Hi all, New Member here. My Father passed away last year. I now have the 36 Pickup. Just gave it its first wash in 10 years. Changed all the fluids and rebuilt the carb. It has a 49 8BA Flathead. Needs a lot of TLC but its still great to look at!
Sorry for the loss if your dad. Cool truck though. I hope you get to enjoy it. Sent from my SM-N910V using H.A.M.B. mobile app
Hi. Nice ride. Looks like it NEEDS some driving. Check the tires for rot & get some current plates & start by at least using is as a partial driver around town. I think the more you drive it the more you will really want to. What part of the country are you located as likely some of us may be nearby. Often there is a group that meets for coffee or just weekly meets . If you need parts there is still an abundance of them for that vehicle available & many of us know where. I am an old Chevy guy but there are many Ford guys here. Jimmie
Thanks for the condolence and encouragement. I'm in San Diego. Yes the tires need to be replaced. So far its just around the block for it. I may replace the wheels with original style artillery rims so may hold off a bit. The hubs have been updated with hydraulic brakes so will have to go aftermarket to see what fits. Thanks, Tyler