Sorry its been a while! I work too much and spend as much time as I can with my family so I have limited internet time! Anyway I just picked up this really amazing 1959 Buick. It was one of the cars on the lost custom thread.... well I found it! Its in great shape, runs good, drives good, but doesnt have reverse. The story I got is that the guy put some sort of stop leak in the trans and then reverse went out... I have no idea if this is what really happened, but its what I was told.... the car moves forward just fine... I checked all the obvious stuff and am convinced its a trans problem. So I was thinking if I need a trans I would like to get a different one, maybe from a runner, or even a different core to rebuild, that way I wouldnt have to have the buick apart while the trans was getting fixed. So dynaflow guys what years will interchange? I found a 58 buick dynaflow on craigslist. Is this the same? Otherwise I will just pull the trans and take it to my trans guy, but If I could pick this one up or find a known good one that would rule! So are all dynaflows the same? I mean I understand there are different ones, just wondering what years will work in the 59 without opening a new can of worms. Thanks!
the most probable cause is the reverse band strut is broken . The unit does not have to be removed to repair it can be installed from the bottom . You may have to cut the floor to gain access to the rear band adjustment . Drop the pan and look for pieces of metal , when put together it will be about 1" square . If you are handy you can make this part .
Like BJR says, my son just repaired his dynaflo, He found a pic of the repair part online, then he dropped the pan and valve body and took a good look. When he understood what the repair part needed to do he made one like the pic he found. He was able to calculate the exact size and put the part in place. Then he reinstalled the valve body and pan and trans oil. He has been smiling ever since.Before he couldn't spell automatic transmission technician and now he is one.
Thats cool and seems like a good option... I do have access to a 63 dynaflow from a riv that is good. will that work if I was to swap them out? I guess I need to know what the interchange is with these tranmossions. thanks!
If you go through the trouble of pulling it, you might think about rebuilding the existing one. I have bought used trannies (that interchanged), bolted them in, only find out: 1. they also needed to be rebuilt 2. slightly different enough so things like old starter wouldn't work or coolant lines slightly off. I could be wrong in this case, but that was my experience. If you like working on cars, buy the shop manual and rebuilt it yourself. Also, the repair described above sounds interesting. Very cool car, congrats
Bob... See who has an old Hollanders manual. Agree with the guys on the reverse band (or 'strut') seeing how the rest of the trans is good. Like trading wives...May look like a great deal, but wait 'til the sun goes down...
"Before he couldn't spell automatic transmission technician and now he is one" "Like trading wives...May look like a great deal, but wait 'til the sun goes down..." Now those are funny lines, love it
so yeah I get it, and appreciate it, I may be able to fix the trans in the car. The rear seals are bad so I need to fix those as well. What I am really looking for is info on Dynaflows and if a 1963 trans is the same as a 1959. I am trying to keep the car together for now. Find a known good trans or a core to rebuild and what years would fit into the car. then I dont have to have the car all apart while waiting for a new trans. There must be a buick guy on here that know the ins and outs.
I believe 59 has a torque tube and 63 is an open drive shaft so the rear of the tranny is different. p.s. good looking buick
Oh yeah your right duh! So the last year for a torque tube is 62? Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
That is one SWEET ride! It sounds like you have a backup '63 dynaflow. If your interested in another for parts, I have one that has been stored inside since the '90's. The 401 & trans were pulled together from a wrecked car. Let me know if you're interested! Sent from my XT1585 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app