I would let those wheels go to someone that has what they go on, They do not belong on your car but it is your car and a representation of your taste so do as you please. You have a good vibe goin on with your whole garage until you see those wheels, then you can hear an imaginary screeching halt and crash of the vibe of everything once you see those wheels sorry A good clean up and buff along with a good blacking out (painting) of the under carriage and fender wells I think would work wonders on your car even if it did leave a little patina showing in the actual paint on the car afterwards
I know people cant get past the wheels but they're $1000 cheaper than what I have planned for it for now. Once this batch of work is done its going outside where I'll, "A&H Soda" blast it to take off most of the old white paint to reveal the original green. Then after reviewing the mystery hiding below, I'll take it to the next level. Some fresh coils and lowering blocks after that will be in order.
It's been a productive summer between the honey do list, Salmon fishing and other non HAMB friendly projects. The wiring is up to snuff, I've put on about 300 miles and she's going in for new shoes later this week. Over winter ... PAINT! While the earlier posts of the high end girls are sweet, I'm going to keep it low brow with the body in Dark Forest Green Metallic and a white roof. Some exhaust work is in order to in order to run the exhaust pipes though the holes once dedicated to back up lights. Pictures of the new skins to follow...
I was just talking to a colision guy, friend of mine, and he says never soda blast. No paint manufacturer will warranty paint on a soda blasted car.
I've used Arm and Hammer baking soda (food grade) to blast off loose paint in the past. Its much finer than blasting soda. It does require a lot of blowing out to get it out of cracks and creases. It doesnt leave residue and should it blast though tape and hit chrome or glass it doesnt do damage. It can also remove pits off pot metal really nicely.
Here's a 58 wagon I bought with old black flaky paint and after being hit with Arm and Hammer baking soda and a simple mechanics sandblaster wand
He was talking about dust less blasting as well. They claim you can never get 100% of it out and it will eventually cause the paint to crack.
waiting for new lugs... STILL. but it was a great day for a cruise anyway. It's all in the prep work for sure. Clean, clean, clean and then clean some more. - I love your wagon papajohn!
rather than running those huge back up lights, I'm altering the holes to accept a chrome screen off a Harley and chrome exhaust tips. A subtle mod that most wont even notice.
I had it rebuilt. http://boosterdeweyexchange.com/ Excellent service, fast turn around and its a gem. 4 thumbs up!
I think I'd like to find some hop up goodies if anyone has any laying around. Say a dual quad intake with carbs, maybe some valve covers, you know, nifty cheap stuff.
I just helped me father do a 56 olds 88 with a 57 371 and if you want to wake it up I'd throw a 650 holley street demon on it bolts right up and with shipping to canada only was about 40 bucks Sent from my SM-G900W8 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Life never gave me lemons. it's given me a few pain in the ass but not lemons. I'm going to pass her onto barry Regan to do the bad and paint for me over winter. the on going rotator cuff issue says don't even think of it. Barry's work is choice! I'm not use to giving away big projects but I got to be able to raise a beer when she rolls out of the paint booth.
Hang in there with that rotator cuff! Be glad to hoist a beer to ya when the bad machine rolls out! Joe
Things are progressing just fine... Heres a thread I'll add more pictures to as things progress. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...073741909.100002903687344&type=1&l=b289e73098
She's looking better every day. Absinthe green and white with some pin striping and her name on the rear passenger side of the trunk lid. Much mud? No, a skim over replaced metal and the dust pile to prove it.