Hey guys I'm getting my truck inspected next week after a 8 month restore and I haven't got insurance yet so I'm hearing it's pretty pricey is there a company out there that most people use for there classics. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Hagerty on my Ford too, $22,000 agreed on value, totally covered for almost anything and I get 3000 miles a year. I'm going to up it when I renew in July to 5000 or 6000. I pay once a year and it comes to $375.
I've used both Hagerty and Grundy. Grundy comes out a little better overall, in most cases, but it only takes minutes to compare online.
For comparisson: my Hagerty policy is unlimited mileage, full collision, use vehicles 24/7 365 days /year 60 cad deville (car) value $17k 80 xs400 (motorcycle) " $2k 77 bmw (motorcycle) " $3.5k 74 spitnik (sidecar) " $4.5k $250/$300 deductible Total yearly policy: $351 I also buy Hagerty Plus flatbed service (like AAA) for an extra $60 per year, so it ends up being $411 I'm a fan. *******You just need to have the vehicles in a garage, and one vehicle registered and insured elsewhere for each adult driver in household, but that's industry standard. Give them a try, At least let them do a quote. You can also try Grundy and Allstate.
l've been happy with Grundy. Used to use Hagerty but better rates with Grundy. Any claim my dad has had through Grundy was no hassle, so far I've been fortunate with no claims.
Please make sure you talk with the insurance Co about how you actually use your car. I called both Grundy and Haggerty and told them I take mine to work, the store,and my kids to practice etc... Grundy told me they would not cover me for that. Haggerty said they would even though they were more $$ I also have the roadside assistance and have used it twice...I would recommend Haggerty
Hagerty or Grundy a good choice. I have Grundy but never had a claim so its difficult to compare other then by price. Grundy is slightly cheaper. Gary
The true measure of insurance is the service you receive when you file a claim. Everyone I know who has Grundy has never had a problem with any claim including me. There may be other factors that concern you so shop and compare.
Hey this all great info thank you guys. Not as much as I thought it was going to be. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I am a firm believer in ANPAC ,sometimes know as Chrome Insurance They also offer builders insurance that is very inexpensive at a agreed value. BTW....Don't expect your home owners insurance to cover that project in your garage if you have a catastrophic fire ,99% of the time it doesn't. HRP
Home owners insurance does not cover anything automotive, be it tools, cars, projects or parts. It its for automotive use, home owners insurance does NOT cover ANYTHING! How I know this? I found out the hard way 10 years ago, and nothing has changed. Gene
Anpac does, though. Tools, parts, anything you have for your project or future project. Cheap, too. Never had a claim, so can't testify there one way or the other. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Talked to a local agent Saturday sincemy ANPAC policy was up for renewal. He sells Hagerty, Grundy, etc. When he saw my declarations page, he said there was no way he could match or beat ANPACs coverage or price. He went on to say he was going to contact ANPAC to see if he could be a broker for them! Hope he gets it 'cause then I will have a local agent in Tucson and not in Scottsdale.
Got mine insured with same company that has all my other vehicles. Drive it anywhere anytime with no mileage limit. Agreed value $35000, $500 deductible, Less than $200 a year. I get a bunch of deductions for multiple cars, good credit, location and such.
HRP makes a good point about "agreed value" which is what you must have regardless of the company you choose for insurance. Gary
Do yourself a huge favor and have an up to date appraisal done about every 2 years if you are insured with a "normal" insurance company. The odds are pretty high that your "Agreed Value" begins at the time the policy was written, and depreciates yearly after that date. A current appraisal gives you a fighting chance if a disaster happens, and your insurance plays hardball. My son and I had this discussion. His "normal" insurance offered a "collector policy" with an "agreed value", but 2 years later, the insurance company reduced the agreed value because of "depreciation". In his case, they did the reevaluation every year the policy was renewed, it was in the fine print. When he paid the premium, he agreed with the lower value! They really love you if you tell them how many miles you drive your insured "collector" car every year, they have numbers to base their depreciation on. I'm not saying your insurance company does this, but I sure would want to be sure! I also suspect there is a clause in your policy that restricts you from "driving your collector car" to work, or to use it as daily transportation. Some agents will tell you anything you want to hear, weather because of not understanding the policy they sold you, or because they want your policy renewal advance. I've seen enough insurance dirty tricks through the years, I really have a huge distrust that they are doing anything for your benefit. They are set up to keep as much of your money as possible, and they are very good at it. Who do you think pushes the mandatory insurance laws? Its certainly not for your protection, your paying for a uninsured driver clause on your policy. I'm going to quit now, read your policy. If you have questions, demand real answers. Gene
"Tools" are in fact covered under a homeowners policy as long as they are for personal use. Business tools in a whole other matter. If you have replacement cost on your contents (which everybody should) there is no need for appraisals on tools. Take pictures of what you have as you will need to provide proof should they all be destroyed by fire. I've been an agent with American National Insurance for 16+ years and I've had several "tool" claims due to fire and/or theft. Talk to your agent. If they say its not covered, then its time to look for a new company. We have spare part coverage as part of the classic car program as well.
Agreed value does not depreciate. At least with American National it does not. A "stated" value policy will and DO NOT use one of those for your classic car. They treat it like an ordinary everyday vehicle and will pay you accordingly.
ANPAC : American National Property and Casualty Company (parent co: American National Insurance Company) SEMA / NSRA Member, 2013 Hot Rod Power Tour Official Insurance - do not use this company but, sounds worth checking out