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Projects 48-52 F1 and 53-56 F100 differences

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by CowboyConductor, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. CowboyConductor
    Joined: Apr 25, 2008
    Posts: 2

    from georgia

    I'm looking to get 52 F1 but it's gonna need some work on the lower and bottoms of the doors. I can't find any patch panels for the 48-52 F1 but can find parts for the 53-56 F100. Is there a difference in the doors? Many places list parts for 48-56 F100 but I'm not sure if all the metal parts are interchangeable. Can someone give me some help on that?
  2. vickckik
    Joined: Dec 21, 2011
    Posts: 83

    Member is the place to go for the info you seek. There is a subforum there for 1948 - 1956 trucks.
  3. AFAIK there are no patches for the 48-52 Truck door bottoms, but they are a relatively straight piece of metal, so making your own shouldn't be too difficult. There's PLENTY of Ford truck information on the HAMB, and many of the same people use both boards.
  4. FrozenMerc
    Joined: Sep 4, 2009
    Posts: 3,167


    Everything is different. '48-'52 F-1's are essentially one model (with changes in grill, hood, front fenders, box sides, dash, and rear cab window over the years). The '53 F100 was a completely new model. Nothing was carried over from '52 except the flathead (for '53 only, replaced in '54 by the Y-block)

    I had to make new bottoms for the doors on my '51 as well. It is not the most difficult piece of sheet metal to fabricate.
  5. CowboyConductor
    Joined: Apr 25, 2008
    Posts: 2

    from georgia

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. Thanks for all the info guys. I'm hoping it's gonna be pretty straight forward. I'm new to the fabrication arena but if all else fail I can grind off the welds and start over I reckon lol. Just wish I could find some utube videos on rebuilding the doors, door jams, and front posts. If I can see it done I can usually get it done.
  6. bigblk1177
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
    Posts: 12


    May try u tube video of replacing door skin. I think that's the ones I watched a few years back.

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