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Art & Inspiration 2016 LA Roadster Show Express Smithfield, VA to Pomona, CA... we hope!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hamtown Al, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. I have enjoyed this thread more than most and wish you all the best of luck on your trip. Making my first trip to LARS this year. It's part of my bucket list.
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  2. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    ^^^Look us up. My tan 36 cabriolet and Jerry's red one should be in the special area for 36 Fords.
    Mine will be the one with the V8 horn grilles.;) I doubt there will be many with those grilles.

    I'm looking forward to meeting you.

    Post a pic of your ride on this thread if you wish to help us find YOU!
  3. Hamtown Al
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    Please post a picture of your ride to help with finding you.

    PS We're going to be a bit south of y'all on I 40 whereas it looks like you are using I 70, or something close.
  4. Hamtown Al
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    Foot! My new pal from Vermont emailed me this morning that he would love to go with us but it just isn't in the cards this time... he has too much stuff going on at home.:(

    Anyway, I know he'll be with us in spirit.

    I was sure looking forward to his campfire stories!:(

    I'm sure somebody will fill the gap in the tale telling!;)

    Back to the garage.

    One day---yikes!!

  5. Yum, Hot Fudge Cake!:D...........Happy Birthday, Al. Good idea on the LED's.
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  6. Hamtown Al
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    Just back from a trip to a performance parts store that happened to still have a replacement module for the Mallory distributor in my car. The car should run great without any problems with all the spare parts I'm taking; including a spare stoplight switch.

    Now to put the top up and install my "insulation" for the top and then see if I can get all this stuff in it!! Don't want to forget my "Jack pack" of already packed front wheel bearings and spare rear bearing and seals.

    Shadow is coming over a day early so we can pack our gear, too, so we'll be ready to ride Thursday with just a minimum of delay before heading up to meet Jerry.

    Jerry is so ready to go that he called and offered to come over and help me with my car if I needed it. Thankfully, I think I've got it but it was great of him to offer.

    Dickie might be slightly delayed due to some last minute family things but I'm sure he'll catch us before the end of the day.

    Still haven't gotten a report from George... he decided he needed new wheels and tires in order to properly profile in CA. I told him I was good with ANY wheels and tires as long as they held air!! I think he'll get 'er done but none too soon.

    Tom T reports that he's ready to go as well and we reviewed our planned meeting area.

    Scout is already in the wind and I'm pleased that the weather gods seem to be smiling on him. I believe he'll meet Big Ron late today and then the Alabama Scout can keep Jack on course... maybe!

    A check of the forecasted weather across the country indicates that we could have clear and not too hot weather. I get a bit apprehensive when the forecast seems too good to be true!! We'll know pretty soon!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  7. Good call on checking all the bearings Al. That's the only real problem I had on my trip. The bearing gave up the ghost in Benson Arizona on the way home. I was able to pull the axle out at the hotel early in the morning and I had it repaired before the gang was ready to leave. :) - Andy




    On the road again!

  8. jackandeuces
    Joined: Feb 20, 2006
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    Arrived in Roanoke safe and sound had food and drink with Trader Tom he is looking forward to the rest of the troops
  9. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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    1465389250826.jpg I think this is really the Mid America run 1465389250826.jpg . Was looking at your route, pretty much coast to coast on the belt line.

    Sent from my XT1254 using H.A.M.B. mobile app
  10. Hamtown Al
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    Dang, Larry!
    You are up early!
    Your assessment of Mid America run seems to ring pretty true as we study the map.
    Great artwork.
    I think everybody is anxious to get going. All parts, including my "Jack Pack" , and tools are already loaded along with the recommended two fire extinguishers.
    Got to raise the top and install the added insulation and add a few remaining items and should be ready.
    See you on Sunday.
    Ready Al
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  11. Hamtown Al
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    Top is up and insulation installed.

    Decided to try to add LED third brake light. Not sure about the look but like the idea of maybe not getting hit from behind!
    The 3rd light is not at the best angle but I figure it is better than none. This picture was taken before the install was complete. As often happens with "improvements," stuff happens. I started with two working taillights and no 3rd brake light. I added the 3rd light and went to test and had just one taillight!:eek:
    After some more checking and testing, found the issues and got it all working.:)

    I also have my lucky fairystone... no smart remarks please!;) A friend who wrote a book about an area that had fairystones in southwest VA sent me the fairystone for good luck so I put it in the glove box to watchover us on way west.:)


    Also, we were fortunate enough to get some folks that wanted to help with the cost of the trip west. The first guy came to our breakfast table at the restaurant in York and laid a quarter by my plate. Said he wanted to help and for me to use that quarter to call somebody for help should we need it... but don't call him if we are way west!!:D

    Later during breakfast, another fellow came over with another quarter. Dave said he lived close to I40 and he'd help us if we had a problem... and weren't too far away!;)

    The next day I was sitting under our tent when another fellow came over and held out his hand with some change. I thought it was fifteen cents but there was another dime so he matched the others. Said his name was Fred and he just wanted to help. He said not to call him either as he lived in Ontario, Canada!;)

    I'm keeping those support coins in my pocket... just in case!:)

    If I get accused of making this trip a profit making venture, I'm refunding the whole seventy-five cents!:D

    I also got this picture from Dickie this afternoon. IMG_3667.jpg
    I hope he is just taking a nap and not working on his car.;)
    Sorta impressive that he thought to lay some tools around so it would look like he's working.:)

    No word yet from George on the new tires and wheels.:eek:


    We got 'em!

    But we're going west... in the morning!!:)

    I even think Shadow and I will be able to get all our stuff in the car!! My Jack Pack is carefully packed away and hopefully will not be needed.

    Shadow and I are taking our ladies to dinner this afternoon... last minute brownie points!:D

    NO days left!!

    Working and packing Al
    OL 55, 63fdsnr and lothiandon1940 like this.
  12. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
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    IMG_0412.JPG Jack arrived here last night safe and sound. The roadster was doing great and packed with so much stuff there wasn't room for a passenger.
    He left early this morning and will meet Ron tonight in Jackson. ( Tenn is a long state from northeast to southwest.)
    Five more roadsters should be here Thur morning.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
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  13. Hamtown Al
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    ^^^Tom, I see you are still developing your skills at posting pictures.:D

    Great job. We like the big pictures and Jack.

    Isn't that the 3 window I wanted you to leave with me so you could drive my 36 convertible sedan? I guess that ploy didn't work but you have to admit I at least tried.:rolleyes:
    I sure like that car.:cool:

    See you in the morning for breakfast... I hope!!!

    I'll give you a heads up when we leave the planned gas stop... if I can get cell reception!!:D

    BTW, did Jack the Scout really cook hot dogs on a coat hanger?? I think he's pushing this campfire thing a bit.:D

    I don't want any campfire coffee in the morning.:eek:

    Thanks for all your help,

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  14. Hamtown Al
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    Just got a call from George that his car is good and he's ready to go!:)

    "Tomorrow... tomorrow... tomorrow..."
    I'm ready now!!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  15. Weedburner 40
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    Weedburner 40

    You guys be safe and have a great time. We will look for you in the special 36 section
    lothiandon1940 and Hamtown Al like this.
  16. hotrod3w
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    Finally left on the northern trail to meet up with the ol' scout. Made to the big rock west of Music City to find Jack missing. So I waited a bit and finally he came a rolling up. He said a wagon turn over and held him up and then got off the trail and lost his bearings. We were still a little early so headed west on the trail another 80 miles and got our belly's full.....more tomorrow 20160608_121804-1 (2).jpg
  17. Hamtown Al
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    I appreciate our scouts keeping us informed of their progress as well as trail hazards.

    Shadow and I took our ladies to dinner and we all enjoyed it and returned to my house to put Shadow's "bag" in the trunk--one bag about size of half the trunk but it fit!

    Now to find somewhere for my stuff! I think it will all go but I've got to pack this dang computer so I'll at least have a chance to keep y'all updated on our progress.

    Got to go!!

    Busy Al
    lothiandon1940 and 63fdsnr like this.
  18. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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    Well let us know how you are progressing down the road. I need to hear all about all the meals I'm missing.
    Got a project, at work, that has been going on since January wrapped up today . That was a biggie to check off the 'to do' list before I could go. Looking up and the wife wants me gone so bad she started packing for me.
    Happy Trails and see you Sunday
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  19. Rckt98
    Joined: Jun 7, 2005
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    Really enjoying this story so far. Safe travels, looking forward to the updates.
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  20. .......................We're all counting on it, Al. Be safe and by all means, HAVE FUN!
    Hamtown Al and gtrhotrod like this.
  21. joe clotfelter
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    joe clotfelter

    I just did a weather check for Pomona 103 on Saturday going to be a hot one
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  22. Hamtown Al
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    Breakfast in Montvale with Tom and Co. ImageUploadedByH.A.M.B.1465483035.462239.jpg
    Believe it or not, we arrived right on time at 10AM.
    Wait until you see the cars!!
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  23. Kiwi Tinbender
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    Kiwi Tinbender

    Man. I really wish I could have contributed, and wish even more that I was with you guys. Oh well. I`m excited for all of you. What a great trip!!
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  24. Hamtown Al
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  25. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
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    from east , tn.

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  26. gtrhotrod
    Joined: Jan 5, 2010
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    All is well . Al made it to Momma's for brunch and is well on the way to Roan St. Grill in Harriman Tenn for supper tonight. As you know all meals were planned 3 months ago, rooms---- well, we'll wait and see.
    We had a 15 hot rod welcoming party in Roanoke. 200 miles down, 2300 to go.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
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  27. Hamtown Al
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    A big "THANK YOU!!" to Tourman Tom and his merry gang from Star City Hot Rods and others for the outstanding greeting party!:):)
    Seeing all those great cars when we came over the hill was spectacular!:)
    What a welcoming committee!!:)

    George and Randy got their ride to act up a bit so they could, once again, show their great skills at fixing things along the interstate.:eek: After stalling to make it seem more difficult,:rolleyes: they fixed it and caught up with us by the time we got to our next great reception gathering in west Knoxville at the Barillaro Speed Emporium.
    They were standing out front as I pulled up.:) Cold beer was soon in hand.:)
    We toured the shop and admired their great skills.
    This picture was before George and Tom found us:
    Here are the fellows with the old Eastwood roadster they resurrected.
    That's Mike on the left and Jim on the right. We also convinced them to SIGN and sell us a couple shirts.:)
    Y'all might be able to get one from them on their trip west IF you hurry when you see them.;)
    Signed shirts are much more valuable... at least to me.;)

    We're settled for the night in Harriman, TN after eating at the Roane St Grille.:) The food was good and plenty!:)
    Shadow had something called "Wet Coconut Cake." He'll have to tell you about it!;)

    Total scheduled mileage today was 522 miles. Tomorrow it is 550 miles.

    Jerry and Robbie were playing rabbit and hare with us but kept in touch and are in the same area but up the street but had a minor maintenance item they repaired after the engine cooled.... a long time after they stopped!!:D

    Jerry said for us to fly early and he and Robbie would be along on a later flight... in a big block red 36.:)

    I think George and Randy have shown off their mechanical skills such that no further demonstrations will be provided... we hope!:D

    Tomorrow is another day!

    One down and three and a half to go.

    Happy Al
    PS Thanks again to all who made us feel welcome today as we travelled west.
  28. Hamtown Al
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    Shadow is working to master his new camera but here are two road shots of Tom and George.
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  29. Hamtown Al
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    After breakfast Tom noticed a fatigued gas line so he replaced it. An ounce (3 inches of hose) of prevention...
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  30. Hamtown Al
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    Pleased to report that we are in Russellville, Arkansas.
    We did have a bit of excitement when a construction grade wheel barrow bounced off a trailer being pulled by a dummy in a pickup that was in a hurry to get home on a Friday afternoon. Shadow spotted the upcoming hazard when the guy sailed by us on our left and the wheel barrow bounced pretty high on the trailer and was sliding toward the rear of the trailer which did not have a tailgate. We backed off bigtime and moved left as we saw him move across traffic ahead of us quickly from left to right to make an exit. He hit a good bump just before the exit and launched the wheel barrow off the trailer and it luckily hit the highway fairly flush while upside down. It was sliding along at 65MPH but was slowing quickly while staying in the outside right lane. A car managed to stop without hitting it and the SUV behind her swerved to the right and passed her on the shoulder to keep from hitting her. Others were dodging and slowing down. The stopped car quickly swerved to the right to go around it but I don't know what happened after that. I'm hoping somebody got it off the roadway. The pickup driver sailed off the exit and I doubt he realized what happened.

    Later, a driver discovered that towing a tall camper built on a one axle frame that is towing a boat on a trailer behind the camper can get to be a handful to control. Yep, he wadded the camper up into tin foil and lauched the jon boat sliding down the ditch off the right shoulder. I don't think the SUV rolled but I'm certain all of the occupied seats were soiled!:D Thankfully, I don't think anybody was hurt.

    Here's a couple road shots by Shadow:
    I think we were still in TN when these were taken.
    Tom T was rolling!

    Jerry rolled on to Clarksville as he couldn't find a room in Russellville when they came through ahead of us.

    Luckily the first place I checked was fully booked but knew another motel that had 8 rooms left. THEY called the motel and asked them to hold the 3 rooms we needed in my name... GREAT customer service!:)

    Dickie checked in and he's coming this way in a hurry. I think he'll catch us tomorrow pretty quickly.;)

    We're upping our planned miles for tomorrow by about 75 miles which should translate to a bit over an extra hour.
    Who made this increasing miles plan anyway?!?!:rolleyes:

    Saw a red 32 5W highboy coupe today... going the other way!!:eek:

    I added a little more insulation to a bare spot on my firewall tonight as the firewall seemed to transferring some heat in to the interior.:eek: Don't know if it really makes much difference but I feel better about it.:)

    Got to get to bed for an early departure tomorrow.

    Night Al
    63fdsnr, The 39 guy, OL 55 and 2 others like this.

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