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History What Ever Happened to..........?

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by OG lil E, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. The Hot Rod article is from 2005. I think Ron's was much more recent than the photos you posted.
    OG lil E likes this.
  2. Ron had his up until maybe last year or perhaps the year before- his was/is clean- clean-clean- no extra bumps or burps on it anywhere as you can see in the pic . He told me once when he bought that car it has been chopped already but that the chop was not right and he had to re-chop the top. The man has an eye for what looks right-
    I'll see if I can find out where it went

    Drive Em
    OG lil E likes this.
  3. carhunter59
    Joined: Feb 27, 2014
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    from blaine mn

    Wondering if this was before ron got his hands on it and he cleaned it up ?
    OG lil E likes this.
  4. According to the article he started with a rough, unfinished project. And as Asphalt Angel pointed out, bought a second car for the roof to redo the chop.

    Still doesn't answer your question.
    rodncustomdreams and OG lil E like this.
  5. carhunter59
    Joined: Feb 27, 2014
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    from blaine mn

    If not the same car very similar!
    Nice cars still either way . Wish back then i would of taken more pocs interior and such .
    OG lil E and Sancho like this.
  6. BrewtownPrez
    Joined: Oct 17, 2016
    Posts: 92


    This Mercury was built in Milwaukee at Roberts Auto Body. It is mounted on a later model GM chassis. It was sold and was spotted on an ebay website a couple of years ago for sale. The identifying feature are the three portholes on the front fender. They are not Buicks, rather are handmade. These two photos are from MSRA's Back to the 50's also.


  7. Nice shots Prez! Thanks for your contributions.
  8. BrewtownPrez
    Joined: Oct 17, 2016
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    First time I saw the “Canadian Kid”, Chip Coffin was at the ’84 Leadsled's in Iowa.


    Chip was also a regular at Midwest Lowriders show in Illinois. I took these pictures 89 or 90. It was painted orange by then but still had Chip’s plates “CDN KID” on it. I was told that Chip was involved in the building of the green Merc also. Not sure if it’s true, but they did attend the show a couple of time together.


    This photo was taken at the Merc Deuce ReUnion in Holland in 1994. The name on the trunk is “Dutch Treat” most likely because the rear doors were like dutch doors.

  9. Interesting, more of the Slimer or Dutch Treat. In your 89-90 photo it has black side trim but the grill appears to be chrome, and no visor.
    Looks like it is sporting the visor in the 94 photo.

    Ed was right. It went through a LOT of changes.
    rodncustomdreams, drdave and OG lil E like this.
  10. 54delray
    Joined: Dec 18, 2004
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    from Fremont NE

    Cool, Brewtown Prez,
    Visible just over Canadian Kid's driver's fender is my '55 Ford Club Sedan. I had just gradumatated from high school and this was the first national show I'd ever been to. Had to borrow my parent's credit card to pay motel. Very mild car, lowered and added Night Prowler lake pipes in shop class. Spun disc wheel covers from JC Whitney. Hood bird removed by previous owner. Lotsa fun in that car.... 01122017.jpg
  11. stanlow69
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    Looks a lot better with wide whites. The orange version of the Canadian Kid.
  12. The "Dutch Treat" (Slimer) Merc must have made quite an impression on a lot of guys as it keeps popping up. Funny since it was never featured here, but just brought up as the Mid Century Mercury Club was remembered.
    Just goes to show you that sometimes the odd or unusual cars are the cool ones we are drawn to........E
  13. stanlow69
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    This might be the 3rd El Camino. Owned by a different owner from Ohio(Don). It was listed forsale in the Trendsetter in late 95. you can read more about the El Caminos starting on page 19 and post 744. Scan0076.jpg
  14. stanlow69
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    We are expecting an ice storm here in our area so I`m trying to organize my magazines and pictures. I will be posting some things I`ve had for a long time and some I`ve recently found. Scan0078.jpg Now back to car feature number 2. These pic`s were taken at the 2nd KKOA Spectacular in Des Moines Iowa in 82. This has to be one of my favorite all time Mercs. I f you can`t see the beauty in it. Look a little closer.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  15. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
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    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    Just have to interrupt here for a second to say, I'm still watching, and enjoying this thread immensely! Keep up the great work, guys!
  16. stanlow69
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    Rik Hoving posted awhile back that he liked the car if it wasn`t for the pinstriping. It was an 80`s thing. Scan0079.jpg Here is a pic I found in The August issue of Hot Rod in 81. Now you can see the beauty in this black and white photo. It looks like the photo came from the 50`s. More on this car later. ALOT more.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  17. stanlow69
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    The car was pretty popular, even showing up on a T-shirt design. I believe the car was owned by someone in Pennsilvania also the state where the add for the shirts were from. Then going to George in Ohio. Scan0082.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  18. stanlow69
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    Here is a pic of the car that my dad took of it in 83 at the KKOA Spectacular in the parking lot of the hotel we stayed at. Remember I was only 13 at the time. Didn`t have a lot of money, I knew it was a cool car. I figured he would take a pic of it and I would just have him make doubles and the same with mine also. So a lot of pictures we have are the same. We did this for years. I soon realized he missed a lot of neat cars at that show, so I took pictures of everything I liked from then on. Scan0083.jpg
  19. stanlow69
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    ------------ I`m sorry to say but here`s what the car looked like in 1998 as the add appeared in the KKOA Trendsetter`s classifieds. Thanks 00Mack and Sancho for the tidbit of information mentioned on page 2 of this thread. Scan0081.jpg
  20. These are from the only KKOA show at Niagara Falls, NY., don't remember the year.

    MERC FRONT.jpg

    MERC REAR.jpg
  21. stanlow69
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    I guess I did take a pic of it, don`t remember where thou. Like I said, it influenced a lot of people. Here is a 51 Merc with Buick side chrome and what appears to be the same colors. That was taken at Back to The Fiffties in Minnesota. The next is a scan from Ol School Rodz, September of 05 from the Hunnert Car Pileup. I thought this was the same car. But there are differences. Like no cutouts for exhaust in the rear bumper. Lake pipes, hardtop conversion and taillights, 52-54 Front wheel openings. But it does have Same rear bumper combo, side chrome, bubble skirts and the dip in the door removed. It would be interesting to see the front end. I think it was Scan0086.jpg Scan0087.jpg Scan0080.jpg also inspired by Georges car.
  22. BrewtownPrez
    Joined: Oct 17, 2016
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    The yellow Mercury belongs to Bill Halek from Minneapolis. He has owned it since the early 80’s and was a regular at Kenosha for the Mid-Century show and of course Back to the 50’s.

  23. BrewtownPrez
    Joined: Oct 17, 2016
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    Cowboy1.jpg The chopped ’50 I was told was owned by a guy known as “Cowboy”. The story of the car was told to me by Gene Winfield in 97 at the KOA show in Decatur. My understanding was the Merc was built by Gene for the TV movie “Private Eye” staring Josh Brolin. It was not chopped for the movie. After Cowboy bought it Gene Winfield then chopped it. The photos are from Kenosha and James Dean in the late 90’s. The side exhaust style was a Gene Winfield style.

    I would like to hear if I’ve got the story wrong.

  24. BrewtownPrez
    Joined: Oct 17, 2016
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    I found this photo I took of the “AUSOM VO” Mercury at the Mid-Century in Kenosha before it was chopped. Note the side pipe treatment.

  25. What Ever Happened To..........? number 44.

    1955 Ford "Sugar Daddy"
    Owner: Dave Losen
    Chillicothe, Illinois

    This week's W.E.H.T. is pretty mild as far as customs go. The car wears the true 50s colors of pink and white. It was super mild with a lot of bolt-ons and still had all the trim on it. Mr. Losen added drawer pulls to the grille, cruiser skirts and triple cap lake pipes. The early version (pre- 1986) had no Continental kit, but one was added later on. The distinguishing thing that made this '55 Ford stand out was the "Sugar Daddy" lettered on the quarter panels under the side windows.
    You might ask yourself why I would choose this car as a feature when it was so mild, but the '55 and '56 Fords have always been a favorite of mine. In some of my very early memories, I remember helping my Uncle Joe shine up the hubcaps on his '56 Crown Victoria. His had the Connie kit, cruiser skirts, twin aerials with Foxtails on them and the car guessed it, pink and white. My uncle had the car until he passed away in the early 70s. I was heart broken when he passed, as we had cruised a lot of places together in his "Vicky" as he called "her". We were very close. The family's decision to sell the car shortly after he passed didn't help either. When they sold it, even then as a young kid, I felt like they were already forgetting my tio. I loved that car.
    The other reason is the Rowdie Productions video of the 1985 Leadsled. In the beginning of the video, it starts at Jon Gullett's place with Jon backing out of his garage and gassing up his awesome '50 Ford shoebox (W.E.H.T. #11). A few minutes later, Dave Losen cruises into the shot and up the driveway. Dave and another guy get out of the '55, shoot the breeze for a minute, then Jon tells the guys they had to get to the hotel to meet Gary Minor. The beginning of that video is one of my favorite parts of any of my videos--the way the date scrolls across the screen, the setting, everything about it was super cool. Almost like being there!
    It was hard to find anything about "Sugar Daddy" in magazines, in fact, my search turned up empty. I did find a few pictures of it in the KKOA's Trendsetter and the KOA Styleline. I also saw it on the '84 Leadsled video in Des Moines, and the '85 video in Springfield, Ohio.
    In my research, I found out that Dave was a co-founder of Lincoln Land Kustoms. He was a battery salesman, and he travelled a lot. In his travels, he made it a point to visit with other kustom owners that lived in the area he was working at, promoting Lincoln Land Kustoms, the KKOA and the KOA. One of his trademark's at his home was his hospitality and a coffee pot full of fresh coffee for anybody that might stop by for a visit.
    Sadly, Dave Losen passed away in 1999 at the early age of 55. He was a true custom guy that was crazy about leadsleds, but most importantly, he cared about people. He left us way too soon.
    I don't know what ever happened to "Sugar Daddy", but hopefully it's still cruisin' around turning heads somewhere..........
    Until next week, take care! E

    Dave Losen 55 Ford Sugar Daddy a SPC.jpg

    DAve Losen 55 Ford Sugar Daddy b SPC.jpg
  26. 54delray
    Joined: Dec 18, 2004
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    from Fremont NE

    01162017_0009.jpg Here is the more mild version at 1984 KKOA in Des Moines just west of the varied industries building. I also have a dash plaque featuring this car, given to my by Jon Gullet when he chopped an AMT model Merc for me.
  27. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    That was a nice article they(KKOA) had on him when he passed. Now I can see the car he had. I love the transformation he did on it.
    OG lil E and Sancho like this.
  28. I'd like to point out the headlight bullets it had in the photo Ed posted. Don't see them very often!
    I think it looks good with the shape of the signal lenses right below them.
    rodncustomdreams and OG lil E like this.
  29. I believe that is a site that pulls past ebay auctions as it mentions bidding in the description.
    "I should start by saying this is a Gorgeous car and excellent driver! Meet Sugar Daddy! A well known hot rod from days past. Has been in magazines like Custom Rodder and has been signed by some of the great roders ofour time like George Barris, Gene Winfield, Darrell Starbird, Wolfman Jack and other celebrities and bands totaling near 150 signatures. This is an originally pink and white 55 Victoria with many bolt ons. No body modifications. Has a continental kit with Chrysler tail lights and Dodge headlight trims. Has a 292 motor, and automatic transmission. Also has Smitty glass packs that crackle and pop very cool. Blinkers play Love Me Tender when there on. Dice in back window light up with blinkers. Has pleated, tuck and roll and diamond point custom pink/white interior. Has same leather upholstery in the trunk and under the hood. Car has flame throwers which are a big crowd pleaser, an oogha horn, and tons of cool. I would drive this car any day I want, as far as I want, and it does great. Happy bidding and good luck!"

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