sorry no pics but mines tiny 14'x20, no windows uneven cracked floor and the smell of rotten wood, at least i have an electric garage door opener!
Mines 18 x28. With all the equipment, there's not alot of room left. BUT, before I had this, I was outside working. Nuff said.
Originally Posted by modifieddriver Here's a normal rule of thumb to go by: The size of a man's garage is always inversely proportional to what he can afford to put in it. I'm no mathematician, but I'll try to explain the above to ya' because I don't think ya' get it : If the above said proportional, then if a guy could afford one car, then he'd have a one car garage. Two cars, then a two car garage, etc.,etc.. In the case of inversely proportional, then if the guy can afford one car, then he has no garage. Two cars, then a one car garage. Three cars, then 1 1/2 garage. Ten cars, a five car garage, etc.,etc.. In reality ya' have to include his cars and associated "stuff" (parts, tools, equipment, etc.). How do I know this? Between three buildings, I have almost 5,000 sg.ft. and still have to store "stuff" outside. I need at least another 2,000 sq. ft. to just put the "good stuff" under cover.
I built mine in 1988......a 25 X 40 ..brick to match my house.....and like most HAMBers.....I have run out of room. The trees in the photo are all gone......over 100 of them....I am going to build another shop behind the present one...... I hauled in over 700 tons of sand/clay and since the photo and have the area level. The new shop will be 40 deep and 60 wide with a tall I can have a 4 post lift. The new shop will be for " working " and storage. The old shop will just house the running has a wash shop in it " like a old service station "
Not much compared to you guys but heres my old garage. Sad thing is my new one is nowhere close as cool. the 51 with the top chopped off is gone but soon I'll have this in mine. Primo
When I moved into this place I though I'de never run out of space, and now every day I'm trying to figure out what cars I have to sell in order to build the next car, and I've still got a car and a ton of parts stored at my parents.
Yeaaaa! Yippee!, Hurrah! Separate the hot rod tech from the "This is where I built it tech". Great idea. Since I've been cleaning out my three car garage in order to fit in the F1 pickup and actually work on it, I've found that a little organization does wonders for finding space. For instance, I kept the half of the kitchen island I cut off when I modified the island so my wife could actually sit at it and work instead of standing. That half an island cabinet along with the kitchen counter tops salvaged when we re-did the counter tops in the rental made a great second work bench with drawers and enclosed storage shelves. Also, when the renters moved out they left behind some Formica covered 3/4" particle board 8' long. That is the new top for my work bench on top of the existing top. Hot rodders are scroungers even when it comes to fixing up the garage.
Ooh, ooh, ooh! I love those old bowstring style roof trusses. Just don't plan on adding anything to the roof. I don't know a structural engineer who will attempt an analysis of them. Its neat to have space to work.
GRSMNKYCUSTOMS My 47 Fleetline is for sale. I am going to get this Green 48 Fleetline from my buddy. He has too many other projects. My 47 would look good in your new shop My 47 has a Fatman Mustang two front end, camaro rear. It has been media blasted, good floor pans... solid as a rock. I will see if I can get some pictures for you. the car is full of parts... David
well its 18k sq ft, so i should be ok for,....uhhhh at least a month or two! can always buy the 9k sq ft building across the street!..
If ya haven't built it yet..just a suggestion....before ya pour the floor,put down a layer of the 2in foam insulation will be suprised how warn it keeps the floor...and if ya heat the garage..nothing like laying down on a toasty floor....And if ya can go two stories high,go for it... Mench 24x36 with 36 covered carport and still to small
Mine is 24x48 steel-over wood frame. Four 8'x7' doors, tho I had to enlarge 1 to allow my Ford COE in- it's sits 90" tall. When I built it I thought I went overboard. Took maybe 5 years for the thought 'I could fill TWO of these' to occur.
i tried to make the best out of my first garage, a small 1 car garage. did it all myself. first time touched a saw for woodwork/sheetrock and electric.
Some pretty very nice playgrounds I'm seeing here guys... My garage is 43' deep x 33' wide and pretty darn high. Steel framed, bricks upto 5' and wood above. I was fortunate enough find 2 four-post carlifts which I could get for free one day so I could drag them to my stable. Next to that, the other item I'm pretty proud of is the radiant floorheating, keeping my butt from freezing off in the winter. First off, showing the BenchRace-corner/Loft... Every garage should have one ofcourse The "engine-room" / or "workbench-chaos" ... General "Nostalgic" photo, showing the 'rightside' of the garage...
Kool pics! Someone should publish a book on garage photo's along with a few shots of what's behind those garages. Maybe some interesting stories to go with em.