Ok been looking and search the web all day. I've found the block code which is (11 H). 11 H reads as B body 1964 389 motor 267 Hp Powerglide Transmission But everything I read says it's a slim Jim My shift pattern is P N D S L R. I Have other questions about paint code. Should I start another thread about them? Thanks Jeff Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I don't recall any Pontiac V8's using a Powerglide transmission. In Tempests and early Firebirds the 326 and 350's used a ST300 2 speed automatic. By your shift quadrant slim jim it is. Pontiacs in Canada used Chevrolet 6's and V8 the V8 were Chevy orange. Just a little of what I know. KK
Was built in Southgate California. As for the paint code it's a CC. C is Cameo white. Don't understand the two letters. So shift pattern shows it be a slim Jim ok are these transmission good behind a more powerful engine? Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Two letters the same, CC in your case, indicates it was painted one color, not tutone. The first letter indicates the color of the top , etc. Had it been painted tutone the letters would be different.
Transmission adapters are available to use a powerglide behind a Pontiac motor. I had an adapter for a 389 in a Bonneville bubble top but I never used it. I can't remember the mfg's name or where I bought it.
Have verified it's a slim Jim transmission. My 72 year old father is a trans man and he came I've to see my rare find today he lay down on the road and said that's what it was. Can't believe how strong these older motors run. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app