. We replayed the first exchange with me repeatedly encouraging him to keep the car but he said he was ready to move on. I left another check and drove the car home, leaving my pickup. I waited. Late the next day he called me. Instead of asking about getting it back, he wanted to know when I was coming back to get the rest of the stuff that he had now laid out all over his garage floor? We loaded my pickup and I brought the stuff home and kept the car but didn't change anything on it.
    Not too long after, I went with him to PA to pick up the new custom and he drove it home with me following in his late model.
    Then I started to revise the look of the red 3W to be more hot roddy and less restored. I also started looking for steel fenders for the car. Steel fenders just were not available for the rear and none were cheap. I found the 5W in StreetScene for a VERY reasonable(some would say "cheap") price in PA. Called the guy, agreed on price, and went to get it and drove it home with a few issues.
    The 5W turned out to not exactly be what I thought... y'all can fill in the details. I later took the fenders off and began fixing the brakes and chassis in a few areas and squaring away a number of details.
    The plan was to paint the fenders black and put them on the 3W.
    One of the special things I might do to make my 36 a bit more special that other fellow's 36s... (we all think like that don't we?!:rolleyes:) was to have a louvered trunk and maybe a chopped top.
    I'm scanning StreetScene a couple weeks after the earlier find and, lo and behold, there is a chopped 3W with a louvered hood AND trunk! Price seemed good so called the guy and we struck a deal but he had a guy that supposed to come the following Saturday to look at it so our deal would have to wait until that guy got there which was fine with me... and it gave me more time to figure out the financing!!:)
    We spoke the following Monday and he said the guy didn't show and didn't call until Sunday and said he did something else Saturday but would come the coming Saturday. Seller was upset with potential buyer's approach and told me I could have the car. I had already told him I would get the car THIS week if we made a deal and I could come Friday. He said to come get it. I asked, "What about the other guy that said he was coming Saturday?" He said he'd tell the guy it was sold... when he got there!!
    Anyway, I brought the chopped car home and it was as represented but had glass fenders just like the other 3W.

    Ultimately, I ended up with the chopped 3W with steel fenders and sold the other two coupes but I did my best to get the original red 3W owner to buy it back for just what I had in it for the brake upgrade and new tires and wheels, etc. He felt like he'd been there and done that and was happy with the custom.

    Enough story telling. Going back to looking for more pictures.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  20. Hamtown Al
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    Further research says above picture was taken 1/11/02; 2 weeks after I bought the chopped 3W coupe and almost 4 weeks after I bought the 5W! Dang! I forgot that I bought the chopped car that soon after the 5W! It took almost 2 more years to swap the fenders from the 5W to the chopped car and get the 5W sold.

    Here's the maroon 3W that I bought and was planning to keep when the red 3w came available so it found a new home in North Dakota where it was completely redone and the last picture is the finished product.
    It was chevy powered with a 350 turbo and had a great body... and a louvered hood.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  21. Great stories, Al. I love great stories.:)
    Hamtown Al, gtrhotrod and i.rant like this.
  22. i.rant
    Joined: Nov 23, 2009
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    1. 1940 Ford

    image.jpeg image.jpeg Here's a few I took at Frog Follies,
  23. Hamtown Al
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    Here is one that was at the 44th Williamsburg VA Rod Run this weekend.
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  24. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
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    from Ok

    I remember the write up on the red and black one in Tex Smith's Hot Rod Mechanix magazine.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  25. ^^^^Great old school service pit^^^^^:D......Love it!

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