40 Ford axle will go from 48 1/2" to 46 1/2" if you don't stretch it when dropped. You want more than the 2 inches?
CE as mentioned above works with split wishbones but Magnum is the only manufacture of to use with a stock spring and bones. SO-CAL also sells one that will work. Here is the Magnum and stock spring, 38 1/2" perch center, 195x15 tire on 6" rim. No problems hitting.
Pewsplace, you didn't mention what the axle king pin center to center was. I'm working on a '36 Ford Roadster and want to run full fenders with a dropped axle, but I am undecided about the axle width. If I go with a 46" king pin center, I should have plenty of turning clearance with the tires....I think. I'm not sure what benefit there would be by having a 38 1/2" perch center, verses a 34", which is what many axles are from Speedway and others.
34 1/2 " is for 28-34 Fords where the spring sets on top of the axle. This is used with split wishbones or hairpins as the stock axle in 28-34 is 36 1/2". The narrower perches move the bones in and helps with tire clearance. a 35 Ford takes a 36 1/2 " spring perch and the spring sets in front of the axle. Don't think your wheels would look too good in your fenders with the axle moved forward. a 38 1/2" perch center started in 1937 and the longer spring provides a better ride.
Hello 1946caddy, here is what I am working with...'36 Roadster body, '39 Frame, '37 - '41 Spindles, '39 wishbone (split), and '40 brakes. I just want to make sure the front is low, and the tires don't hit on the fenders or the wishbone when turned lock to lock. There are sooooo many axle combo's out there right now, it almost makes me dizzy. I don't want one from china, and am willing to pay for a good quality USA one that will fit and do the job. The '39 wishbone dictates a 2 1/4" perch boss, which means '37 and later. The original king pin center on the '36 was 51 3/4" so by going to a 47" center which is what many offer, may be the answer. Thanks for your input!!
Call Sid and get the axle and info. you need. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/nostalgia-sids-dropped-axle-service.647246/
It is common to use 1/4" spacers on the boss to run 39 bones on a 2" boss. http://www.speedwaymotors.com/2-Inch-Axle-Boss-to-2-1-4-Inch-Bracket-Spacers,31781.htm The kingpin center is not 51 3/4" but 50 1/2" on a 28-36 axle. Us Sid's site to get all your answers. http://www.droppedaxles.com/FORD_AXLES.html