Jive-Bomber submitted a new blog post: Wrist Twist Steering: Ed Roth would Approve! Continue reading the Original Blog Post
Interesting concept. When I first saw the photo, I expected the center to rotate like a regular steering wheel and the ends rotate with your hands - kind of like the old accessory wheels. Would definitely take some "getting used to"! Might keep people off their phones......
You got that right.Definitely a cool feature for the show car,but I'm guessing that it would be costly to implement and expensive to repair.
It seems, to me, that the complexity of the wrist steering is not much different than the current 'chain and gear drive' steering column to gear box devices that are in use today. I remember seeing this device highlighted on TV when I was young and thought it was so Lost in Space and Buck Rogers cool. And with flyby wire steering coming into production it shouldn't be so difficult to use and maintain.
For a non-technical, she sure parked that baby smoothly....... The steering is cool...but I really just want that Merc...
In the early 60's there was an article in either Popular Science or Mechanix Illustrated about a '63 Pontiac LeMans (IIRC) that was outfitted with 2 steering wheels; one on either side of the driver's bucket seat. A driver would roll the steering wheels fore or aft to steer, and they rotated in opposite directions. I've never seen anything more about that 'accident waiting to happen' version of steering control. Kinda like the Wrist Twist......not bad in concept, but impractical in implementation. Had kept that magazine for many years, but not sure where it's at now. If I find it, I'll scan the article in.
i saw that on a show in the 1960's it had Walter Cronkite as the host, he put his index fingers in those small holes to steer the car. i think the show may have been called the 20th century with Walter Cronkite
Did anyone else notice that this is apparently a stickshift car? Three pedals, and a 4-spd shift pattern on the knob anyway. That's crazy enough on that big old Merc (didn't know that was even an option), but with this steering set-up, even more scary. She musta been way more busy than the video lets on.
I did notice the one in the pic above was a stick, but the one in the video that she drove was an auto.