I am a 24 year old college gal who loves shoebox fords. I just picked up a shoebox and got it to run for the first time today. What a kick! It is a 1950 with a 1951 front clip. It is pretty much all original besides that, flathead V8 and all. It needs a lot of work, but i am just excited to be able to drive it as it is. I will probably be asking a lot of questions, ready or not. Hope to see some of you Denver locals at a couple of shows this summer. Sweet Pea
Cool-you filled out all the required intro things so the gals can't jump ya. What's your plan for the Merc-rod, kustom, or both?
hi sweet pea....spent your tuition dough on a shoebox, huh?...smart move!...you will learn a lot from the car...looks real kool, too...good luck...johnnyB
That thing looks cool as shit just the way it sits. Just go over the brakes real good and replace all worn out stuff, change da fluids and a tune-up and Viola! Your ready for cruisin!
Cool to see a lady from Colorado on here, I don't know that there are any from Colorado on the board. You have a cool car that's going to be alot of fun. And you are definately in the right place here, you couldn't get more knowledge anywhere! sled
Thanks for all the help. Y'all know how to make a lady feel welcome. I am going to hop over to the main message board now. ^_^