Hello one for the pickup guys,can anyone tell me did the 41 ford pickup have a option choice for the hood nose trim? Some advertised have what I would call the wide waterfall and whiskers and others are more like a 40.
The '41's only came with the wide waterfall, the '40's are narrow like the car. Over time people changed out the hoods/trim so many '41's may have the narrow like the '40, as some people like the look of the '40 over the wider '41, also the '41 wide trim is not reproduced, so can be hard to find.
You can interchange the trim between a 40/41 but there would be some pretty good size holes to fill on a 41 hood with a 40 trim. No holes to fill but would have to drill the holes if you were going the other way, 41 trim on a 40 hood.