Not to long ago, before I bought my 47, I've been having these dreams that'll I'll be out by my parents house driving around, and I find someone who has piles and piles of 30s-40s Fords all over the place. Where is the mystical magical place that is right under my nose and I can't find it?
I've had a lot of dreams that have told me something, I guess that's why it's driving me nutso trying to figure out if there is any meaning to them?
It's telling you that you have a mess of your own to clean up ( junk to move, stuff to do) but you can't see it under your nose. You know you have a mess to clean up ( etc) and it must be someone else's so you're searching for it.
I don't know why you would suggest such a thing. I always thought it was chocolate before bed that gave you weird dreams.....come to think of it I did have chocolate ice cream not to long before bed, maybe that's what did it.
Do your parents live near any oil wells? Do you dream of buried treasure? If so, you better take a shovel!
I wonder if it had anything to do with a random message from an old co-worker. I got a message totally out of the blue that he knew someone that was updating their street rod suspension and wanted to give me the old one