Question: I have a Pertronix module in my crab Style stock Distributor I want to bench test it to make sure its Ok. How do I do this, no mag sleeve just a lobe sensor I think the coil is Ok it was reading about 2.3 Ohms (flame thrower) Book says 1.5 or greater? I have been having cutting out problems, ever since I degreased the engine. First I thought it was just wet wires and it would clear out, but it's been a month and it still hasn't run on all cylinders. I Pulled the wires pulled the cap, everything. cleaned it all blew it out, bought new spark plugs, Still cuts out intermittently, runs on all cylinders then like 4, or 6 does weird stuff. I bought a new cap and rotor and plug wire kit, still need to assemble it, but I want to just make sure the Pertronix and the coil are still good? Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Maybe you'll find an answer here. looks like simple I formation. ignitor ii tests.pdf
Thanks! I love a nice constructed document! That will help alot! I try that after I replace the water pumps! Any tips on removing the lower hoses without destroying them? 1. Leave clamps on radiator side, place wood under radiator and jack up until they pop off water pumps? ...or 2. Undo motor mounts leave radiator in place undo water pump hose clamps and jack up motor until They pop off water pumps? (I do want to take out radiator to make job easier) Thanks Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I just use a small screw driver and work my way around them to free them up. Don't horse them too much, just a little wiggle and slide is all it should take. Then take something flat and push them down.
I chased an intermittent mis on a sbc for over a year. Finally changed the whole distributor and it was gone. It was grounding out down inside the distributor somewhere. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Cool, i was reading an article about some ground inside, and housing to engine also, could the water have done something like that? The dizzy was dry inside So Frustrating! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Have you double-checked the Trigger to Rotor clearance. I don't have any experience with the Lobe Sensor types, both of mine have the magnet ring: One on a Helmet type, & the other on a more conventional distributor. Jim Call Carl @ Pertronix tomorrow. Very knowledgeable & helpful. 909 273-6007. That's his direct line. If not in, he'll call you back