Fabricated a radiator screen for my 29 model A when I got rock damage and needed repairs. Anyone else have pictures of how they added screens?
The reason I asked is, I just put a bug screen on mine and it ran a few degrees hotter. It doesn't over heat and boil over, but 4*-5* warmer.
If you were to look at the wire mesh sample page in McMaster Carr website or catalog you will be amazed at the percentage of blockage various screens create. The catalog shows each wire mesh screen they sell and how much blockage they create. Screens that look to be a LOT more open than the one you installed block a lot of air/light... a lot more than I would have guessed. If you hold a piece of the metal you used up to a light and saw how much light it blocked you would get a good idea of how much air the screen is blocking. I am surprised that the car is only running 4 to 5 degrees hotter...I would have guessed it would be even hotter. On a hot day in heavy traffic I think you may have a real problem.
My plan is to trim off the angle steel trim surrounding the outer edge of the stock grill guard, then trim and mount the remaining "screen" inside the half '31, half '30 grill on my '30 coupe...the '30's lower panel's outer trim curls up and around the crank hole, [like it better] the '31 just runs around the trim with the crank hole having its own "ring" around it... note the overhead light diffuser, a chrome one was given to me by the maintance guy at the food store, 1/2" square holes. 1/2" deep... i bought one at lowes, $13.00 but 3/8" holes and 3/8" thick... pix next month.. painted flat black the pattern seems to resemble the radiator's face, supplys some protection...
I made an insert using an office building ceiling ventilation screen and welded studs to the grille shell to attach it. Here's the thread showing the details: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/...-the-i-beam-and-adding-a-grill-insert.814111/
My car is usually pretty consistent on temperature. I noticed it 4*-5* warmer on the Interstate in a traffic jam after a high speed pull at 95*. It didn't boil over but it went up to 225* once and didn't come back down until we were up to speed again. I know it is a little airflow deficient. I could have more shroud, bigger fan, etc., but you know the story.
I picked up some expanded steel at Industrial Metal Supply. Had it out a few weekends ago when 90 degrees out and no increase in temp. Real test will be this summer.
Industrial metal supply in los angeles. They had remnant pieces in different patterns. Painted it with aluminum .