We all at Flyrite want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting the Roundup and our Bar-B-Que. Its always nice to close a super fun weekend out here and sad when we come in the next day to an emptly parking lot.
Damn skippy it was fun. I liked your booth and location. Tried on McPhails new Reach For The Sky. I will be ordering one in 2007...
Now I feel like a 'tard for leaving you guys shop so early on Sunday. Looks like the party rolled in after we left. No accounting for the wife wanting to get home after the long, long weekend. Thanks for having us all out.
Man, I went home to catch up on sleep. My intentions were to wakeup by noon and drive out there.....and I slept right thru your party. Looks like it was the usual great time.
Jason, thanks for hosting the party. It was my first time out to your shop...it's really nice! Had a blast & Chad Thomas ROCKED! Thanks! John Joyo...
I didn't really get to meet any of you Flyrite guys unfortunately, but the bikes were impressive as hell. Inspirational.
Thanks everyone. Reggie, what gives??? Sleep??? thats for retirement. If I can keep this hotrod running for another year, I will be eating your food on thursday.
No loin cloth? Jason, thanks again fer letting us all trash yer lot. I only missed not having a mini bike to high side into the 'crete, but I still had fun, brother.
Was great to be invited to Flyrite on Sunday...thanks. I got to meet up with old friends and make some new ones. I even met up with Hellbound Hootch, who I hadn't seen for a few years. Reggie, these guys are right. Sleep is waaay overated. I waited 'till I got in my car to drive home to get my sleep. Woke up as I was just coming into Omaha.....alone. Thanks again, evilfordcoupe. Food, live music, old friends, hotrods, bikes and customs to oggle in the parking lot with perfect [if not a little warm] weather. It don't git no better....
I had a GREAT time at your gig. Thank you so much! It was the perfect way to end a most awesome weekend. Everyone was friendly, outgoing and the band was most enjoyable. I do have a quick question for you though. I feel in love with that Rat Fink motiff stool that you guys have. Any idea where it came from?? I need one for my kitchen.
Denise and Rocky I'm bummed I never got to say hi to you guys The Round-up IS too big. I didn't even see either one of y'all.
Next year I WILL be driving Big Olds down. You won't be able to miss me then. See ya at the HAMB Drags right??
Gonna try me dang'dest to get there. Here's hoping I don't get booked that weekend! Playing music has it's dis-avantages, It was nice when I took a couple years off from touring. Got to go to a bunch of car shows. Been getting crazy again the past couple of years, I haven't even turned a wrench in four months! I've gotta make it to the hamb drags though.
The Matco tool dealers were selling them for a limited time. I'm sure someone here has one they would sell????
I have the rat fink tool box , Ill talk to the local matco guy and see if I can find you one. Flyrite-Thanks for the open house we had a great time in Texas! ok Denise I called the matco guy, had to make a payment anyway, he said the stool is long sold out but the company that bought the copyright for the stool will most likely make more this summer,he wasnt 100% but he thinks they will, If I see one Ill shoot you a pm.