Selling off a bunch of automotive books, catalogs, etc. that I no longer have any need of. I think almost all are long out of print. If these sell well enough, I may decide to post more. Here goes: Catalogs: --Michigan 77 Engine Bearings, printed '92 (I saw stuff in there back to the '50's), $1 --Goodyear Belt & Hose Applications '75 and prior years, printed '93, $1 --McCord Gaskets, printed '74 $2 --Holley & Economaster Replacement Carburetors, printed '85, $2 --Filko Ignition Parts/Switches/PCV Valves, printed '72, SOLD --Holley Illustrated Prtas & Specs manual for all Holley carb models, printed '89, $3 --Rare Parts Suspension Parts (for cars from the '30's-up), printed '97, $2 --Crane Cams Master Catalog, printed '93, $2 --Dura-Bond Cam Bearings and Cylinder Sleeves, printed '67? $3 --Holley Carburetor Numerical Listing, “complete list” coverage from '57 to '88? $5 --Fusick Oldsmobile parts, printed '96, $1 --Kanter Auto Products, printed '95, $1 --AC Oil/Air/Fuel Filters, printed '66, $3 --Moog Buyer's Guide 1967, $3 --Goodyear Belt & Hose Applications 1980 & Prior, printed '96, $1 Books: --Tex Smith's How to Build Custom Cars (Smith, '94). Couple wet spots on the ends of the pages, put a tiny bit of mold on some pages, still a great “shop” copy that is in otherwise great condition! $3 --Petersen's Basic Bodywork & Painting, 4th ed ('79), $2 --'60 Chevrolet Corvair factory shop manual (tells you how to rebuild a Corvair steering box!), $2 --Cars of the '60's (Consumer Guide, '82), $5 (Amazon wants $25) --Vintage Cars (fancy '20's cars) (Posthumus, '73), $3 --Collector's History of the Automobile (Roberts, '78), $2 --The Complete Catalogue of British Cars (Culshaw/Horrobin, '74) $5 (Amazon wants $25) --A Pictorial History of the Automobile as Seen in Motor Magazine 1903-1953 (Van Doren Stern, '53) $5 --Last Chance Garage (Sears, '84) $1 --Buick Super Turbine 300 Transmission Training Manual ('69?) $1 --How to Restore Your Chevrolet Pickup (Brownell, '91 1st ed) $4 --Catalog of Chevy Truck ID Numbers 1946-1972 Pickup/Suburban/El Camino, (Cars & Parts, '92) $10 (Amazon wants $43) --1895-1930 The Wonderful World of Automobiles (Schroeder, '71) $3 --Hemmings Vintage Auto Almanac 1997, $2 --Chilton's Truck Repair Manual '61-71 (big fat hardback), $5 (Amazon wants $15) --Mighty Mopars 1960-1974 (Young, '83) $4 OK, that's it for now. If there are reasonable sales, then I'll list more some other time. Add mailing costs from California. If interested in making a purchase, please e-mail me direct at thanks!