I really need a nef bar. All I have between a car behind me and my gas tank is a fiberglass roll pan. I feel a little uneasy about what would happen if I got rear-ended. I know a nerf bar wouldn't help a whole lot but its better than nothing. I have always been intrigued by nerf bars. I dont know why. They just look cool to me. What are your thoughts on nerf bars? Have you built any? How did you do it? Would they save your car or body from damage if you got in a wreck? Pictures!!!!!!????? Where did the name "Nerf Bars" come from? Heres an old pic of what I think I want the nerf bar to look like on my car. I think the toughest part is going to be finding a place to mount it where it will be strong and save my fuel tank in case I get rear ended.
I like 'em, I've built some and it won't make a whole hill a beans in a wreck unless its a pretty substantial SOB. They were not originally intended to protect the car, but to run bumperless and satisfy the local equipment statutes.
The one on the back of that car is cool, but I've never liked the double oval ones on the front. If you did something like what you've drawn, a single bar across the front following a line similar to the bottom of the grille shell would be cool. I'd think it could stand up to a pretty good impact if you made it from thick DOM - like you would make a tie rod from - and attached it right to the frame?
I love them if they are designed right. I would make them so that 'traffic crashes' only bent up the nerf bars and not bodywork/suspension/chassis. Personally i like the ones that extend out from the chassis horns. *insert 2c here*
I like the ones on back more as well. Thats what I was thinking. Attach it right to the frame. I know it would have to help a little bit!
I have always viewed them as a street variation of pushbars used on dirt track and lakes cars. They sure look cool when done well.
I think the rears almost always look better than the fronts. Flynj1 is working on the short '37 that he has posted on. He built both front and rear. I do not know what the owner decided but the rear looked like it just fit. In my opinion the fronts almost always look too big. I can not find the pic of the front with the nerf bars...here is a front and rear shot.
In one of your old progress posts Haring made a suggestion that was so perfect I remembered exactly where to find it months later.
I couldn't find a nerf bar I liked, that would fit PA bumper requirements and clear the sequential Pontiac tail lights I have in the rear roll pan. I ended up having a small bumper made of horizontal 1x2 rectangular steel. It has convuluted brackets that end up attaching to the rear crossmember underneath and is painted semi-gloss black. So it fits all my needs except protection if rear-ended, but that's probably a moot point in a Model A anyway. Best of all was the fun I had getting it made. I built a wooden mock-up to check the angles, then took it to an Amish welding shop for fabrication. I couldn't quite imagine describing a hot rod bumper to the guy, so I told him it as a push bar for a wagon. He did a really nice job that required only minimal finishing before painting.
I agree with you, I have a model A and I feel pretty naked back there with out some protections. I bought a bumper for a Legends Race Car from 600 Racing in Harrisburg, N.C..The bumpers come plain steel or chrome, they are cheap and easy. I don't know how they would hold up but, I would think they would be better than nothing.
Tim, I remember that drawing very well. I think i actually have it saved on my computer. I thought about it alot though and I think some things just look better on paper. Stoggie, Id like to see a picture of that entire car.
Check out the front bumper heights on your average late model shit box, because that is most likely what is going to hit you.
geez, you guys worrying about getting rear-ended..... here's some reality for ya. grab a tape measure and go find a SUV/pickup/minivan and see where the bumber WILL hit you. bet it's higher than your nerf bars.... sorry unk, didn't read yours 'till now
Around here they were mounted just to comply with local "bumper & safety" requirements. Don't think they would do much in a collision other than minimize damage! I've seem some really cool designs done with nerfs though! It's been years since I've seen anything done on a "new" build with nerfs.
I made my rear one outta 1/2" pipe and rebar. The pipe is sharpened to a point at each end. Just picture a vertical spear mounted to a rebar bracket that bolts to the banjo center section.
The sketch Rockabilly Tim shows is exactly what I was picturing. Doesn't protect your taillights, but the bar isn't really gonna be protecting anything anyway. Not unless you made it out of railroad track! I know a source for a real cheap simple nerf. VWs. cip1.com has them in pairs. Just simple slanted uprights. I have them on the rear of my VW. Like someone said, they only really look good on the rear, not so much the front. Regardless, my VW uses an engine as rear crash protection.
After looking at this pic I think I`ll get me a couple rock pick hammers and make some nerfs outta them!
how 'bout brass knuckle nerf bars? that way, people woulld be too scared to hit you in the back. make 'em with a quick release, and if you did get hit, you can take one off and beat that soccer mom silly....